



5.求一首英文歌开头是one day这首歌很抒情,后面好像有金色的头发



《every day》

Once in a lifetime 生命的一次

Means there's no second chance 意味着没有第二次

So I believe that you and me 所以我相信你和我

Should grab it while we can 应该在可以的时候抓紧它

Make it last forever 让它持续到永久

And never give it back永远不要放弃它

It's our turn


And I'm loving where we're at 我爱着我们所在的地方

Because this moment's really all we he 因为这一刻是我们拥有的

Everyday,of our lives 生命的每一天

Wanna find you there 想找到你

Wanna hold on tight 想抓紧

Gonna run 得跑

While we're young 在我们年轻的时候

And keep the faith 保持这信念

Everyday 每一天

From right now 从现在起

Gonna use our voices and scream out loud 得用我们的声音大声叫出来

Take my hand 牵着我的手

Together we will celebrate 我们一起庆祝

Celebrate 庆祝

Oh,everyday 哦,每一天

They say that you should follow 他们说你应该跟着

And chase down what you dream 追赶着你的梦

But if you get lost and lose yourself 如果你迷路或迷失了自己

What does it really mean? 那是什么意思

No matter where we're going 我们去哪没什么关系

It starts from where we are 从我们所在的地方开始

There's more to life when we listen to our hearts 当我们听随心灵


And because of you 因为你

I've got the strength to start 我有开始的体力


Everyday,of our lives 生命的每一天

Wanna find you there 想找到你

Wanna hold on tight 想抓紧

Gonna run 得走

While we're young 在我们年轻的时候

And keep the faith 保持这信念

Everyday 每一天

From right now 从现在开始

Gonna use our voices and scream out loud 得用我们的声音大声喊出来

Take my hand 牵着我的手

Together we will celebrate 我们一起庆祝

Oh,everyday 哦,每一天

We're taking it back 我们要把它带回来

We're doing it here 我们正在行动

Together! 一起

It's better like that 那样好很多

And stronger now现在更强大

Than ever! 比以往任何时候

We're not gonna lose 我们不会迷失

'Cause we get to choose 因为我们可以选择

That's how it's gonna be!这是它将成为的

Everyday 每一天

Of our lives 我们的生命

Wanna find you there想找到你

Wanna hold on tight 想抓紧

Gonna run 得走

While we're young 在我们年轻的时候

And keep the faith 保持这信念

Keep the faith保持这信念!


All We Do?

歌手:Oh Wonder

所属专辑:?All We Do











































































1.charlotte church - bridge over troubled water

when youre weary feelin small

when tears are in your eyes

i will dry them all

im on your side

oh, when times get rough

and friends just cant be found

like a bridge over troubled water

i will lay me down

like a bridge over troubled water

i will lay me down

when youre down and out

when youre on the street

when evening falls so hard

i will comfort you

ill take your part

oh, when darkness comes

and pain is all around

like a bridge over troubled water

i will lay me down

like a bridge over troubled water

i will lay me down

sail on silver girl

sail on by

your time has come to shine

all your dreams are on their way

see how they shine

oh, if you need a friend

im sailing right behind

like a bridge over troubled water

i will ease your mind

like a bridge over troubled water

i will ease your mind


from cats midnight, not a sound from the pement

has the moon lost her memory?

she is smiling alone

in the lamplight

the withered lees collect at my feet

and the wind begins to moan

memory, all alone in the moonlight

i can smile at the old days

i was beautiful then

i remember

the time i knew what hiness was

let the memory live again

every street lamp

seems to beat

a fatalistic warning

someone mutters

and a street lamp gutters

and soon it will be morning

daylight, i must wait for the sunrise

i must think of a new life

and i mustn't give in

when the dawn comes

tonight will be a memory too

and a new day will begin

burnt out ends of smokey days

the stale cold smell of morning

the street lamp dies

another night is over

another day is dawning

touch me, it's so easy to lee me

all alone with my memory

of my days in the sun

if you touch me

you'll understand what hiness is

look a new day has begun...

