lamb of god_lamb of god是什么风格

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2.有没有Marah Carey 的圣诞专辑《Mariah Carey》的歌词 ,急!!!

3.霸气3个字母英文缩写战队名有哪些? of sorrows 中文歌词

lamb of god_lamb of god是什么风格


       Easter celebrates the resurrection of Jesus Christ. It is the most

       important feast in the Christian calendar. The churches are filled with

       worshipers, the altars are decorated with flowers, and the music proclaims

       the joy of the season.

       Easter Sunday falls sometime between March 22 and April 25. It falls on

       the first Sunday after the first full moon following March 21. The date

       of Easter Sunday was established by the church council of Nicaea in

       A.D. 325.

       Easter Sunday ends a period of preparation for the feast of Easter.

       This 40-day period of prayer and fasting, called Lent, begins on Ash

       Wednesday and ends on Holy Saturday, the day before Easter. The week from

       Palm Sunday to Easter Sunday is known as Holy Week. Good Friday marks

       Christ's crucifixion; and Easter Sunday, his resurrection.

       The custom of a sunrise service on Easter Sunday can be traced to

       ancient spring festivals that celebrated the rising sun. The custom

       developed further in the Middle Ages, when celebrations at sunrise were also

       popular. People gathered to pray as the sun appeared and then went in

       procession to their churches.

       The new clothes worn on Easter Sunday are a symbol of new life. The

       custom comes from the baptism on Easter Sunday of early Christians who

       were led into church wearing new robes of white linen. The present-day

       Easter parade has a parallel in the Middle Ages, when people walked about

       the country-side on Easter, stopping along the way to pray. Nowadays

       many people walk in Easter parades to show and see new spring clothes,

       especially hats.

       The Easter Egg

       One of the best-known Easter symbols is the egg, which has symbolized

       renewed life since ancient days. The egg is said to be a symbol of life

       because in all living creatures life begins in the egg. The Persians

       and Egyptians also colored eggs and ate them during their new year's

       celebration, which came in the spring.

       Today many people still color Easter eggs and decorate them with fancy

       patterns and symbols. The sun symbolizes good fortune; the rooster,

       fulfillment of wishes; the deer, good health; the flowers, love and


       Egg-rolling is a present-day Easter custom that takes place each year

       on the lawn of the White House, in Washington, D.C. In Austria, France,

       Germany, Iran, Iraq, Norway, and Syria, an egg-knocking game is played.

       The object of the contest is to hit everyone else's egg and to keep

       one's own unbroken. The last player with a whole egg is declared the


       The Easter Basket

       Easter Baskets symbolize nests where the Easter Bunny laid it's Easter

       Eggs. Today, baskets are used for the Easter Bunny hide to colored eggs

       and other goodies in for children to find on Easter!

       The Easter Bunny, Lamb & Chick

       The Easter Bunny is not a modern invention. The symbol originated with

       the pagan festival of Eastre. The goddess, Eastre, was worshipped by

       the Anglo-Saxons through her earthly symbol, the rabbit.

       The Germans brought the symbol of the Easter rabbit to America. It was

       widely ignored by other Christians until shortly after the Civil War.

       In fact, Easter itself was not widely celebrated in America until after

       that time.

       The lamb represents Jesus and relates His death to that of the lamb

       sacrificed on the first Passover. Christians traditionally refer to Jesus

       as "the Lamb of God." Many people serve lamb as part of the Easter


       The Chick is another Easter Symbol that represents new life or rebirth.

       The Chick breaking out it's shell is a symbol for Jesus' ressurrection,

       when the rock was moved and he imerged from the tomb.

有没有Marah Carey 的圣诞专辑《Mariah Carey》的歌词 ,急!!!


       01.Prelude (The Family Trip)

       02.Cake and Sodomy


       04.Organ Grinder


       06.Dope Hat

       07.Get Your Gunn

       08.Wrapped in Plastic


       10.Sweet Tooth

       11.Snake Eyes and Sissies

       12. My Monkey

       13.Misery Machine


       marilyn manson也许是90年代继nirvana之后,最具时代感召力的乐队。这位美国的邪教使者,痴迷于邪恶力量的感召,将丑恶在音乐中一再夸张放大,并采用了一种时尚的折衷手法,巧妙地将后grunge的虚无主义以及哥特音乐的腐尸气息与流行音乐的煽情元素结合在一起,制造出了90年代中后期最具魔鬼魅力的摇滚乐。

