my life eminem

       大家好,今天我想和大家详细讲解一下关于“my life eminem”的知识。为了让大家更好地理解这个问题,我将相关资料进行了分类,现在就让我们一起来学习吧。

1.Go to sleep EMINEM 中文歌词

2.Eminem的《Rabbit Run》 歌词

3.迈克尔迈尔斯 是谁? 在 Eminem的 新歌 MY LIFE 中 听到这个名字 , 好像是杀人狂 之内的 , 求细节。。。

4.EMINEM的when i am gone 大概写的是什么?

my life eminem

Go to sleep EMINEM 中文歌词

       Yeah It’s my life


       But all in words I guess


       Have you ever loved someone so much you’d give an arm for?


       Not the expression, no, literally give an arm for?


       When they know they are your heart


       And you know you are their armour


       And you will destroy anyone who will try to harm her


       But what happens when karma turns right around and bites you


       And everything you stand for turns on you to spite you


       What happens when you become the main source of her pain


       “Daddy look what I made?”


       “Dad’s gotta go catch a plane”


       “Daddy where’s mummy? I can’t find mummy, where is she?”


       I don’t know, go play, Hailie baby your daddy’s busy.


       Daddy’s writin’a song, this song ain’t gon’ write itself


       I give you one underdog, then you gottang by yourself


       Then to write a rhyme in a song and tell her you love her


       And put hands on her mother who’s a spittin’ image of her


       That’s slim shady, yeah baby slim shady’s crazy

       这就是slim shady,是的宝贝slim shady疯了

       Shady made me, but tonight, Shady’s rock-a-by baby

       shady成就了我,但今晚, shady是乖乖睡的baby

       And when I’m gone, just carry on don’t mourn,


       rejoice every time you hear the sound of my voice

       当每次你听到我的声音 高兴起来,

       Just know that I’m lookin’ down on you smiling


       And I didn’t feel a thing so baby don’t feel no pain, just smile back


       I keep havin’ this dream – I’m pushin’ hailie on thengs she keeps screamin’


       She don’t want me to sing, “You’re makin mummy cry, why, why’s mummy crying?”


       Baby, Daddy ain’t leavin’ no more,


       “Daddy you’re lying,


       You always say that, you always say this is the last time,


       but you ain’t leavin’ no more, Daddy you’re mine!”


       She’s piling boxes infront of the door tryin’ to block it,


       “Daddy please daddy don’t leave daddy no, stop it!”


       Goes in her pocket, pulls out a tiny necklace locket, it’s got a picture,


       “This’ll keep you safe daddy, take it with you”


       I look up, it’s just me standin in the mirror, these ****ing walls must be talkin coz

       man I can hear ‘em


       They sayin you got one more chance to do right, and it’s tonight,


       Now go out there and show ‘em that you love ‘em ‘fore its too late


       And just as I go to walk out of my bedroom door it turns to a stage, they’re gone


       And the spotlight is on and I’m singin…


       And when I’m gone, just carry on don’t mourn,


       rejoice every time you hear the sound of my voice

       当每次你听到我的声音 高兴起来,

       Just know that I’m lookin’ down on you smiling


       And I didn’t feel a thing so baby don’t feel no pain, just smile back


       Sixty thousand people, all jumpin’ out their seat


       The curtain closes, they’re throwing roses at my feet


       I take a bow, “and thank you all for comin’ out”


       They’re screamin so loud, I take one last look at the crowd


       I glance down, I don’t believe what I’m seein’,


       “Daddy it’s me! Help mummy her wrists are bleedin’”


       But baby we’re in Sweden, how did you get to Sweden?!


       “I followed you daddy, you told me that you wern’t leavin


       You lied to me dad, and now you make mummy sad


       And I bought you this coin


       It says ‘number 1 dad’, that’s all I wanted


       I just wanna give you this coin


       I get the point, fine, me and mummy are goin”


       But baby wait-


       “its too late dad, you made your choice. Now go out there and show ‘em you love ‘em more than us


       That’s what they want


       They want you Marshall,


       they keep screamin your name, it’s no wonder you can’t go to sleep


       Just take another ****in pill, yeah i bet ya you will


       You rap about it. Yeah word, ke-keep it real”


       I hear applause, all this time I couldn’t see


       How could it be that the curtain is closing on me


       I turn around, find a gun on the ground, cock it,


       put it to my brain, scream ‘Die Shady!’ and pop it


       The sky darkens, my life flashes,


       The plane that I was supposed to be on crashes and burns to ashes


       That’s when I wake up, alarm clock's ringin',

       这时我醒来, 闹钟在响

       There’s birds singin’, it’s spring and


       Hailie’s out sidengin’


