

1.Judas Priest的Heroes End歌词 中文翻译

2.judas 的MV是什么意思 请高人指点!

3.WWE Y2J出场音乐 歌词 (中文)

4.judas mv的意思



Judas Priest的Heroes End歌词 中文翻译



















       <a href="/lyrics_judas-priest_song_heroes-end_zh-CN/">Heroes End 歌词<a>

       <a href="">音乐 ABC<a>



















judas 的MV是什么意思 请高人指点!


       It doesn’t matter if you love him, or capital H-I-M


       Just put your paws up


       ’cause you were Born This Way, Baby



       My mama told me when I was young


       We are all born superstars


       She rolled my hair and put my lipstick on


       In the glass of her boudoir


       “There’s nothing wrong with lovin’ who you are”


       She said, “‘Cause he made you perfect, babe”


       “So hold your head up girl and you’ll go far,


       Listen to me when I say”



       I’m beautiful in my way


       ‘Cause God makes no mistakes


       I’m on the right track baby


       I was Born This Way


       Don’t hide yourself in regret


       Just love yourself and you’re set


       I’m on the right track baby


       I was Born This Way



       Ooo there ain’t no other way


       Baby I was born this way


       Baby I was born this way


       Ooo there ain’t no other way


       Baby I was born-

       I’m on the right track baby


       I was born this way


       Don’t be a drag – just be a queen


       Don’t be a drag – just be a queen


       Don’t be a drag – just be a queen


       Don’t be!



       Give yourself prudence


       And love your friends


       Subway kid, rejoice your truth


       In the religion of the insecure


       I must be myself, respect my youth


       A different lover is not a sin


       Believe capital H-I-M (hey hey hey)

       相信上帝吧,hey hey hey

       I love my life I love this record and


       Mi amore vole fe yah (love needs faith)




       Don’t be a drag, just be a queen


       Whether you’re broke or evergreen


       You’re black, white, beige, chola descent


       (靠= =||||。。。我只知道chola是胆汁descent是血统但是谁能告诉我胆汁血统是神马玩意T T。。。反正就这样翻译了- -。。。撞墙)

       You’re lebanese, you’re orient


       Whether life’s disabilities


       Left you outcast, bullied, or teased


       Rejoice and love yourself today


       ‘Cause baby you were born this way


       No matter gay, straight, or bi,


       Lesbian, transgendered life


       I’m on the right track baby


       I was born to survive


       No matter black, white or beige


       Chola or orient made


       (我是多么想翻译成“无论你来自胆汁= =。。。)

       I’m on the right track baby


       I was born to be brave




       I was born this way hey!

       I was born this way hey!


       I’m on the right track baby


       I was born this way hey!


       I was born this way hey!

       I was born this way hey!

       I’m on the right track baby

       I was born this way hey!There’s no reason you and me should be alone 没有什么原因是你我孤独的理由 Tonight, yeah babe 今晚! 对!宝贝! Tonight, yeah babe 对!就今晚!宝贝! There’s no reason you shouldn’t take me home tonight 今晚没有任何原因是你不把我带回家的理由

       I need a man who thinks it right when it’s so wrong,当这件事是错误的时候,我需要一个人来认为这是对的 Tonight yeah babe,今晚!对!宝贝! Tonight yeah babe,对!就今晚!宝贝! Right on the limits where we know we both belong tonight今晚是一个分界点,我们将属于彼此 It’s time to feel the rush, 是感受这次飞跃的时候了 To push the dangerous 把危险甩在一边, I’m gonna run back to, to the edge with you 我要和你跑到天涯海角, Where we can both fall in love 在那儿,我们可以自由自在的恋爱 *I’m on the edge of glory, 我站在光荣的边缘 And I’m hanging on a moment of truth, 我会坚持真理 I’m on the edge of glory,我站在光荣的边缘 And I’m hanging on a moment with you, 我会和你永不分手 I’m on the edge 我站在边缘 The edge 边缘 x6 I’m on the edge of glory 我站在光荣的边缘 And I’m hanging on a moment with you 我会和你永不分手 I’m on the edge with you 我与你一起站在这个边缘