3.Green sleeves


演唱:Sandy Polar



Alas, my love, you do me wrong,(我思断肠,不臧)

To cast me off discourteously.(弃我远去,抑郁难当)

And I he loved you well so long,(我心相属,日久月长)

Delighting in your company.(与卿相依,地老天荒)


Green sleeves was all my joy,(绿袖招兮,我心欢朗)

Green sleeves was my delight,(绿袖飘兮,我心痴狂)

Green sleeves was my heart of gold,(绿袖摇兮,我心流光)

And who but my lady green sleeves.(绿袖永兮,非我新娘)


If you intend thus to disdain,(隔尘,渐疏渐响)

It does the more enrapture me,(犹使我心,迷恋痴狂)

And even so, I still remain (欲求永年,此生归偿)

A lover in captivity.(我自相许,舍身何妨)


Green sleeves was all my joy,(绿袖招兮,我心欢朗)

Green sleeves was my delight,(绿袖飘兮,我心痴狂)

Green sleeves was my heart of gold,(绿袖摇兮,我心流光)

And who but my lady green sleeves.(绿袖永兮,非我新娘)


Green sleeves, now farewell, adieu,(绿袖去矣,付与流觞)

To God I pray to prosper thee,(我燃心香,寄语上苍)

For I am still thy lover true,(我心犹炽,不灭不伤)

Come once again and love me.(伫立垅间,待伊归乡)


Green sleeves was all my joy,(绿袖招兮,我心欢朗)

Green sleeves was my delight,(绿袖飘兮,我心痴狂)

Green sleeves was my heart of gold,(绿袖摇兮,我心流光)

And who but my lady green sleeves.(绿袖永兮,非我新娘)

Green sleeves was all my joy,(绿袖招兮,我心欢朗)

Green sleeves was my delight,(绿袖飘兮,我心痴狂)

Green sleeves was my heart of gold,(绿袖摇兮,我心流光)

And who but my lady green sleeves.(绿袖永兮,非我新娘)

4.ombra mai fu

Frondi tenere e belle

del mio platano amato,

per voi risplenda il fato.

Tuoni, lampi, e procelle

non v'oltraggino mai la cara pace,

n?giunga a profanarvi

austro rapace.

Ombra mai fu

di vegetabile

cara ed amabile,

soe pi?

Ombra mai fu

di vegetabile

cara ed amabile,

soe pi?

Cara ed amabile,

ombra mai fu

di vegetabile

cara ed amabile,

soe pi?

soe pi?



1、《Life's About to Get Good》,这首歌曲目由天后Shania Twain演绎,歌词鼓励人们忘记过去的伤痛,迎接美好未来,励志、简洁且朗朗上口。

2、《Get Lucky》,由电子音乐组合Daft Punk与Pharrell Williams合作演绎。看名字就知道,这是一首首歌非常适合表达新年祝愿的歌曲。

3、《Hy》,是著名音乐人Pharrell Williams的代表作,也是动画片《小黄人2》的主题曲,这首歌充满了魔力,它能让你的身心回归如释重负的惬意,忍不住踩着鼓点迈出舞步。除了简洁的鼓点、贝斯和拍手打节奏的声音,这首歌没有其他配器,是一首近乎纯人声演唱的作品,但却横扫了各大排行榜长达数年,只因为它传达出人类共通的情感。

4、《New Year》,这是一首节奏明快清新的女声作品,由美国歌手Kate York演唱,描绘日出之后,大雪纷飞的冬日早晨,人们对新年的展望和期待,是一首甜美动听又充满力量的作品。

5、《Chinese New Year》,在这首《Chinese New Year》中,他记录了和家人共度新春佳节的美好回忆,以及自己作为华裔在海外不断奋斗实现梦想的历程。他在歌里唱道,自己度过的每一天,都如同新春佳节一般,充满了新的期待。

6、《Adventure of A Lifetime》,这首歌是Coldplay乐队的经典作品之一,歌曲的前奏虽然是由电吉他演奏的,但却使用了非常东方的旋律,有一种东西方音乐神韵的奇妙碰撞。