       I walk right up to Kim and kiss her, tell her I miss her


       Hailie just smiles and winks at her little sister, almost as if to say-hailie


       And when I’m gone, just carry on don’t mourn,


       rejoice every time you hear the sound of my voice

       当每次你听到我的声音 高兴起来,

       Just know that I’m lookin’ down on you smiling


       And I didn’t feel a thing so baby don’t feel no pain, just smile back

       我什么感觉都没有,所以宝贝不要难过,笑着回应就行 一首很棒的歌,出自说唱歌手Eminem之口。叛逆的EMINEM最大的突破就是证明白人也能介入到黑人一统天下的说唱(RAP)界中,而且获得巨大的成功。同时他的叛逆不仅长期以来深受美国青少年喜爱,也让他在舆论中始终遭到抨击。

Eminem的《Rabbit Run》 歌词


       Hailie's Song

       by Eminem

       Yo I can't sing·but I feel like singing. I want to fuckin'sing·cuz I'm happy·yea·I'm happy. I got my baby back·yo·check itout...

       Verse 1

       Somedays I sit staring out the window, watchin' this world passme by/Sometimes I think there's nothin' to live for. I almostbreak down and cry. Sometimes I think I'm crazy. I'm crazy, oh socrazy. Why am I here? Am I just wasting my time/But then I see mybaby, suddenly I'm not crazy. It all makes sense when I look intoher eyes


       Cuz sometimes it feels like the world's on my shoulders.Everyone's leaning on me/ Cuz sometimes it feels like the world'salmost over, but then she comes back to me.

       Verse 2

       My baby girl keeps getting' older. I watch her grow up withpride. People make jokes cuz they don't understand me, they justdon't see my real side/ I act like shit don't phase me, inside itdrives me crazy. My insecurities could eat me alive/But then Isee my baby, suddenly I'm not crazy. It all makes sense when Ilook in her eyes.

       Verse 3

       Man, if I could sing, I'd keep singin' this song to my daughter.If I could hit the notes, I'd blow something as long as my father/ to show her how I feel about her. How proud I am that I gother. God, I'm a daddy, I'm so glad that her mom didn't. / Now youprobably get this picture from my public persona that I'ma pistolpackin' drug addict who bags on his mama. / But I wanna to justtake this time out to be perfectly honest, cuz there's a lot ofshit I keep bottled that hurts deep inside / of my soul. And justknow that I grow colder the older I grow. This boulder on myshoulder gets heavy and harder to hold, / and this load is likethe weight of the world, and I think my neck is breakin'. ShouldI just give up or try to live up to these expectations? / Nowlook, I love my daughter more than life in itself, but I got awife that's determined to make my life livin' hell. / But Ihandle it well, given the circumstances I'm dealt. So manychances, man, it's too bad - could have had someone else/ But theyears that I've wasted is nothing to the tears that I've tasted,so here's what I'm facin'·3 felonies, 6 years of probation. /I've went to jail for this woman, I've been to bat for thiswoman. I've taken bats to people's backs, bent over backwards forthis woman. / Man, I should have seen it coming. What did I stickmy penis up in? Wouldn't have ripped the pre-nup up if I'da seenwhat she was fuckin.' / But fuck it, it's over. There's no morereason to cry no more. I got my baby, baby the only lady that Iadore / (Hailie). So sayonara, try tommorra, nice to know ya. Ourbaby's traveled back to the arms of her rightful owner. / Andsuddenly it seems like my shoulder blades have just shifted. It'slike the greatest gift you could get. The weight has beenlifted.



       Told you I can't sing..Oh well... I tried... Hailie, rememberwhen I said if you ever need anything, Daddy would be rightthere? Guess what? Daddy's here, and I ain't going nowhere, baby.I love you·(kiss)