       Another shot, before we kiss the other side, 在我们吻对方之前,再触电一次吧! Tonight, yeah babe 今晚!对!宝贝! Tonight, yeah babe 对!就今晚!宝贝! I’m on the edge of something final we call life tonight 今晚我们在最终被我们称为生活的边缘Alright, alright 好吧, 好吧! Pull out your shade ’cause I’ll be dancing in the flames 离开你的庇佑,我只能在热火中热舞 Tonight, yeah babe 今晚!对!宝贝! Tonight, yeah babe 对!就今晚!宝贝!

       … the burden of my name, tonight, tonight 今晚,今晚我的责任

       It’s time to feel the rush 是感受这次飞跃的时候了 To push the dangerous 把危险甩在一边, I’m gonna run back to, to the edge with you 我要和你跑到天涯海角, Where we can both fall in love 在那儿,我们可以自由自在的恋爱

       I’m on the edge with you 我会和你一直站在一起!Gaga, Gaha-aaaaah 嘎嘎 嘎哈哈哈

        Gaga, Gaho-oooooh 嘎嘎 嘎吼吼吼

        Ii Io ritorne- (I have returned) 我要变了

        Ii Io ritorne- (I have returned) 我要变了

        Ii Io ritorne- (I have returned) 我要变了

        Government Hooker-ey 官妓呀 

       VERSE 1:

        I can be good (If you just wanna be bad) 我会无可媲美(除非你就想变坏)

       I can be cool (If you just wanna be mad) 谁叫人家如此潇洒(除非你刻意生气)

       I can be anything, I'll be your everything 我可以千变万化,你拥有我

       Just touch me baby (I don't wanna be sad) 侵犯我的心灵吧(我不想生气)


        As long as I'm your hooker (Back up and turn around) 只要我是你的妓女(支持而行动)

        As long as I'm your hooker (Hands on the ground) 只要我是你的妓女(把手按在大地) 

       As long as I'm your hooker (Back up and turn around) 只要我是你的妓女(支持而行动)

        As long as I'm your hooker (Get down) 只要我是你的妓女(快放下)


       Hooker! (Yeah, you're my hooker) 奴仆(是的,你就是我的佣人)

        Hooker! (Government Hooker) 奴仆(官场的奴役)

        Hooker! (Yeah, you're my hooker) 奴仆(是的,你就是我的佣人)

        Hooker! (Government Hooker) 奴仆(官场的奴役)


       I'm gonna drink my tears tonight, 今夜我将痛哭流涕

        I'm gonna drink my tears and cry, 然后咽下泪水止不住得哭

        'cause I know you love me baby. 就源起于我读懂了你的爱

        I know you love me, baby! 我读懂了你的爱

        VERSE 2:

        I could be girl (Unless you want to be man) 我可以做个女子(除非你想做男人)

        I could be sex (Unless you want to hold hands) 我可以做支性的手枪(除非你举起手来)

       I could be anything, I could be everything (Iku Iku [Japanese - I'm cumming]) 我可以千变万化(我的高潮)

       I could be mom (Unless you want to be dad) (oy, [Spanish - oh, Daddy!]) 我是母(除非你是父)(爸爸)


        As long as I'm your hooker (Back up and turn around) 只要我是你的妓女(支持而行动)

        As long as I'm your hooker (Hands on the ground) 只要我是你的妓女(把手按在大地)

        As long as I'm your hooker (Back up and turn around)只要我是你的妓女 (支持而行动) As long as I'm your hooker (Get down) 只要我是你的妓女(快放下)


        Hooker! (Yeah, you're my hooker) 奴仆(是的,你就是我的佣人)

        Hooker! (Government Hooker) 奴仆(官场的奴役)

        Hooker! (Yeah, you're my hooker) 奴仆(是的,你就是我的佣人)

       Hooker! (Government Hooker) 奴仆(官场的奴役)