       在这张94年的专辑中,地狱的狂欢景象始终压迫着听者的神经。后hardcore式机械单调的鼓击,工业金属阴暗凝重的和弦段落,将诡异的氛围渲染得淋漓尽致。marilyn manson用地狱恶魔般的嗓音歌颂着反基督的降临。

       dope hat中犹如群魔狂舞般诡异的节奏,加上manson嗜血一样的咆哮,描绘了一幅世纪末的鬼怪盛宴图。不要怀疑为什么会有那么多的青年如飞蛾扑火般将他奉为自己的图腾,因为在这个所谓的信息时代中,上帝早已死了 出版日期:1995年

       01.The Hands of Small Children

       02.Diary of a Dope Fiend

       03.Shitty Chicken Gang Bang

       04.Kiddie Grinder (Remix)

       05.Sympathy for the Parents

       06.Sweet Dreams (are made of these)

       07.Everlasting Cocksucker

       08.Fuck Frankie

       09.I Put A Spell On You

       10.May Cause Discoloration of the Urine or Feces

       11.Scabs, Guns and Peanut Butter

       12.Dance of the Dope Hats (Remix)

       13.White Trash (Remixed by Tony Wiggins)

       14.Dancing with the One-Legged...

       15.Rock 'N' Roll Nigger 出版日期:1996年

       01.Irresponsible Hate Anthem

       02.The Beautiful People

       03.Dried Up, Tied and Dead to the World


       05.Little Horn




       09.Mister Superstar

       10.Angel With the Scabbed Wings


       12.Antichrist Superstar


       14.The Minute of Decay

       15.The Reflecting God

       16.Man That You Fear

       17.Track 99


       “什么人物!”事实上每个不存善心的人见到Marilyn Manson那副鬼样子总会这么嘟囔一句。很容易便会视之为Alice Cooper或Kiss一类头脑简单性格古怪的异妆癖者。然而我最终还是为自己这种愚蠢的偏见后悔了。

       改变观感是源于《滚石》杂志受用者对之的一次怒斥:“’96最差艺人”,我想能被《滚石》如此评价应该很不容易。饶有兴趣地听完这张77分26秒的超级长片,并一听再听,反复听,最后我终于明白,原来人们是害怕面对这样一个事实:Marilyn Manson的窜红即证明了朋克摇滚的末日来临。

       期待革命是平庸人和平时期的妄想,但革命真正来临时一定会吓倒许多人,大多数人对这种腥风血雨并没有作好充分的心理准备。后Nirvana式的疯狂加上仿Alice Cooper的狰狞,Marilyn Manson一出现便显然引发了一场暴力冲击。人们为其阴暗而俗艳的魔鬼包装吓怕,同时也被其深具的反建制激情震死。很显示,Marilyn Manson在其时的出现非常出人意外,人们本来以为盼到的是一位Kurt Cobain式的自毁英雄,谁知来的是另一个Johnny Rotten,甚至比他更放肆。但是,撇开他的文化影响不谈,Marilyn Manson对金属乐的贡献是巨大的,他革新了Pantera和Ministry等对硬核的陈旧概念,而赋予了许多朋克尖酸。专辑的制作人是大名鼎鼎的电子噪音乐队Ninc Inch Nails的主唱Trent Rcznor 。这使Marilyn Manson的音乐仿佛沾染了许多后工业趣味,只不过更显夸张和怪异,窒息般的自省。Marilyn Manson的音乐遗产直接源自死亡金属和硬核工业摇滚,这吸引了无数过敏而愤怒的少年如飞蛾扑火般投身于他的死亡队伍中去。

       Marilyn Manson在这张长长的“Antichrist Superstar”中其实只表明了一个概念:畸形只是一个外在的装饰,恐怖与愤怒才是这时代永恒的情结。暴怒的音乐充满着诱惑,污秽不堪却只似在嘲弄着每一个人。

       不要被那77分钟听似喧闹的声音所蒙蔽,Marilyn Manson绝不是吃饱了撑的要弄出一些常规非常规的噪音来糊弄人。专辑开首一曲“I rresponsible Hate An Them”给愤怒的人们提供了一个绝佳的范本,“The Beautiful People”中Marilyn神经质地嘶扯着他魔鬼般尖锐恐怖的嗓音,发出令人作呕的尖叫,音乐仿佛流动着远古墓穴的腐败气息。

       在郁闷的死亡进行曲“Cryptorchid”中,他居然显示出了一点感伤,回首他那段甜蜜的少年岁月。“1996”则是一个反叛者的宣言 ,Marilyn 讲述了政治文化和自我思想的冲突,一通发泄之后,他提出了自己的简单解决办法:“Anti…!Anti…!Anti…!”。他毫不隐瞒其在“Tourniquet”中受到的Alice Cooper的影响,当然他也暴露了自己的真实想法。我真正感兴趣的是他在“Mister Superstar”和“Antichrist Superstar中对摩登时代的无情嘲弄,这个造星时代最引以为豪的价值观在他眼里变得一文不值,“超级”两个字就像“狗屁”一样空洞与可笑!