迈克尔迈尔斯 是谁? 在 Eminem的 新歌 MY LIFE 中 听到这个名字 , 好像是杀人狂 之内的 , 求细节。。。

       歌曲名:Rabbit Run


       专辑:Sing For The Moment

       eminem rabbit run 志安哥

       Some days I just wanna up and call it quits,

       I feel like i'm surrounded by a wall of bricks,

       Every time I go to get up I just fall in pits,

       My life's like one great big ball of shit,

       If I could just put it all in to all I spit,

       Instead I always try to swallow it,

       Instead of staring at this wall and shit,

       While I sit writers block sick of all this shit,

       Can't call it shit, all I know is I'm about to hit the wall,

       If I have to see another one of mom's alcoholic fits,

       This is it, last straw, that’s all, that’s it,

       I ain't dealing with another fucking politic,

       I'm like a skillet bubbling, till it filters up,

       I'm about to kill it, I can feel it building up,

       Blow this building up, I've concealed enough,

       My cup run'ith over I've done and filled it up,

       The pen explodes and busts and ink spills my guts,

       You think all I do is stand here and feel my nuts,

       But I'm a show you, what, you gonna feel my rush,

       You dont feel it then it must be to real to touch,

       Build a dutch, I'm about to tear shit up,

       Goosebumps, yeah I'm a make your hair sit up,

       Yeah sit up, I'm a tell you who I be,

       I'm a make you hate me cause you ain't me,

       You wait, it ain't to late to finally see,

       What you close minded fucks were to blind to see,

       Whoever finds me, is gonna get a finders fee,

       Out this world and ain't no one out their mind as me,

       You need peace of mind, here's a piece of mine,

       All I need's a line but sometimes,

       I dont always find the words to rhyme,

       To express how i'm really feeling at that time,

       Yeah sometimes, sometimes, sometimes, just sometimes,

       It's always me, how dark can these hallways be,

       The clock strikes midnight, 1, 2, then half past 3,

       This half ass rhyme with this half ass piece of paper,

       I'm desperate at my desk if I could just get the rest,

       Of this shit off my chest, again, stuck in this slump,

       Can't think of nothing, fuck I'm stumped,

       But wait here comes something,

       Nope, it's not good enough, scribble it out, new pad,

       Crinkle it up and throw that shit out,

       I'm fizzling now thought I had figured it out,

       Ball's in my court but I'm scared to dribble it out,

       But I'm afraid, but why am I afraid, why am I a slave to this trade,

       Sionide I'll spit to the grave, real enough to rile you up,

       Want me to flip it I can rip it any style you want,

       I'm a switch hitter bitch, Jimmy Smith ain’t a quitter,

       I'm a sit here till I get enough,

       For me to finally hit a fucking boiling point,

       Put some oil in your joints,

       Flip the coin bitch come get destroyed,

       An MC's worst dream I make them tense they hate me,

       See me and shake like a chain-link fence,

       By the looks of them you would swear Jaws was coming,

       By the scream of them you would swear i'm sawing someone,

       By the way they running you would swear the law was coming,

       It's now or never and tonight It's all or nothing,

       Momma, Jimmy keeps leaving on us, he said he'd be back,

       He pinky promised, I dont think he's honest,

       I be back baby I just got to beat this clock,

       Fuck this clock, I'm a make them eat this watch,

       Don't believe me watch, I'm a win this race,

       and I'm a come back and rub my shit in your face,

       Bitch, I found my niche, you gonna hear my voice,

       Till you sick of it you ain't gonna have a choice,

       If I gotta scream till I have half a lung,

       If I have half a chance I grab it, rabbit run.


EMINEM的when i am gone 大概写的是什么?

       欧美**《月光光心慌慌》(第一部),超级杀人狂迈克尔.迈尔斯 他是一个很可怜的杀手!小的时候经常被父亲打被姐姐否认!长大后把家里人都杀了!并且把姐姐的男友也给杀了!他的武器就是中性锋利刀!出手很快!几秒钟就干掉了 资料中找到,希望能帮助到你

       EMINEM的when i am gone 大意是:



       “Daddy look what I made?”


       “Dad’s gotta go catch a plane”


       “Daddy where’s mummy? I can’t find mummy, where is she?”


       I don’t know, go play, Hailie baby your daddy’s busy.





       总的来说,就是阿姆渴望有这样一个家,很爱他的女儿HAILIE歌词:  Eminem

       When I'm Gone



       It's my life...


       My own words I guess...


       Have you ever loved someone so much, you'd give an arm for?


       Not the expression, no, literally give an arm for?


       When they know they're your heart


       And you know you are their armour


       And you will destroy anyone who would try to harm 'em


       But what happens when karma, turns right around and bites you?


       And everything you stand for, turns on you, despite you?


       What happens when you become the main source of a pain?


       "Daddy look what I made",


       Dad's gotta go catch a plane"


       "Daddy where's Mommy? I can't find Mommy where is she?"