       Put your hands on me, 把手放在我的怀里

        John F. Kennedy. 约翰肯尼迪

        I'll make you squeal baby, 亲爱的,我要令你尖叫

       as long as you pay me - ow! 像你雇我一样日月煎熬,奥


       I'm gonna drink my tears tonight, 今夜我将痛哭流涕

       I'm gonna drink my tears and cry, 然后咽下泪水止不住得哭

        'cause I know you love me baby. 就源起于我读懂了你的爱

        I know you love me, baby! 我读懂了你的爱


        Hooker! (Yeah, you're my hooker) 奴仆(是的,你就是我的佣人)

       Hooker! (Government Hooker) 奴仆(官场的奴役)

        Hooker! (Yeah, you're my hooker) 奴仆(是的,你就是我的佣人)

        Hooker! (Government Hooker) 奴仆(官场的奴役)

       I could be girl (Unless you want to be man) 我可以做个女子(除非你想做男人) I

       could be sex (Unless you want to hold hands) 我可以做支性的手枪(除非你举起手来) I

       could be anything, I could be everything (Iku Iku [Japanese - I'm cumming]) 我可以千变万化(我的高潮)

       I could be mom (Unless you want to be dad) (oy, [Spanish - oh, Daddy!]) 我是母(除非你是父)(爸爸)


        I wanna fu-[BEEP] a government hooker, 我想上了一个官场的妓女

        Stop fu-[BEEP-ING] me, government hooker! 停住上我,官妓

       I wanna fu-[BEEP] a government hooker, 我想上了一个官场的妓女

        Stop fu-[BEEP-ING] me, government hooker! 停住上我,官妓

        Get down, yeah! 放下重担,松一口气 I can be sex. 我是性手枪heavy metal lover 由于太多字了,这首我给你个链接: /bleaklove/blog/item/4de62939e9cf0a33ba998f63.html

WWE Y2J出场音乐 歌词 (中文)

       Mary Magdalene这个女人传说是耶稣的女人,在这个MV里她爱上了judas(犹大)。歌词里可以知道judas欺骗她、背叛她,但是她仍然爱着judas。这首歌描写一个女人无可救药的爱上了一个不该爱的男人时那种纠结的心情。在犹太教和伊斯兰教里,通奸的女人要被施以石刑。所以最后,gaga被人群用石头砸死。。。另外出现的几个名字看过圣经的人都很熟悉,peter、john都是耶稣的门徒。在2000多年前,耶稣这伙人也是个离经叛道的小团体,但是现在耶稣成了数亿人敬仰的对象。这个对比表达了gaga对自己艺术的态度,现在在大众看来另类和搞怪,但是在未来会成为世界的风尚。里面有句歌词“But in the cultural sense ,I just speak in future tense ” (在艺术上,我只用将来时说话)。。MV巧妙的把歌词的内容和gaga对艺术的见解融合在一起。也是作者的创意所在。。。还有,有的人说有以前歌的影子是因为这就是GAGA的风格!要没有了就不是GAGA了!!借用某评论 为了让更多人懂GAGA~


judas mv的意思


       Come on, (Jerichooo)


       You know I got ya, yeah


       One, Break the wall down


       Break down the walls


       For those about to rock and what ya want


       Baby you know you're judas and I'm your priest


       Baby what I got is not from the least


       Bring it through the stage in the rage I'm the beast


       Step in the arena and break the wall down


       Step in the arena and break the wall down


       So good (You know I got ya), Soooooo right


       Yeahhh, Yeah


       I'm awaken from a deep sleep


       You're all weak


       You're living in the agony of defeat


       I am the master of your whole heap


       I am the paster flock ya like sheep


       Step into the town and break the wall down


       Your heart beat is the only sound


       Step into the light and then you'll know


       You were stopped and dropped by the Walls of Jericho


       For those about to rock, Set the clock


       For those about to jump, I'm all pumped


       For those about to go, Watch me flow


       Break down the Walls of Jericho


       (Watch you want?)