7、《House Party》,英语国家Party的方式与中国不一样,但是春节在我们的观念里无疑是最大的Party。疫情影响了我们的生活方式,我们没办法像以前一样旅游过年或者出远门,那不如就在家里办一个传统的《House Party》。

8、《Best Day of My Life》,这首歌来自American Authors乐队,相信很多人对这首歌欢快的前奏并不陌生。与《Good Time》相似,这首歌也传达出歌者对未来充满向往,对生命充满热爱。只要拥有好心情,哪怕是太阳、月亮、星空、云朵,你都能感受到他们给你带来的喜悦。

9、《Good Time》,《Good Time》是一首非常好听的电子舞曲,由Owl City和Carly Rae Jepsen演唱。这首歌洋溢着青春的力量,充满了希望,适合与家人、朋友在一起欢度新春时聆听。

10、《Firework》,水果姐Katy Perry演唱的Firework自然也就成为新春歌单里必不可少的一首曲目,Firework这首歌鼓励我们,要拥有强大的内心,要认可自己的成就。


One Day


sometimes I lay

under the moon

and thank God I'm breathing

then I pray

don't take me soon

cause i'm here for a reason

sometimes in my tears I drown

but I never let it get me down

so when negativity surrounds

I know some day it'll all turn around

because all my live I've been waiting for

I've been praying for

for the people to say

that we dont wanna fight no more

they'll be no more wars

and our children will play

one day

one day

one day

one day

one day

one day

it's not about

win or lose

we all lose

when they feed on the souls of the innocent

blood drenched pement

keep on moving though the waters stay raging

in this maze you can lose your way (your way)

it might drive you crazy but dont let it faze you no way (no way)

sometimes in my tears I drown

but I never let it get me down

so when negativity surrounds

I know some day it'll all turn around

because all my live I've been waiting for

I've been praying for

for the people to say

that we dont wanna fight no more

they'll be no more wars

and our children will play

one day

one day

one day

one day

one day

one day

one day this all will change

treat people the same

stop with the violence

down with the hate

one day we'll all be free

and proud to be

under the same sun

singing songs of freedom like

one day

one day

one day

one day

all my live I've been waiting for

I've been praying for

for the people to say

that we don't wanna fight no more

they'll be no more wars

and our children will play

one day

one day

one day

one day

one day

one day

求一首英文歌开头是one day这首歌很抒情,后面好像有金色的头发


歌曲:eternal flame


[al:we are the '80s]

close your eyes, give me your hand, darling

do you feel my heart beating

do you understand

do you feel the same

am i only dreaming

is this burning an eternal flame

i believe it's meant to be, darling

i watch you when you are sleeping

you belong with me

do you feel the same

am i only dreaming

or is this burning an eternal flame

say my name sun shines through the rain

a whole life so lonely

and then you e and ease the pain

i don't want to lose this feeling

say my name sun shines through the rain

a whole life so lonely

and then you e and ease the pain

i don't want to lose this feeling

close your eyes, give me your hand, darling

do you feel my heart beating

do you understand

do you feel the same

am i only dreaming

is this burning an eternal flame

close your eyes, give me your hand, darling

do you feel my heart beating

do you understand

do you feel the same

am i only dreaming

is this burning an eternal flame

close your eyes, give me your hand, darling

do you feel my heart beating

do you understand

do you feel the same

am i only dreaming

close your eyes, give me your hand, darling

do you feel my heart beating

do you understand

do you feel the same

am i only dreaming

is this burning an eternal flame

close your eyes, give me your hand, darling

bangles - eternal flame

求一首英文歌的名字 有歌词

Something From Nothing by Aura Dione


Christmas Day

The young gentleman came riding past

on a snow-blue winter's day

He asked to drink by our fire and

I was pleased to let him stay

He drank there quietly for a while

and then he turned and said to me

Your eyes are green

Like summer grass

Your lips are red

like a fresh-cut rose

Your hair is soft

like an Irish stream

And your voice is filled with sweet beauty

And the last words I heard him say were

I shall return for you my love on Christmas Day

And the night will e but I won't sleep

as I watch the stars that lead him

I cannot place where he is

but still my heart goes with him

I'm sing all my Sunday clothes for the day

that I'll be leing

Father knows

My sister knows

And my friends

They're hy for me

And the priest he says

you should thank God

for the blessing of such beauty

And the last words I heard him say were

I shall return for you my love on Christmas Day

I shall return for you my love on Christmas Day

On Christmas Day

I shall return for you

My love...