       I don't know go play Hailie, baby, your Daddy's busy“

       我不知道. Hailie.宝贝.你自己去玩吧.你爸爸现在很忙”

       Daddy's writing this song, this song ain't gonna write itself“


       I'll give you one underdog then you gotta swing by yourself


       Then turn right around on that song and tell her you love her


       And put hands on her mother, who's a spitting image of her


       That's Slim Shady, yeah baby, Slim Shady's crazy

       那就是我,是的宝贝. slim shady疯了

       Shady made me, but tonight Shady's rocka-by-baby...shady

       成就了我,但今晚, shady是乖乖睡的宝贝

       And when I'm gone, just carry on, don't mourn


       Rejoice every time you hear the sound of my voice


       Just know that I'm looking down on you smiling


       And I didn't feel a thing, So baby don't feel no pain


       Just smile back


       And when I'm gone, just carry on, don't mourn


       Rejoice every time you hear the sound of my voice


       Just know that I'm looking down on you smiling


       And I didn't feel a thing, So baby don't feel no pain


       Just smile back...


       I keep having this dream, I'm pushin' Hailie on the swing


       She keeps screaming, she don't want me to sing


       "You're making Mommy cry, why? Why is Mommy crying?"


       Baby, Daddy ain't leaving no more,


       "Daddy you're lying


       "You always say that, you always say this is the last time

       "你总是这么说.你总是说这是最后一次 "

       "But you ain't leaving no more, Daddy you're mine"


       She's piling boxes in front of the door trying to block it


       "Daddy please, Daddy don't leave, Daddy - no stop it!


       Goes in her pocket, pulls out a tiny necklace locket


       It's got a picture,


       "this'll keep you safe Daddy, take it withcha'


       I look up, it's just me standing in the mirror


       These fuckin' walls must be talking,


       cuz man I can hear \'em


       They\'re saying \"You\'ve got one more chance to do right\" - and it\'s tonight


       Now go out there and show that you love \'em before it\'s too late


       And just as I go to walk out of my bedroom door


       It\'s turns to a stage, they\'re gone, and this spotlight is on


       And I\'m singing...


       And when I\'m gone, just carry on, don\'t mourn


       Rejoice every time you hear the sound of my voice


       Just know that I\'m looking down on you smiling


       And I didn\'t feel a thing, So baby don\'t feel no pain


       Just smile back


       And when I\'m gone, just carry on, don\'t mourn


       Rejoice every time you hear the sound of my voice


       Just know that I\'m looking down on you smiling


       And I didn\'t feel a thing, So baby don\'t feel no pain


       Just smile back...


       Sixty thousand people, all jumping out their seat


       The curtain closes, they\'re throwing roses at my feet


       I take a bow and thank you all for coming out


       They\'re screaming so loud, I take one last look at the crowd


       I glance down, I don\'t believe what I\'m seeing


       \"Daddy it\'s me, help Mommy, her wrists are bleeding,\"


       But baby we\'re in Sweden, how did you get to Sweden?


       \"I followed you Daddy, you told me that you weren\'t leavin\'


       \"You lied to me Dad, and now you make Mommy sad

       \"你骗了我.现在你又让妈妈这么伤心 \"

       \"And I bought you this coin,


       it says \'Number One Dad


       \"That\'s all I wanted,


       I just want to give you this coin


       \"I get the point - fine, me and Mommy are gone


       But baby wait, \"it\'s too late Dad, you made the choice


       \"Now go up there and show \'em that you love \'em more than us


       That\'s what they want,


       they want you Marshall,


       they keep.. screamin\' your name


       It\'s no wonder you can\'t go to sleep,


       just take another pill


       Yeah, I bet you you will.


       You rap about it, yeah, word, k-keep it real


       I hear applause, all this time I couldn\'t see


       How could it be, that the curtain is closing on me


       I turn around, find a gun on the ground, cock it


       Put it to my brain and scream \"die Shady\" and pump it


       The sky darkens, my life flashes,


       the plane that I was supposed to be on crashes and burns to ashes


       That\'s when I wake up, alarm clock\'s ringin\',

       这时我醒来, 闹钟在响

       there\'s birds singin


       It\'s Spring


       and Hailie\'s outside swinging,


       I walk up to Kim and kiss her


       Tell her I miss her,


       Hailie just smiles and winks at her little sister


       Almost as if to say..


       And when I\'m gone, just carry on, don\'t mourn


       Rejoice every time you hear the sound of my voice


       Just know that I\'m looking down on you smiling


       And I didn\'t feel a thing, So baby don\'t feel no pain


       Just smile back


       And when I\'m gone, just carry on, don\'t mourn


       Rejoice every time you hear the sound of my voice


       Just know that I\'m looking down on you smiling


       And I didn\'t feel a thing, So baby don\'t feel no pain


       Just smile back...


       好了,今天关于“my life eminem”的话题就到这里了。希望大家通过我的介绍对“my life eminem”有更全面、深入的认识,并且能够在今后的学习中更好地运用所学知识。