       (I'll break you down)


       (What ya got?)


       (Jericho all around)


       For those about to rock and what ya want


       Baby you know you're judas and I'm your priest


       Baby what I got is not from the least


       Bring it through the stage in the rage I'm the beast


       Step in the arena and break the wall down


       Step in the arena and break the wall down


       So good (You know I got ya), Soooooo right


       Yeahhh, Yeah


       Awaken from a deep sleep


       You're all weak


       You're living in the agony of defeat


       I am the master of your whole heap


       I am the paster flock ya like sheep


       Step into the town and break the wall down


       Your heart beat is the only sound


       Step into the light and then you'll know


       You were stopped and dropped by the Walls of Jericho


       (Whatcha ya gonna do?)




       (You're coming down)


       Feel me now, (Jericho)


       (Can't stop), uh, (Feel me now)


       Break the walls down, (Can't stop, Jericho)


       For those about to rock, Set the clock


       For those about to jump, I'm all pumped


       For those about to go, Watch me flow


       Break down the Walls of Jericho



       JUDAS的故事开始在一条高速路上 一群飙车党印入眼帘

       gaga饰演的玛丽亚·抹大拉(Magdalene 后用M代替)坐在领头的机车副座 开车的人应该是耶稣(Jesus)无疑,而M没有正式前方 却一直回头眺望

       这时镜头转向后方 男主角犹大(Judas)出场


       坐过机车的人都知道 飚车时一直回望是很危险的 可是为什么M还要这样做呢?

       当Judas的机车快要超过Jesus是时候 M偏过了头 与Jesus对望

       这就证明了一点 Judas Jesus M三个人的关系注定不寻常

       Jesus是一个小团体的带头大哥 而M是大哥的女人 却与Jesus的兄弟Judas有染

       镜头又一转 出现了一个John的背影 John是Jesus的另一个门徒

       M坐在Jesus的背后笑逐颜开 可见M也是爱着Jesus的

       一行人来到基地 身为大哥女人的M受到Jesus爪牙们的尊敬与爱戴 大家一起狂欢共舞

       Jesus 依旧一脸的苦逼相 一脸的忧心忡忡

       而令一边的Judas却在狂欢 亲吻着其他的女人 可见Judas很滥情 或许她对M的感情也不过是玩玩而已

       JUDAS的故事开始在一条高速路上 一群飙车党印入眼帘

       gaga饰演的抹大拉的玛丽亚(Magdalene 后用M代替)坐在领头的机车副座 开车的人应该是耶稣(Jesus)无疑,而M没有正式前方 却一直回头眺望

       这时镜头转向后方 男主角犹大(Judas)出场


       坐过机车的人都知道 飚车时一直回望是很危险的 可是为什么M还要这样做呢?

