someon_someone you loved


1.someone 后面谓语动词是单数还是复数



4.someone和some one在意义上有什么区别

someon_someone you loved

someone 后面谓语动词是单数还是复数


       someone 相当于第三人称,所以后接谓语动词单数。


       英 [?s?mw?n] 美 [?s?m?w?n, -w?n]




       1、I need someone to help me?


       2、She fell in love with someone and ran off with him?





       英 [?s?mb?di] 美 [?s?m?bɑdi, -?b?di, -b?di]



       2、a certain person

       英 [ei ?s?:tn ?psn] 美 [e ?s?tn ?prsn]



       英 ['θ?m?] 美 ['θ?m?]



       1、tease someone?开某人玩笑

       2、Complimenting Someone?称赞时 ; 称誉时

       3、Contradicting Someone?反驳他人时 ; 批驳别人时 ; 反驳别人时

       4、someone pron?某人 ; 有人 ; 或人 ; 不知怎么地

       5、Someone Painting?有人正在画画

       6、SOMEONE UNSEEN?看不见的人




        某人;有人 You use someone or somebody to refer to a person without saying exactly who you mean.

       Her father was shot by someone trying to rob his small retail store...


       I need someone to help me...


       She fell in love with someone and ran off with him...


       If somebody asks me how my diet is going, I say, 'Fine'...


       He noticed a huge crowd gathered outside—someone really famous must be staying there...


       She was tired of him and wanted to leave him, perhaps to marry somebody else.


       2. PRON-INDEF


        (某行业或某地方的)重要人物,大人物 If you say that a person is someone or somebody in a particular kind of work or in a particular place, you mean that they are considered to be important in that kind of work or in that place.

       搭配模式:usu PRON in n

       He was somebody in the law division...


       'Before she came around,' she says, 'I was somebody in this town'.


       Usage Note :

       You use not anyone instead of someone in negative sentences. There isn't anyone here.

       否定句中用 not anyone而不用someone,例如 There isn't anyone here (这里没有人)。





       有人, 某人




       (=somebody)有人, 某人

       Someone wants to talk with you.






       Was that someone else aware of the accident?


       要把它当单数对待 动词要用第三人称单数

someone和some one在意义上有什么区别



       英 [?eniw?n] 美 [?eniw?n]?



       英 [?s?mw?n] 美 [?s?mw?n]?



       someone常用在肯定句中, 在表示建议、反问、请求或期望得到对方肯定答复的问句中,多用someone,而不用anyone。

       例句:Her father was shot by?someone?trying to rob his small retail?store



       例句:I won't tell?anyone?I saw you?here







       some one,这是个词组,强调语气的意思,语气比someone重,读的时候语气停顿一下。




       The camera filmed someone leaping into the house.


       2、而Some one既可表示人,也可以表示物。


       Charge the bill to one's account.





       I said I would buy my pop from someone else.


       2、some one除了表示某人,有人,还特指一群人中的某个人。


       We became friends, mierly from picking up a pen, to write some one