And the last words I heard him say

Were the last words I ever heard him say

I shall return for you my love on Christmas Day

I said I will return on Christmas Day

And yes, I shall return on Christmas day

I shall return, for you, on Christmas Day

My love

I will return on Christmas Day

I shall return ,my love, on Christmas Day


《Do I love her》

Well you know it's not the first time

And it will not be the last

When You find me here on my knees

Praying for the storm to pass

But what I am really needing

Is much more than just relief

I am crying out for wisdom

Only You can give to me

Cause it's such a mystery

I'm a clueless man

When it es

To knowing how to love a woman

How do I love her?

How do I let her know she means more than anything to me?

How do I love her?

Out of all the gifts You've given

Besides the very gift of life

There is none as precious to me

As the treasure of my wife

And still all the love in my heart

Is like a raindrop to the sea

When pared to Your love for her

And thats why I ask You please

Will You teach me what she needs

I'm a earnest man

When it es

To learning how to love this woman

How do I love her?

How do I let her know she means more than anything to me?

How do I love her?

Well I know it's gonna to take a lifetime

To answer this prayer I pray

But that's okay

Cause I've given You and her my lifetime anyway

How do I love her?

How do I let her know she means more than anything to me?

How do I love her?

Won't you tell me, tell me please...

求一首歌的名字 有两句歌词

歌曲: Alone 歌手: All Saints 专辑: 《I Know Where..》

复制歌词 下载LRC歌词

Alone - All Saints

Not gonna never gonna don't don't wanna

Wanna end up alone

I need to sit back and kick out

It's about the way I'm making you feel

Your trying to show me that your hy

Really hy, but I can

see that your feelings aren't for real

The unhiness are maybe

causing you is definitely unintentional

So don't hesitate don't be afraid

Tell me 'cuz my actions are not personal

But I'll tell you something right now

Not gonna don't wanna

never gonna don't wanna

Wanna end up alone

Not gonna never gonna don't don't wanna

Wanna end up alone

I needed to be honest a really honest

And tell me what's on your mind

Whatever the problem may be a tell me

Oh 'cuz the body never lies

Am I too hard too soft or am

I really just selfish to the bone

So don't hesitate I am a psychic babe

Let your feelings all be known

But I'll tell you something right now

Not gonna don't wanna

never gonna don't wanna

Wanna end up alone

Not gonna never gonna

don't don't wanna

Wanna end up alone

Oh no oh muma drubby oh

Not gonna not gonna

Not gonna don't wanna don't know

Not gonna not gonna

Not not gonna don't wanna don't know

Oh no oh not gonna


通过 你提示的“逆天赋-玄霄”搜出来了:

歌名thank you allah

歌手maher zain





求一首英文歌的名字 听到几句歌词

是 nicki minaj 的 fly


《I cant lose you ice》~Blake Neely.应该是这首!


Tone Damli-stupid ,不是切 ***


歌手:Delta Goodrem 歌名:One Day One day I'll learn to like myself One day I'll finally get it right And I'll try till time catches up with me One day I'll be too old to care Ooh one day Ooh one day it will be okay One day I'll speak some Japanese One day I'll learn to play guitar And I'll stop procrastinating And get up off this chair One day is always one day late Ooh one day it will be okay So I'll get up and try it again So I'll pick myself up and I'll say One day it will be okay One day my heart will find a friend One day I'll make the perfect wife And I'll change my name just for him All of these things I’ll do one day Ooh one day it will be okay Ooh one day it will be okay So I'll get up and try it again So I'll pick myself up and I'll say One day it will be okay

歌手:Phil Collins 专辑:Both Sides


Phil Collins

'Love can make you do things you never dreamed possible...'