       当Judas的机车快要超过Jesus是时候 M偏过了头 与Jesus对望

       这就证明了一点 Judas Jesus M三个人的关系注定不寻常

       Jesus是一个小团体的带头大哥 而M是大哥的女人 却与Jesus的兄弟Judas有染

       镜头又一转 出现了一个John的背影 John是Jesus的另一个门徒

       M坐在Jesus的背后笑逐颜开 可见M也是爱着Jesus的

       一行人来到基地 身为大哥女人的M受到Jesus爪牙们的尊敬与爱戴 大家一起狂欢共舞

       Jesus 依旧一脸的苦逼相 一脸的忧心忡忡

       而令一边的Judas却在狂欢 亲吻着其他的女人 可见Judas很滥情 或许她对M的感情也不过是玩玩而已

       三个主角同时出现在画面里 看得出来这个时候三人的关系还没被捅破 但仍有一些端倪可以让人揣测

       Jesus还把Judas当作兄弟 Judas却没把Jesus放在眼里 而是一直望着M

       从两人的表情可以看出Jesus的善良和懦弱 以及Judas的傲慢和自我

       刚才的和谐场面一转 这个群体里起了内讧 不说也知道是Judas和Jesus两股势力的矛盾


       的确是Judas带头造的反 印证了我们的推测

       Jesus也要上前去参与打斗 但M拦住了他

       因为M不想让Jesus受伤 更不想让自己心爱的两个人有正面冲突

       Judas在这场打斗中败阵了 他没有叛变成功 而是被Jesus一方的势力制服了

       当众人都高呼着让Jesus杀死Judas的时候 M拦住了Jesus

       她选择了自己杀死Judas 这个背叛自己也背叛自己心爱的男人的人

       M一脸失望和无助 这两个男人她都爱 但是必须有一个抉择 鱼与熊掌不可兼得

       M把枪抵在了Judas的腹部 却不敢看Juads的眼睛

       M满怀悲愤 慢慢地转过头来 想最后看一眼这个自己深爱过的男人 然后一枪结束他

       可是但她看到他的眼睛的时候 愤怒少了 更多的是悲伤

       他爱这个男人的眼神 依旧的自我傲慢临危不惧

       M强忍着悲伤扣下扳手 枪里发射出来的不是子弹 而是口红

       她终究下不了手 口红代表她的爱 她爱他

       这支口红应该是M用过的 借此象征M想吻Judas 而不是杀死他

       M放弃了 她爱这个自己不该爱的男人

       可是没办法 爱上了就是爱上了 尽管对方再差再坏 也无法反悔了

       看众人的表情 一脸的期待变成了失望和苦恼


       而爱情的海浪 愈发汹涌的朝她狂奔过来

       一开始还坚韧不拔的M 被爱情冲昏了头脑 越来越犹豫 变得疲惫不堪

       最终她还是倒下了 变得溃不成军

       理性 总是战胜不过爱情

       Jesus一脸的失望 他不敢相信这个自己最爱的女人 居然会背叛自己

       画面又转 M在给Jesus洗脚



       M是请求Jesus宽恕自己吗?不是...而是请求Jesus宽恕Judas 他不希望昔日的好兄弟反目成仇

       前面也说过 Jesus的性格善良而懦弱 他选择了原谅了Judas 并和Judas互吻脸颊以示和好

       而旁边的门徒爪牙们却极力反对 认为Jesus是妇人之仁 养虎为患

       一直都是Judas在主动 而Jesus只是默默接受这一切,他内心极其矛盾 最心爱的女人居然要他原谅自己的敌人,Jesus和M都一样 也无法理性了 都选择了妥协自己所爱的人

       M双手合十 满眼悲伤地望着Jesus


       而我却认为M想要Jesus降罪于他 代替Judas去死

       Jesus抚摸着M的脸颊让她起来 就是宽恕了她

       M不忍心杀手Judas Jesus怎会任性杀死她呢


       在Judas和Jesus之间 M最后还是选择了温柔仁慈的Jesus 她选择与他共同面对一切

       Judas回到了Jesus身边 而M也要面对着众人的讨伐(底下的人肯定大喊“妖女”“b1tch”什么之类的)