       “Antichrist Superstar”无处不舞动着冷漠、不详和嘲弄 。怪诞的口哨和合成器,失真电声反馈,浓重的鼻息,野兽般的呻吟———乐器似乎也在没命般的暴击中爆裂。这无疑是一场强力的核爆炸。Mrylin Manson很显然注定会成为下一个他所自嘲的“Mister Superstar”,他富于攻击性的音乐,酷毙了的形象,以及愤怒的反讽无时不刻在提醒着庸常:“Hey Hey!你们的梦魇来了!” 出版日期:1998年

       01.Great Big White World

       02.Dope Show

       03.Mechanical Animals

       04.Rock Is Dead


       06.Speed of Pain


       08.I Want to Disappear

       09.I Don't Like the Drugs (But the Drugs Like Me)

       10.New Model, No. 15

       11.User Friendly

       12.Fundamentally Loathsome

       13.Last Day on Earth

       14.Coma White


       这次我享受的是《Mechanical Animal》这张专辑,听曼森之前我习惯不听任何音乐,这完全是为了衬托出曼森那种撕裂骨髓后发出的阴森的美丽暴力。




       从本专辑所选的曲目来看,曼森在这张唱片中风格算是有很大变化了。第五首《Disassociative》中冷静的吉他拨弦和整齐的电子节奏;依然压抑且歇斯底里的嗓音和尾声中漂亮而且纯净的女声合唱。曼森渐渐把自己的音乐从工业的绝对暴力推向了歌特的凄惨、稀薄。而且在听某些片段时我竟然也会恍惚感觉CD机里旋转着的是濒死的“The Suede”或者是主唱因饮酒过度而变声的“The Cure”。

       这些在第六首《The Speed Of Pain》中则体现的更为明显,贯穿乐曲的全部甚至高潮部分都没有塞入一块工业金属的和弦,在相对平静与动听的旋律遮盖下,曼森那些从骨子中透出的杀戮的欲望被全面地诗化了。

       音乐上的渐渐转形预示着曼森将要彻底摆脱他的导师兼制作人Frent Reznor(九寸钉)的影响,也预示着曼森将在以后的路上多涂抹出一片惨淡的灰色天空。这相对于一个在阴森世界不断舞着的“邪恶天使”与许多躲藏在歌特深林中伸出苍白双手的听者来说无疑是好的。但从许多曲目中猛然突现的重型和弦和大量扭曲而黑暗的工业电子采样中还能依稀看出,曼森还不想彻底抛弃工业音乐这把锋利并滴血的匕首。



       这是一朵盛开在腐尸堆中、扎根于尸体并吸收腐烂物而长成的美艳却带有利刃的滴血玫瑰。是曼森向歌特王国挑出的醒目并舞动的白骨大 出版日期:1999年

       01.Inauguration Of The Mechanical Christ

       02.The Reflecting God

       03.Great Big White World

       04.Get Your Gunn

       05.Sweet Dreams/Hell Outro

       06.Rock Is Dead

       07.The Dope Show


       09.I Don't Like The Drugs (But The Drugs Like Me)

       10.Antichrist Superstar

       11.The Beautiful People

       12.Irresponsible Hate Anthem

       13.The Last Day On Earth

       14.Astonishing Panorama Of The Endtimes 《Holy Wood (In the Shadow of the Valley of Death)》



       02.Love Song

       03.Fight Song

       04.Disposable Teens

       05.Target Audience (Narcissus Narcosis)