I got lost, couldn't find my way

and I guess there's nothing more to say

love can make you blind,

make you act so strange

but I'm here and here I will stay

So everyday I cry

yes everyday I fall

do you ever wonder why,

why I love everything about you

But everyday I say I'll try

to make my heart be still

'til then every way there is to cry,

ourselves to sleep we will

It picked me up, knocked me off my feet

I've got no way to explain

still I love you, love you,

love you but this fire inside

will never see the light of day

So everyday goes by

and everyday I fall

it makes me wonder why,

my life's worth nothing without you

But everyday I say I'll try

to make my heart be still

'cos every way there is to cry,

ourselves to sleep, we will

You'll never know, no, no, no ,no ,no

you'll never know just how close we were

you'll never know, no, no, no ,no ,no

you'll never know

no you'll never see

The book closes and we try to forget

but I know that things won't change

how we feel, how life goes on

and that seems so strange

And so the light fades away

try, try, try as I may

I can't stop thinking about you

it seems my life's worth nothing without you

But everyday I say I'll try

to make my heart be still

'til then every way there is to cry,

ourselves to sleep, we will

Everyday, everyday you know I try so hard

everyday, everyday it gets a little harder

Everyday, everyday you know I try so hard

everyday, everyday it gets a little harder

歌手:Def Leppard 专辑:X

Def Leppard - Everyday

I ge in when you ge out

You showed me the way to love, there ain't no dou

Always together and never apart

Diseared, didn't say a word

I slept right through, guess I never heard

Now I'm awake but I wish I was dreamin'

Everyday, without you in my heart

Everyday, I'm falling apart

And I know you know I think about you everyday

I woke up and you were gone

Just one night without you, it's too long

Sleepin' with the ghost of you

Dyin' with or without you

Don't wanna feel this way tomorrow

Everyday, without you in my heart

Everyday, I'm falling apart

And I know you know I think about you everyday

Don't know what you got until it's gone

Everyday, everyday, without you in my heart

Everyday, I'm falling apart

And I know you know I think about you

Everyday, till I see you again

Everyday, I'll try to pretend

But I know you know I think about you

(Everyday), out of my head, I've been dazed and confused

(Everyday), I'm lost but it's you that I don't want to lose

(Everyday), we're torn to giving ourselves to each other

歌手:Bon Jovi 专辑:Bounce

Bon Jovi - Everyday

I used to be the kind of guy

Who'd never let you look inside

I'd smile when I was crying

I had nothing but a life to loose

Thought I had a lot to proof

In my life, there's no denying

Goodbye to all my yesterdays

Goodbye, so long, I'm on my way

I've had enough of cryin'

Bleedin', sweatin', dyin'

Hear me when I say

Gonna live my life everyday

I'm gonna touch the sky

I spread these wings and flying

I ain't here to play

I'm gonna live my life everyday

Change, everybody's feeling strange

Never gonna be the same

Makes you wonder how the world keeps turning

Life, learning how to live my life

Learning how to pick my fights

Take my shots while I'm still burning

Goodbye to all those rainy nights

Goodbye, so long, I'm moving on

Everyday hit the wheel

I just made myself a deal

There ain't nothing gonna get in my way


Goodbye, so long, I'm moving on

I, oh I, oh I,

I'm gonna live my life everyday

I (gonna touch the sky),

Oh I (spread these wings and fly),

Oh I

I'm gonna live my life everyday



歌手:Michael Learns To Rock 专辑:Nothing To Lose

Michael Learns To Rock: Everyday

Slowly but surely you lee your mark on me

Silently stealing away my sanity

'Cos I've been watching you right from the start

Standing so near can you hear my heart...crying



I keep on waiting for a chance to give away

The love I se to you

Hard as I try

I'm getting closer but I can't get through

Swimming this river of dou on my own

Trying to read your mind...

Are you feeling alone

Baby the sun shining light in your eyes

Gives me a feeling I hope never dies baby

So little baby blue

give me clue

tell me you need me too...

it's now or never

you are on my mind

give me a sign

show you wanna be together