

1.写作中的widows and orphans是什么意思呀




5.He___a sum of money every month to help the two orphans 填空



写作中的widows and orphans是什么意思呀

       widows and orphans




       "Religion is visiting widows and orphans, " he said.



       They offered charitable housing for the poor, widows, and orphans.





       In Europe many

       people died during the

       Second World War.As a

       result,at the end of the war there were many


       man called Hermann Gmeiner wanted to help these

       children.His idea was

       simple.He wanted orphans to have a

       home,and he wanted them to have the care and kindness

       of parents.Gmeiner asked people to give him some

       money.With this money he built the first SOS

       Children's Village at Imst,in

       Austria.It opened in

       1949.This is how the SOS stand

       for“Save Our

       Souls(灵魂)”An SOS

       Children's Village gives help to orphans.

        Hermann Gmeiner's idea for helping orphans soon

       spread(传播)all over the

       world.By 1983 there were 170 SOS Children's Villages

       in the

       world.People in many countries give money to

       help the villages.Today the children from the first

       village have grown up.Now some of them work in other SOS Children's


       In SOS Villages

       orphans live in family

       groups.There are several houses in each

       village.The biggest village has 40 or 50 houses!

       Between seven and ten children live in a

       house.A woman lives with each group of children and

       looks after them.She gives the children a lot of love

       and kindness.She cooks meals for them and makes

       comfortable, happy home for them.

       Of course,the children don't spend all their

       time in the

       village.They go to

       school;they go out with their

       friends.But the village gives them a

       home—sometimes for the first time in their


       1.Which of the following comes


       A.People gave Gmeiner some


        B.There were many orphans at the end of

       the war.

        C.Gmeiner built the first SOS

       Children's Village.

        D.A man called Hermann Gmeiner wanted

       to help the orphans.

       2.What does the under lined part “Save Our

       Souls” mean?

       A.Helping orphans is


       B.Our lives are in


       C.Please help us.

       D.There's something wrong with our


       3.We can

       conclude(推论)from the article

       that the money for helping the SOS Villages mainly comes





        C.the orphans themselves

        D.common people

       4.What does a woman in an SOS Village do for

       each group of children?

       A.She gives the children a lot of love and


        B.She lives with each group of children

       and looks after them.

        C.She cooks the meals for


        D.AII the above.






       3答案在第二节第二行,people give money……得知资金来自普通大众





       在国标麻将中是88番。在日本麻将中叫做是役满。十三幺于英语又称作“十三孤儿(thirteen orphans)”,因为其十三面听牌型即为十三张单张牌。













       Launch an activity of "Showing Loving Hearts for the Disabled"


       -- 英汉 - 翻译样例 - 汉英

       -- A mass campaign encouraging kindness to orphans is now wide"ispread and volunteers are numerous.


       -- others - 汉英

       -- A mass campaign encouraging kindness to orphans is now widespread and volunteers are numerous.


       -- 汉英 - 翻译参考

       Show loving heart; show tender feelings


       -- 英汉 - 翻译样例 - 汉英

       Many hospitals in large and medium-sized cities have conducted activities to show love to disabled orphans. By performing operations on the disabled, they have helped many disabled orphans recover their health.


       -- 汉英非文学 - 白皮书 - renquanshiye

       On every day in Hangzhou, with Miss Tourism did arouse activities of love.


       -- www.hzdiamond.com

       A mass campaign encouraging kindness to orphans is now wide"ispread and volunteers are numerous.


       -- www.cikuu.com

       In this respect, South China's Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region conduded a series of advocacy activities, calling for people to show their love and cherish valuable life, to protect women and take action together to fight against AIDS.


       -- www.cinfo.org.cn

       God accepts while loving so.


       -- 英美经典情诗3 - Mere Love Is Beautiful Indeed

       May peace and love Be your gift at Christmas and always!


       -- 英汉 - 翻译样例

He___a sum of money every month to help the two orphans 填空


       If I had a vacant house, I couldn't have left it idled. I could've invited the homeless in

       the door; I could've asked the panhandlers on the crossover whether they'd like a

       stable place to live and to start a new live; I could've moved some orphans in there for them to play together, to grow up together and to study together. It can be a safe haven for the poor, a private school, or an independent clinic. It will be transformed from a vacant house into a house of love.


       I've always been thinking how much of an organization's original purpose could be

       preserved once it grew in size. Is it better for us to build an organization so big that

       we may help the others with so-called "substantial meaning", or to simply do what we can in a more practical manner - starting with little things? I was lost and I couldn't judge on my own. However, for her it all seemed so simple. She just quietly does it without thinking much about anything else. "When one door shuts, another opens" - things will turn out just fine, simply keep the faith and keep loving the others with a conviction.