       06.President Dead

       07. In the Shadow of the Valley of Death

       08.Cruci-Fiction in Space

       09.Place in the Dirt


       11.Death Song

       12.Lamb of God

       13.Born Again

       14.Burning Flag

       15.Coma Black: Eden Eye/The Apple of Discord

       16.Valentine's Day

       17.Fall of Adam

       18.King Kill

       19.Count to 6 and Die


       2000年Marilyn Manson还没从歌迷对于Mechanical Animals的排斥中缓过神来,Columbine唱片公司又给他又留下了深深的创伤,最糟糕的是,他已不再属于是美国恶魔的形象了。Brian Warner准备做什么呢——立足于如此不稳固的境地之下。作为一个聪明人,也作为一个理智的商人,他知道是时候去巩固他的实力了——把Omega与Antichrist Superstar相结合,并回到那残酷的、争论无数而富有歌剧效果的音乐篇章——以造就一张总体上能够吸引那些被环境疏远的青少年人以及传统文化卫道士的概念化专辑。这张由此出炉的专辑——Holy Wood (In the Shadow of the Valley of Death),意图作为由Antichrist Superstar开头的三步曲之结尾篇,其中深奥费解的故事线索其实带着相当的Marilyn Manson自传色彩,但另人称奇的并不是故事部分——他最终把Mechanical Animals中的旋律以及细微的声音阴影与Antichrist中那粗俗的新工业金属音乐风格相融合。因此人们也容易把这张专辑看作Marilyn Manson的音乐定义专辑——专辑中曲调优美而嗓音沙哑。专辑的出色之处在于Manson的心良苦所创造出的那近乎完美的细节——在于歌词、专辑主题、专辑制作、歌曲顺序编排、那在词曲中所体现出的滑稽的模仿和自我剽窃以及自我亵渎神灵的封面艺术效果。对于专辑下的这些苦工夫令这张Holy Wood成为一张与Marilyn Manson其他作品相比之下更强有力、更富有一致性的优秀专辑。如果说这张专辑有问题,那么问题也出在Manson那震撼性的摇滚音乐在2000年这个时候似乎显得光怪离奇。Eminem超现实主义幻想曲才是那年标志性的音乐,而Marilyn Manson的摇滚乐歌剧、宗教折磨以及歌特之音都是属于那个已经过去的年代。不过这确实让Warner吃了一惊——因为Holy Wood结果仍然相当成功。 出版日期:2003年


       02.This Is the New Shit


       04.Doll-Dagga Buzz-Buzz Ziggety-Zag

       05.Use Your Fist and Not Your Mouth

       06.The Golden Age of Grotesque


       08.Ka-Boom Ka-Boom




       12.The Bright Young Things

       13.Better of Two Evils


       15.Obsequey (The Death of Art)


       时间的影响是流行乐的要义,Marilyn Manson当初以一张Antichrist Superstar完美体现着那时的时代精神,他凭借阴暗而艺术的工业金属,把后另类音乐一下送到了音乐排行榜头名的交椅。他是位骄傲的视觉艺人,一位在那个时代敢于和他的反对者面对面,敢于用自己的沉稳和明辩据理去反驳那个狂妄时代的艺人。然而,象其他视觉艺人一样,音乐上的创新猹始渐渐枯竭,并伴之从骇人转变为自我拙劣的模仿,这些都逐渐浮现。Manson经过摇滚音乐领域内多年的演绎生涯,试图以迅速跳出Mechanical Animals中充满魔欢元素的音乐限制来克服视觉音乐的通病,但如此做也使他失去了大批的乐迷,因此当他在那张2000年Holy Wood中又回到了从前那恐怖的工业金属时,Marilyn Manson似乎已显得有些过时,赢得不了多少关注了。3年后,他以自己的这种发展态势,发布了第五张专辑——The Golden Age of Grotesque。同时直到2003年,摇滚乐——尤其是重金属,正强烈需要一个有着高贵形象和宏伟的雄心的艺人,而Marilyn Manson正是这么一位。毕竟,The Golden Age对于日耳曼艺术、歌舞剧艺术以及早已衰弱的Hollywood30年代的魅力,意图通过用节奏强烈的重金属重新加以诠释,为其赋予现代化意义从而能跟上时代的潮流。但在如今这个年代,摇滚艺人对于80年都没有什么印象,更不用说是30年代了,而人们常常会忽略这个因素,尽管音乐不是他们的事业。

       从音乐上来说,Manson并没有抛弃他们最本质的音乐特征——他仍在不懈坚持Holy Wood中最根本的音乐元素——但这张由他本人第一次担当制作的专辑却显得肤浅而轻盈,尽管音乐仍笼罩于扭曲和吼叫之中。感觉上好像Manson已从反复处于众人的关注之中解脱,他的音乐也随之变得更加外向。这种新的自由空间也让他有时候显得有点糊涂可笑——比如在“This Is the New Sh*t”中那毫无意义的声音,以及在“Mobscene”中对Faith No More的“Be Aggressive”的借用还有其中的歌词“You are the church/I am the steeple/When we f*ck we are God's People”——但所有这些并没有为专辑摸黑,而且从其他方面说,也成为专辑的一个显赫之处。现在问题的所在是,在Marilyn Manson以往专辑中总会体现提纲挈领的概念,然而在这张The Golden Age of Grotesque中也确实有一定的主题,但这次却令人无法辨别,虽然从专辑总体感觉上来说,仍会有相当强大的共鸣。Manson这次混乱、蛮横而喧闹的表演也许会受到些挫折,他音乐这次的定位相当尴尬,不能上也不能下,Manson也不象以前——他在专辑中听上去好像并不是十分认真,声音显得过于僵硬。但从总体而言,这仍可算作是张出色的专辑——可能不是Manson最好的一张专辑,也肯定够不上一张众人关注的专辑,然而专辑所营造出来的那宏伟而壮丽的气势却是压倒Manson所有同行的,而且也不差于他前先的专辑。The Golden Age中也带有稍许的诙谐幽默成分,这也为专辑本身添色不少。.

