然而歌词_然而歌词 陈升



2.跪求 歌词 刘德华: 然而那吻我却未得到过


然而歌词_然而歌词 陈升



       所属专辑:《Speak Now》,演唱:泰勒·斯威夫特

       There I was again tonight / 今夜我又到了那儿

       Forcing laughter, faking smiles / 故作笑声,强装笑颜

       Same motel at lonely place / 同一个偏僻的旅馆

       Walls of insincerity / 冷冷冰冰道道墙壁

       Shifting eyes and vacancy / 目光流离内心空虚

       Vanished when I saw your face / 然后就只见你的脸

       All I can say is, it was enchanting to meet you / 而我只能说:遇见你,我“深感荣幸”

       Your eyes whispered "have we met?" / 你眼低语:“我们见过?”

       Across the room your silhouette / 屋子那头你的轮廓

       Starts to make it's way to me / 开始冲着我这里挤

       The playful conversation starts / 随后是幽默的对话

       Counter all your quick remarks / 对答你所有俏皮话

       Like passing military secrecy / 好比收发军事机密

       And it was enchanting to meet you / 遇见你,我“身中魔咒”

       All I can say is, I was enchanted to meet you / 而我只能说:遇见你,我“深感荣幸”

       This night is sparkling, don't you let it go / 今夜星光满,你可别忘掉

       I'm wonderstruck, blushing all the way home / 我惊讶万分,一路羞答往家跑

       I'll spend forever wondering if you knew / 情愿用一生,猜你可知否

       I was enchanted to meet you / 遇见你,我“身中魔咒”

       The lingering question kept me up / 有道谜题不让我睡

       2 A.M., who do you love? / 凌晨两点:你爱着谁?

       I wonder till I'm wide awake / 一直猜到睡意尽退

       Now I'm pacing back and forth / 我在屋里踱去踱来

       Wishing you were at my door / 希望你就在房门外

       I'd open up and you would say / 我来开门你张开嘴

       It was enchanting to meet you / 遇见你,我“深感荣幸”

       All I know is, I was enchanted to meet you / 而我只知道:遇见你,我“身中魔咒”

       This night is sparkling, don't you let it go / 今夜星光满,你可别忘掉

       I'm wonderstruck, blushing all the way home / 我惊讶万分,一路羞答往家跑

       I'll spend forever wondering if you knew / 情愿用一生,猜你可知否

       This night is flawless, don't you let it go / 今夜美无瑕,你可别忘掉

       I'm wonderstruck, dancing around all alone / 我惊讶万分,一人转着圈儿跳

       I'll spend forever wondering if you knew / 情愿用一生,猜你可知否

       I was enchanted to meet you / 遇见你,我“身中魔咒”

       This is me praying that / 请你听我祈祷

       This was the very first page / 这是翻开的第一页

       Not where the story line ends / 远不是故事的结尾

       My thoughts will echo your name / 你的名字荡漾脑海

       Until I see you again / 直到某天再见到你

       These are the words I held back / 有句话我没说出来

       As I was leaving too soon / 因为当时急着要走

       I was enchanted to meet you / 遇见你,我“身中魔咒”

       Please don't be in love with someone else / 请不要付出爱,某一个人除外

       Please don't have somebody waiting on you / 请不要让某一个人苦苦等你

       Please don't be in love with someone else / 请不要付出爱,某一个人除外

       Please don't have somebody waiting on you / 请不要让某一个人苦苦等你

       This night is sparkling, don't you let it go / 今夜星光满,你可别忘掉

       I'm wonderstruck, blushing all the way home / 我惊讶万分,一路羞答往家跑

       I'll spend forever wondering if you knew / 情愿用一生,猜你可知否

       This night is flawless, don't you let it go / 今夜美无瑕,你可别忘掉

       I'm wonderstruck, dancing around all alone / 我惊讶万分,一人转着圈儿跳

       I'll spend forever wondering if you knew / 情愿用一生,猜你可知否

       I was enchanted to meet you / 遇见你,我“身中魔咒”

       Please don't be in love with someone else / 请不要付出爱,某一个人除外

       Please don't have somebody waiting on you / 请不要让某一个人苦苦等你



       《enchanted》出自专辑《Speak Now》,是泰勒·斯威夫特的第三张录音室专辑,专辑中共14首歌,在2010年10月25日开始发行 ,专辑的监制是泰勒自己。《Speak Now》在美国于发行首周,便获得了104.7万张的销售记录,位居公告牌二百强专辑榜冠军。与此同年,专辑还拿下加拿大、新西兰、澳大利亚和中国台湾的专辑销售榜冠军,在全球已拥有580万张的销售记录 ,2011年,《Speak Now》获第39届全美音乐奖的“最受欢迎乡村专辑”大奖肯定。

跪求 歌词 刘德华: 然而那吻我却未得到过

       Rain 然而我爱你

       我不想要爱你, 但是我爱.