       她跪下请求降罪 而Jesus却始终保护着她

       可是 ... 虽然Jesus原谅了M 可难以平息民愤

       M为了不让Jesus为难 落寞地来到了人群中 独自承受路人的谩骂与飞石的攻击


       而这一刻 M留下了泪水 或许是对Judas悔恨 或许是对Jesus的抱歉 更多的却是对自己内心的自责

       最后 M在众人的攻击中死去 故事至此结束了(好惨)……




       I'm in love with Juda-as, Juda-as




       I'm in love with Juda-as, Juda-as


       Jud-as Jud-as, Jud-as Jud-as, Jud-as Jud-as, Jud-as GaGa

       犹大 犹大,犹大 犹大,犹大 犹大,犹大 嘎嘎

       Jud-as Jud-as, Jud-as Jud-as, Jud-as Jud-as, Jud-as GaGa

       犹大 犹大,犹大 犹大,犹大 犹大,犹大 嘎嘎

       When he comes to me, I am ready


       I'll wash his feet with my hair if he needs


       Forgive him when his tongue lies through his brain


       Even after three times, he betrays me




       I'll bring him down, bring him down, down




       A king with no crown, king with no crown



       I'm just a holy fool, oh baby he's so cruel


       But I'm still in love with Judas, baby


       I'm just a holy fool, oh baby he's so cruel


       But I'm still in love with Judas, baby


       Oh-oh-oh-ohoo-oh 哦-哦-哦-哦

       I'm in love with Juda-as, Juda-as




       I'm in love with Juda-as, Juda-as


       Jud-as Jud-as, Jud-as Jud-as, Jud-as Jud-as, Jud-as GaGa

       犹大 犹大,犹大 犹大,犹大 犹大,犹大 嘎嘎

       I couldn't love a man so purely


       Even darkness forgave his crooked way


       I've learned love is like a brick [br?k]


       Build a house or sink a dead body




       I'll bring him down, bring him down, down




       A king with no crown, king with no crown



       I'm just a holy fool, oh baby he's so cruel


       But I'm still in love with Judas, baby


       I'm just a holy fool, oh baby he's so cruel


       But I'm still in love with Judas, baby




       I'm in love with Juda-as, Juda-as




       I'm in love with Juda-as, Juda-as



       In the most Biblical sense,


       I am beyond repentance


       Fame hooker, prostitute wench, vomits her mind


       But in the cultural sense


       I just speak in future tense


       Judas kiss me if offensed,


       Or wear ear condom next time



       I wanna love you,


       But something's pulling me away from you


       Jesus is my virtue,


       Judas is the demon I cling to (cling to)


       I cling to



       I'm just a holy fool, oh baby he's so cruel


       But I'm still in love with Judas, baby


       I'm just a holy fool, oh baby(just a holy fool) he's so cruel


       But I'm still in love with Judas, baby




       I'm in love with Juda-as, Juda-as




       I'm in love with Juda-as, Juda-as


       Jud-as Jud-as, Jud-as Jud-as, Jud-as Jud-as, Jud-as GaGa

       犹大 犹大,犹大 犹大,犹大 犹大,犹大 嘎嘎










求**《当幸福来敲门》的经典台词 要中英文双语的

        There is an I in "happiness",There is no Y in "happiness",It's an I -幸福这个单词里面是一个“I”,不是一个“Y”。 我最爱的一句