       When she realized that the organization was slightly off the course as it grew big, she decisively resolved it and reverted back to the basics. Perhaps it is an inevitable cycle, but isn't it the so-called guidance from this film to keep at it? Don't get sidetracked by the changes taking place in the society at large, just stick to the basic principle and you'd be doing the right thing. No pain, no gain. I am particularly fond of the saying that " God's favorite things are all petty, especially those made of love."

        整部影片中我没有看到过Mother Teresa的泪水,只有她那一双慈悲眼睛,时时在饥馑,病痛,与死亡面前流露出太多怜悯。倒是我自己,看她一袭白袍、赤足、凉鞋、缓缓徐行的身影,为之一再泪倾。


       I've not seen a single teardrop from Mother Teresa throughout the entire film, only

       her compassionate eyes, overflowing with benevolence when witnessing femine, sickness and death. On the other hand, I myself cried over and again watching her in the film pacing slowly in her white gown, wearing only sandals in her barefeet.

       I thought of another phrase that once deeply touched me : "Little by little I've lost my passion for the world, more and more I found myself now wrapped up in it." Immersed in the ever so delicate selfishness and indifference, I can't further justify it nor do I have the means to repent. All I could do was to give this film a 5-star rating deep in my heart, despite its imperfection.

        我曾也抱有广泛影响的想法,去做有效的事。也许我忽略了小的爱,而那,其实便是令我真切感动的,那便是让我真心佩服的,那是我应该去做的。那是所指引出的方向。 爱是可以传染的,爱是可以感化别人的。不要让别人理解你,让别人去关注你所要保护的,也是爱的方式。

       I've had my illusion to want to be widely influential, to be meaningful in what I do. Perhaps I've neglected the trivia, and that, was in fact what truly moved me. That's what I sincerely admired, that's what I ought to be doing, that is the way. Love is contagious, love can be influential. Allow others to care about what you're protecting, regardless they undertand you or not, this is another way to express love.







       To comfort the others, more than being comforted;

       To understand the others, more than being understood;

       To love the others, more than being loved.

       Upon death, we reach eternity.

       Upon death, we reach eternity.

       Thanks to you, touched by your love on our way forward - plain and simple, yet shined upon us all.

       Don't get lost. Simply love, with pure and simple love. Don't forget.

       Love is eternity, Love is eternity, Love is eternity. Do not fear, for it is always there. Do not worry, for it is always there.


       He?spends a sum of money every month to help the two orphans.




       英 ['?fn]? 美 ['?rfn]

       n. 孤儿

       adj. 孤儿的

       vt. 成孤儿

       The orphan was consigned to her uncle's care.




       英 ['fa?ndl?]美 ['fa?ndl?]

       n. 弃儿;拾来的孩儿

       He is a foundling, and has grown up in a school for homeless boy.



       由十三种幺九牌每种一张和其中任意一种的第二张组成。十三幺于英语又称作“十三孤儿(thirteen orphans)”,因为其十三面听牌型即为十三张单张牌。










       十三幺于英语又称作“十三孤儿(thirteen orphans)”,因为其十三面听牌型即为十三张单张牌。





















         do by



         I felt I hadn't been treated fairly.


         We adhere to the principle that everyone should be treated fairly.


         We are unhappy about the way the doctor treated us.


         He has a deep-seated resentment at the way he has been treated.


         His treatment of her was beyond endurance.


         Their treatment of women is unspeakable.


         Treat other people as you hope they will treat you.


         She treats the orphans as if they were her own children.


         He treated his subordinates like slaves.


         He'll kick out if you treat him like that.


         Teachers should not treat their pupils coldly.


         The pirates treated their captives with barbarity.


         He's always moaning about not being treated properly.


         How you treat yourself.


         How you treat people.


         I treat them with respect.


         These questions are not only about how individuals should treat one another.


         If you want them to see you as someone important, treat yourself that way.


         Above all else, we believe in the importance of integrity -- not only integrity to ourcustomers but also integrity among our designers and integrity in how we treatour employees.


         So how do you approach this potential clientele to maximize your earning at theend of the month?


         Treat yourself with love and passion and do it right today


         We have to protect this model because sport is not simply a business like anyother and we cannot allow it to be treated as such.


         We adhere to the principle that everyone should be treated fairly


         How do you treat petitors?


         If you will let me have her, she shall be treated with the greatest honour andrespect as one dearly beloved.


         They treat you like the *** that you are or want to be.


         I treat this course like a startup.


         [On the one hand, ] there was the concern that girls were not getting the sametreatment as boys in school, especially around math and science.


         It shows by the way you treat others.