       原作Stephen Thomas Erlewine 翻译disding 摘自AMG

       摇滚乐界的史蒂芬金?绑架视觉与听觉的惊悚魔头 …以戏剧性的邪色华丽解放30年代好莱坞歌舞盛宴。

       老美以行动向恐怖教主Marilyn Manson/玛莉莲曼森乐团宣示效忠,单单美国一地至今已累积6百万张的总销售天量,这支哥德式工业摇滚团体在乐界开创惊悚视觉与听觉的地位绝不亚于文坛的恐怖大师史蒂芬金。

       向来以惊世骇俗的扮相与挑衅卫道人士的言论著称的Marilyn Manson,’96年首次出辑《Antichrist Superstar/离经叛道》就因鼓吹反宗教无神论而引爆争议,也树立起Marilyn Manson无与伦比的毁灭者形象、’98年苍白人妖鬼魅造型的《Mechanical Animals/机械化动物》更缔创空降Billboard流行专辑榜冠军佳绩、横扫全美,之后再以20世纪末的超猛天碟《Holy Wood/亡命圣林》激销全球150万张,虽然'99年时曾发生Manson崇拜份子扫射校园师生事件的憾事,但他们挑战世俗眼光的大胆言词与创意仍然毫不妥协。

       阔别两年全新专辑《The Golden Age Of Grotesque/惊世骇俗》的创作概念是Marilyn Manson发想自30年代好莱坞的灵感,由Marilyn Manson与Tim Skold制作、Ben Grosse混音。首打“Mobscene”夺得英国摇滚单曲榜No.8 (5/4)与德国排行榜No.8;“This Is The New Shit”更雀屏中选为基努李维主演卖座**系列续集《骇客任务:重装上阵》的**主题曲;此外,国际版还特别加收一首“Tainted Love”,绝对值得珍藏。 出版日期:2004年

       01.The Love Song

       02.Peronsal Jesus


       04.The Fight Song

       05.Tainted Love

       06.The Dope Show

       07.This Is The New Shit

       08.Disposable Teens

       09.Sweet Dreams (Are Made Of This)



       12.Rock Is Dead

       13.Get Your Gunn

       14.The Nobodies

       15.Long Hard Road Out Of Hell

       16.The Beautiful People

       17.The Reflecting God


       以Alice Cooper马首是瞻,团名本身融合了性感女神Marilyn Monroe(玛丽莲梦露)与连续杀人狂Charles Manson这样善恶同体的颠覆概念,Marilyn Manson壮大了shock-metal的摇滚魔力,透过歌特摇滚/工业摇滚/庞克/另类摇滚等不同类型的摇滚元素,汇聚成反主流的摇滚流派。

       1994年,Marilyn Manson发表首张专辑《Portrait Of An American Family》,随即担任Nine Inch Nails巡回演唱会的暖场团炒热知名度,而他在演唱会上的乖张行径就此不断跃为报纸头条。首桩最受争议的举动就是他在盐湖城演唱会上当众撕毁摩门教经书,而撒旦教创始人Anton LaVey更为Marilyn Manson封上撒旦教的教士称号。1996年季军大碟《Antichrist Superstar》藉由虚无的摇滚上帝角色贯彻他离经叛道的思想,同时也展开自创的“虚幻自传三部曲”序曲,并自此被冠上“史上最具争议色彩的摇滚巨星”、“把灵魂卖给撒旦的人”等称号;这一轮巡回演唱行程爆发更让人哗然的事件---他当众撕扯圣经,此举将全美卫道人士的怒火烧到极限,要求禁止该团公开演唱的声浪翻腾全美。

       1998年(虚幻自传三部曲之二部曲)《Mechanical Animals》出炉,叙述雌雄同体的摇滚魔怪Marilyn Manson出卖灵魂的过程,发行前夕虽遭K-mart等大型卖场抵制以及时代杂志的大声挞伐,仍无法抵挡专辑的超悍买气,强势空降冠军王座。1999年,美国科伦拜高中惊传学生持枪扫射师生的惨剧,Marilyn Manson更成为众矢之的。2000年,以专辑《Holy Wood (In The Shadow Of The Valley Of Death)》为倒述式的(虚幻自传三部曲)写下完结篇,交代那位虚无的摇滚上帝在沉沦、堕落之前的真面目。2003年专辑《The Golden Age Of Grotesque》另觅主题,以30年代好莱坞名伶、歌舞、宫廷、酒吧杂陈的场景,探索堕落艺术的废墟,摇滚杂志KERRANG!称赞这是该团出道以来的最佳代表作。