        Angus, Thongs and Perfect Snogging《青春爱欲吻》

        Nancy Drew《神探俏佳人》

        17 Again《重返17岁》

        High School Musical《歌舞青春》

        Hannah Montana《乖乖女是大明星》

        Valentine's Day《情人节》

        Wizards of Waverly Place《少年魔法师》

        Another Cinderella Story《灰姑娘之舞动奇迹》

        Princess Diaries《公主日记》

        Princess Protection Program《公主保护计划》

        Just My Luck《倒霉爱神》又作《幸运之吻》

        Freaky Friday《辣妈辣妹》

        Geia Rule《乔治亚法则》

        Confessions of A Shopaholic《一个购物狂的自白》

        Definitely, Maybe《爱情三选一》

        Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen《高校舞会皇后》

        The Cligue《女校风波》

        Hotel For Dogs《流浪狗之家》





        Woah woah woah woah woah

        I'm in love with Juda-as, Juda-as 我爱上了犹大

        Woah woah woah woah woah

        I'm in love with Juda-as, Juda-as 我爱上了犹大

        Judas Juda-ah-ah, Judas Juda-ah-ah, Judas Juda-ah-ah, Judas GaGa

        Judas Juda-ah-ah, Judas Juda-ah-ah, Judas Juda-ah-ah, Judas GaGa

        [Lady Gaga - Verse 1] When he calls to me, I am ready


        I'll wash his feet with my hair if he needs 如果他需要,我愿用我的头发为他洗脚

        Five him when his tongue lies through his brain


        Even after three times, he betrays me


        Ah-ah-ahhh-ow uh uh o

        Ah-ah-ahhh-ow uh uh o

        I'll bring him down, bring him down, down


        Ah-ah-ahhh-ow uh uh o

        Ah-ah-ahhh-ow uh uh o

        A king with no crown, king with no crown



        I'm just a Holy fool, oh baby it's so cruel

        我真的是太傻了,哦 宝贝 它是如此使人痛苦

        But I'm still in love with Judas, baby


        I'm just a Holy fool, oh baby it's so cruel

        我真的是太傻了,哦 宝贝 它是如此使人痛苦

        But I'm still in love with Judas, baby


        Woah woah woah woah woah

        I'm in love with Juda-as, Juda-as


        Woah woah woah woah woah

        I'm in love with Juda-as, Juda-as


        Judas Juda-ah-ah, Judas Juda-ah-ah, Judas Juda-ah-ah, Judas GaGa

        [Lady Gaga - Verse 2]

        I couldn't love a man so purely


        Even prophets fave his goofy way


        I've learned love is like a brick, you can


        Build a house or sink a dead body


        Ah-ah-ahhh-ow uh uh o

        Ah-ah-ahhh-ow uh uh o

        I'll bring him down, bring him down, down


        Ah-ah-ahhh-ow uh uh o

        Ah-ah-ahhh-ow uh uh o

        A king with no crown, king with no crown



        I'm just a Holy fool, oh baby it's so cruel

        我真的是太傻了,哦 宝贝 它是如此使人痛苦

        But I'm still in love with Judas, baby


        I'm just a Holy fool, oh baby it's so cruel

        我真的是太傻了,哦 宝贝 它是如此使人痛苦

        But I'm still in love with Judas, baby


        Woah woah woah woah woah

        I'm in love with Juda-as, Juda-as


        Woah woah woah woah woah

        I'm in love with Juda-as, Juda-as


        Ew! [Bridge]

        In the most Biblical sense


        I am beyond repentance


        Fame hooker, prostitute wench vomits her mind

        不论是名妓还是 *** 让她失去理智吧

        But in the cultural sense


        I just speak in future tense


        Judas kiss me if offensed


        Or wear ear condom next time


        I wanna love you


        But something's pulling me away from you


        Jesus is my virtue


        And Judas is the demon I cling to


        I cling to 我痴痴迷恋的


        I'm just a Holy fool, oh baby it's so cruel

        我真的是太傻了,哦 宝贝 它是如此使人痛苦

        But I'm still in love with Judas, baby


        I'm just a Holy fool, oh baby it's so cruel

        我真的是太傻了,哦 宝贝 它是如此使人痛苦

        But I'm still in love with Judas, baby


        Woah woah woah woah woah

        I'm in love with Juda-as, Juda-as


        Woah woah woah woah woah

        I'm in love with Juda-as, Juda-as


        Judas Juda-ah-ah, Judas Juda-ah-ah, Judas Juda-ah-ah, Judas GaGa

求Stereophonics-have a nice day中英双语歌词

        Have A Nice DaySan Francisco Bay

        Past pier thirty nine

        Early p.m.

        Can't remember what time

        Got the waiting cab

        Sped at the red light

        Address, unsure of

        But it turned out just right

        It started straight off

        "Coming here is hell"

        That's his first words

        We asked what he meant

        He said " where ya' from?"

        We told him our lot

        "When ya' take a holiday

        Is this what you want?"

        So have a nice day

        Have a nice day

        Have a nice day

        Have a nice day

        Lie around all day

        Have a drink to chase

        "Yourself and tourists, yeah

        That's what I hate"

        He said "We're going wrong

        We've all bee the same

        We dress the same ways

        Only our aents change

        So have a nice day

        Have a nice day

        Have a nice day

        Have a nice day

        Swim in the ocean

        That be my dish

        I drive around all day

        And kill processed fish

        It's all money gum

        No artists anymore

        You're only in it now

        To make more, more, more

        So have a nice day

        Have a nice day

        Have a nice day

        Have a nice day

        Have a nice day

        Have a nice day

        Have a nice day


        Have a nice day