       看著躺一旁的电话, 我恍神的拿起了话筒, 很想克止我的手,可是我没办法.

       彷佛是心底既无声,又无理由的习惯, 我拨了你的号码, 真不知道我为什麼这麼做.



       我现在真的很恨你, 好难压


       但是我爱你, 但是我爱你.



       我想要忘记一切, 想要把一切记忆都消除


       但是我想念你 想念你






       如果知道了 为什麼还这样呢?


       * Repeat

       为什麼我离开了你 确这样每天都痛苦



       时间会过去, 确会越来越难受~~~~



       歌手:刘德华 专辑:不可不信缘

       LRC歌词 HOT

搜索 "爱我吧"mp3

       打印预览 歌曲名称:爱我吧






       词曲:作词:因葵作曲:杨振龙编曲:甘志伟 杨振龙















       Burning - Maria Arredondo

       Passion is sweet强烈的感情是甜蜜的

       Love makes weak 而爱使我们脆弱

       You said you cherished freedom so你说你珍惜你的自由

       You refuse to let it go所以你拒绝丢失它

       Follow your fate跟随你的命运

       Love and hate不管是爱还是憎恨

       Never fail to seize the day一定抓住那一天

       But dont give yourself away .不要给你自己放弃的机会

       Oh when the night falls 哦 当夜晚降临

       And your all alone 你的所有的孤独

       In your deepest sleep what在你沈沈的睡眠之中

       Are you dreaming of你正在梦到什麽

       My skin's still burning from your touch 我的皮肤因为你的碰触而剧烈照烧

       Oh I just can't get enough I哦 我就是不能变得满足

       Said I wouldn't ask for much我说我不要求很多

       But your eyes are dangerous然而你的眼睛太危险

       Oh the thought keep spinning in my head 对你的思念挥之不去

       Can we drop this masquerade我们能沈迷於这个化装舞会吗

       I can't predict where it ends我不能预测它什麽时候结束

       If your the rock I'll crush against如果你是岩石,我将打碎它

       Trapped in a crowd大家被困在这里

       The music is loud乐声嘈杂

       I said I love my freedom to我说我也爱我的自由

       Now I'm not sure I do现在我却不能确信我是否真的如此

       All eyes on you你眼睛里的所有

       Rings so true指环是那麽真实

       Better quit while you're ahead当你的思想都离开时

       Now I'm not so sure I am现在我更不确信我是否真的如此

       Oh when the night falls哦 当夜晚降临

       And your all alone你的所有的孤独

       In your deepest sleep what在你沈沈的睡眠之中

       Are you dreaming of你正在梦到什麽

       My skin's still burning from your touch 我的皮肤因为你的碰触而剧烈照烧

       Oh I just can't get enough I哦 我就是不能变得满足

       Said I wouldn't ask for much我说我不要求很多

       But your eyes are dangerous然而你的眼睛太危险

       Oh the thought keep spinning in my head 对你的思念挥之不去

       Can we drop this masquerade我们能沈迷於这个化装舞会吗

       I can't predict where it ends我不能预测它什麽时候结束

       If your the rock I'll crush against如果你是岩石,我将打碎它

       My soul my heart我的灵魂, 我的心

       If you're near if you're far 无论你在近处还是远处

       My life my love 我的生命, 我的爱恋

       You can have it all....ooohaaaah.你可以拥有全部

       Oh when the night falls哦 当夜晚降临

       And your all alone你的所有的孤独

       In your deepest sleep what在你沈沈的睡眠之中

       Are you dreaming of你正在梦到什麽

       My skin's still burning from your touch 我的皮肤因为你的碰触而剧烈照烧

       Oh I just can't get enough I 哦 我就是不能变得满足

       Said I wouldn't ask for much我说我不要求很多

       But your eyes are dangerous然而你的眼睛太危险

       Oh the thought keep spinning in my head 对你的思念挥之不去

       Can we drop this masquerade我们能沈迷於这个化装舞会吗

       I can't predict where it ends我不能预测它什麽时候结束

       If your the rock I'll crush against如果你是岩石,我将打碎它

       ooh, if your the rock I'll crush against.如果你是岩石,我将打碎它