       2004年,Marilyn Manson推出创团以来首张精选大碟《Lest We Forget - The Best Of》,网罗乐团地动天惊的摇滚劲歌,包括:分别翻玩80年代英伦电子摇滚代表队伍Eurythmic、Soft Cell乐团的代表作Sweet Dreams (Are Made Of This)、Tainted Love(搞笑片《非常男女》插曲),还有先后获选为**《骇客任务》、《骇客任务:重装上阵》插曲的Rock Is Dead、This Is The New Shit,以及mOBSCENE、The Beautiful People 等爆猛大作,精选大碟同时收录全新挑战德国新浪潮电子摇滚劲旅Depeche Mode 1989年英国金榜TOP13招牌作Personal Jesus。特选魅影盘特别超值加收DVD,豪华辑录20支该团历年畅销曲目音乐录像带,而灵魂人物Marilyn Manson向来惊世骇俗的怪诞创意与特立独行的邪恶美学尽收其中。 出版日期:2007

       1. If I Was Your Vampire

       2. Putting Holes In Happiness

       3. Red Carpet Grave,The

       、4. They Said That Hell's Not Hot

       5. Just A Car Crash Away

       6. Heart-Shaped Glasses (When The Heart Guides The Hand)

       7. Evidence

       8. Are You The Rabbit?

       9. Mutilation Is The Most Sincere Form Of Flattery

       10. You And Me And The Devil Makes 3

       11. EAT ME,DRINK ME


       Marilyn Manson在2007年的最新唱片Eat Me, Drink Me是主音Marilyn Manson跟妻子DitaVon Teese离婚后,跟Tim Skold共同制作的大碟。与先前的大碟相比,Eat Me, Drink Me犹如主音Marilyn Manson的自传,个人心情(特别是Marilyn Manson的爱情经历)及自省部分占据了专辑的大半部分,与之前宣扬其个人哲学的风格迥然不同。除此之外Marilyn Manson在歌曲中的咬字也清晰了不少,放在大碟开首的If I Was Your Vampire是他被妻子通知离婚之后即席填词的,谈及这首歌时他说:“这首歌就像是一首新的Bela Lugosi的《Dead》,后者一直是公认的哥德国歌。”

       Marilyn Manson谈及这张专辑的灵感时表示:“名字的灵感来自数年前一个征求被吃掉的德国男人,以及那个吃了他的人。虽然我与他们的关系没有联系,但我觉得这故事浪漫得非常令人感叹。我觉得人们不会视之为浪漫,对他们那是恶心,而对我也有一点认同。”

       此外,Marilyn Manson的女友Evan Rachel Wood也亮相于Heart-Shaped Glasses (When the Heart Guides the Hand) 的MV里,因为涉及性爱场面此曲的MV亦自然难逃禁播或删剪的命运。 1. Devour

       2. Pretty As a Swastika (censored for retail as Pretty as a ($))

       3. Leave a Scar

       4. Four Rusted Horses

       5. Arma-Goddamn-Motherfuckin-Geddon

       6. Blank and White

       7. Running to the Edge of the World

       8. I Want to Kill You Like They Do in the Movies

       9. WOW

       10. Wight Spider Manson, Ramirez, Vrenna

       11. Unkillable Monster

       12. We're from America

       13. I Have to Look Up Just to See Hell

       14. Into the Fire

       15. 15


       Mariah Carey 1994年的圣诞专辑叫做《Merry Christmas》,有以下曲目:

       1.Silent Night

       Silent night

       Holy night

       All is calm

       All is bright

       'Round yon virgin Mother and Child

       Holy infant so tender and mild

       Sleep in heavenly peace

       Sleep in heavenly peace

       Silent night

       Holy night

       Son of God

       Oh love's pure light

       Radiant beams from

       Thy holy face

       With the dawn of redeeming grace

       Jesus Lord at Thy birth

       Oh Jesus Lord at Thy birth...



       Sleep in heavenly peace

       Sleep in heavenly peace

       Sleep in heavenly peace




       Sleep in heavenly peace

       2.All I Want For Christmas Is You

       I don't want a lot for Christmas

       There's just one thing I need

       I don't care about presents

       Underneath the Christmas tree

       I just want you for my own

       More than you could ever know

       Make my wish come true...

       All I want for Christmas

       Is you...

       I don't want a lot for Christmas

       There is just one thing I need

       I don't care about presents

       Underneath the Christmas tree

       I don't need to hang my stocking

       There upon the fireplace

       Santa Claus won't make me happy

       With a toy on Christmas day

       I just want you for my own

       More than you could ever know

       Make my wish come true

       All I want for Christmas is you...

       You baby

       I won't ask for much this Christmas

       I won't even wish for snow

       I'm just gonna keep on waiting

       Underneath the mistletoe

       I won't make a list and send it

       To the North Pole for Saint Nick

       I won't even stay awake to

       Hear those magic reindeer click

       'Cause I just want you here tonight

       Holding on to me so tight

       What more can I do

       Baby all I want for Christmas is you


       All the lights are shining

       So brightly everywhere

       And the sound of children's

       Laughter fills the air

       And everyone is singing

       I hear those sleigh bells ringing

       Santa won't you bring me the one I really need -

       won't you please bring my baby to me...

       Oh I don't want a lot for Christmas

       This is all I'm asking for

       I just want to see baby

       Standing right outside my door

       Oh I just want him for my own

       More than you could ever know

       Make my wish come true

       Baby all I want for Christmas is


       All I want for Christmas is you baby... (repeat)

       3. 0 Holy Night

       O holy night the stars are brightly shining

       It is the night of our dear Savior's birth

       Long lay the world in sin and error pining

       Till He appeared and the soul felt its worth

       A thrill of hope, the weary world rejoices

       For yonder breaks a new glorious morn

       Fall on your knees

       O hear the angels' voices

       O night divine

       O night when Christ was born

       O night divine, O night

       O night divine

       A thrill of hope, the weary world rejoices

       For yonder breaks a new and glorious morn

       Fall on your knees

       O hear the angels' voices

       O night divine

       O night when Christ was born

       O night divine, O night

       O night divine

       4.Christmas (Baby Please Come Home)


       The snow's coming down


       I'm watching it fall


       Lots of people around


       Baby please come home


       The church bells in town


       All ringing in song


       Full of happy sounds


       Baby please come home

       They're singing "Deck The Halls"

       But it's not like Christmas at all

       Cuz I remember when you were here

       And all the fun we had last year


       Pretty lights on the tree


       I'm watching them shine


       You should be here with me


       Baby please come home

       They're singing "Deck The Halls"

       But it's not like Christmas at all

       Cuz I remember when you were here

       And all the fun we had last year


       If there was a way


       I'd hold back this tear


       But it's Christmas day









       Baby please come home


       Baby please come home


       Baby please come home


       Baby please come home

       5.Miss You Most(At Christmas Time)

       The fire is burning

       The room's all aglow

       Outside the December wind blows

       Away in the distance the carolers sing in the snow

       Everybody's laughing

       The world is celebrating

       And everyone's so happy

       Except for me tonight

       Because I miss you

       Most at Christmas time

       And I can't get you

       Get you off my mind

       Every other season comes along

       And I'm all right

       But then I miss you, most at Christmas time

       I gaze out the window

       This cold winter's night

       At all of the twinkling lights

       Alone in the darkness

       Remembering when you were mine

       Everybody's smiling

       The whole world is rejoicing

       And everyone's embracing

       Except for you and I

       Baby I miss you

       Most at Christmas time

       And I can't get you

       Get you off my mind

       Every other season comes along

       And I'm all right

       But then I miss you, most at Christmas time

       In the springtime those memories start to fade

       With the April rain

       Through the summer days

       Till autumn's leaves are gone

       I get by without you

       Till the snow begins to fall

       And then I miss you

       Most at Christmas time

       And I can't get you

       Get you off my mind

       Every other season comes along

       And I'm all right...

       But then I miss you, most at Christmas time

       6.Joy to the World

       Joy to the world

       The Lord has come

       Let earth receive her King

       Let every heart prepare Him room

       And heaven and nature sing

       And heaven and nature sing

       And heaven and heaven and nature sing

       Joy to the world

       The Lord has come

       Let earth receive her King

       Let every heart prepare him room

       And heaven and nature sing

       And heaven and nature sing

       And heaven and heaven and nature sing

       Joy to the earth

       The Savior reigns

       Let men their songs employ

       While fields and floods

       Rocks, hills, and plains

       Repeat the sounding joy

       Repeat the sounding joy

       Repeat, repeat the sounding joy

       Joy to the world

       All the boys and girls

       Joy to the people everywhere you see

       Joy to you and me

       Joy to the world

       All the boys and girls

       Joy to the people everywhere you see

       Joy to you and me

       He rules the world

       With truth and grace

       And makes the nations prove

       The glories of His righteousness

       And wonders of His love

       And wonders of His love

       And wonders, wonders of His love

       Joy to the world

       All the boys and girls

       Joy to the people everywhere you see

       Joy to you and me

       Joy to the people everywhere you see

       Joy to you and me

       7.Jesus Born on this Day

       Today a child is born on earth

       (Today a child is born on earth)

       Today the glory of God shines everywhere

       For all the world

       Oh Jesus born on this day

       He is our light and salvation

       Oh Jesus born on this day

       He is the King of all nations

       Behold the lamb of God has come

       (Behold the lamb of God has come)

       Behold the Savior is born

       Sing of His love to everyone

       Oh Jesus born on this day

       Heavenly child in a manger

       Oh Jesus born on this day

       He is our Lord and Savior

       Today our hearts rejoice in Him

       (Today our hearts rejoice in Him)

       Today the light of His birth

       Fills us with hope and brings peace on earth

       Oh Jesus born on this day

       He is our light and salvation

       Oh Jesus born on this day

       He is the King of all nations

       Today a child is born on earth

       (Today a child is born on earth)

       (He is light, He is love, He is grace

       Born on Christmas day)

       (He is light, He is love, He is grace

       Born on Christmas day)

       (He is light, He is love, He is grace

       Born on Christmas day...)

       8.Santa Claus Is Comin' to Town

       You better watch out

       You better not cry

       You better not pout

       I'm telling you why

       Santa Claus is comin' to town

       Santa Claus is comin' to town

       Santa Claus is comin' to town

       He's making a list

       He's checking it twice

       He's gonna find out

       Who's naughty or nice

       Santa Claus is comin' to town

       Santa Claus is comin' to town

       Santa Claus is comin' to town

       He sees you when you're sleeping

       He knows when you're awake

       He knows if you've been bad or good

       So be good for goodness sake

       So you better watch out

       You better not cry

       You better not pout

       I'm telling you why

       Santa Claus is comin' to town

       Santa Claus is comin' to town

       Santa Claus is comin' to town

       The kids in girl and boyland

       Will have a jubilee

       They're gonna build a toyland

       All around the Christmas tree

       So you better watch out

       You better not cry

       You better not pout

       I'm telling you why

       Santa Claus (is comin' to town)

       Santa Claus (is comin' to town)

       Santa Claus is comin'

       Santa Claus is comin'

       Santa Claus is comin'

       To town

       9.Hark! The Herald Angels Sing/Gloria (In Excelsis Deo)

       Hark! The herald angels sing

       Glory to the new born King

       Peace on earth and mercy mild

       God and sinners reconciled

       Joyful all ye nations rise

       Join the triumph of the skies

       With angelic host proclaim

       Christ is born in Bethlehem

       Hark! The herald angels sing

       Glory to the new born King

       To the new born King

       In Excelsis Deo


       In Excelsis Deo

       Hark! The herald angels sing

       Glory to the new born King

       Peace on earth and mercy mild

       God and sinners reconcile

       Joyful all ye nations rise

       Join the triumph of the skies

       With angelic host proclaim

       Christ is born in Bethlehem

       Hark! The herald angels sing

       Glory to the new born King

       To the new bork King

       In Excelsis Deo

       10. Jesus, Oh What a Wonderful Child

       Jesus, Jesus

       Oh what a wonderful child

       Jesus, Jesus

       So lowly meek and mild

       New life, new hope, new joy He brings

       Won't you listen to the angels sing

       Glory, glory, glory

       To the new born King

       Jesus, Jesus

       Oh what a wonderful child

       Jesus, Jesus

       So lowly meek and mild

       New life, new hope, new joy He brings

       Won't you listen to the angels sing

       Glory, glory, glory

       To the new born King

       He was herald by the angels

       Born in a lowly manger

       The virgin Mary was His mother

       And Joseph was his earthly father

       Three wise men came from afar

       They were guided by a shining star

       To see King Jesus where He lay

       In a manger filled with hay

       Jesus, Jesus

       Oh what a wonderful child

       Jesus, Jesus

       So lowly meek and mild

       Oh new joy He brings

       Won't you listen to the angels sing


       To the new born King

       Oh Jesus


       Mary's baby

       Lamb of God

       Heavenly Child



       I Love Him

       Oh Jesus

       All Mighty God

       King of kings

       Oh Jesus

       Oh Jesus

       Oh, oh, oh, Jesus

       Wonderful, wonderful one

       Oh, oh

       Oh Jesus

       Oh Jesus

       Son of God

       Oh Jesus


       To the new born King, yeah...

man of sorrows 中文歌词






















































       今天关于“lamb of god”的探讨就到这里了。希望大家能够更深入地了解“lamb of god”,并从我的答案中找到一些灵感。