place to try_place to try new food

       对于place to try的话题,我可以从不同的角度进行分析和讨论,并提供相关的资讯和建议。




4.请翻译高手帮忙翻译一下can't stop thinking about you-男孩地带这首歌的歌词,多谢!

5.singapore a place you will never forget

place to try_place to try new food



       OP1: 「R ★ O ★ C ★ K ★ S」 / Hound Dog (1~25话)

       OP2: 「遥か彼方」/ ASIAN KUNG-FU GENERATION (26~53话)

       OP3: 「悲しみをやさしさに」 / little by little (54~77话)

       OP4: 「GO!!!」 / FLOW (78~103话)

       OP5: 「青春狂騒曲」 / サンボマスター (104~128话)

       OP6: 「ノーボーイ ノークライ」 / STANCE PUNKS (129~153话)

       OP7: 「波风サテライト」 / シュノーケル (154~178话)

       OP8: 「Re:member」 / FLOW (179~202话)

       OP9: 「ユラユラ」 / Hearts Grow (203~220话)

       OP10:(疾风传OP1):Hero's Come Back!! / nobodyknows+ (221~250话)

       OP11:(疾风传OP2):Distance / LONG SHOT PARTY (251~273话)

       OP12:(疾风传OP3):ブルーバード / いきものがかり (274~297话)

       OP13:(疾风传OP4):CLOSER / 井上ジョー (298~322话)

       OP14:(疾风传OP5):ホタルのヒカリ / いきものがかり (323~348话)

       OP15:(疾风传OP6):Sign / FLOW (349~373话)

       OP16:(疾风传OP7):透明だった世界 / 秦 基博 (374~399话)

       OP17:(疾风传OP8):Diver / NICO Touches the Walls (400~425话)

       OP18:(疾风传OP9):ラヴァーズ / 7!! (426~450话)

       OP19:(疾风传OP10):newsong / tacica (451~476话)

       OP20:(疾风传OP11):突撃ロック / ザ?クロマニヨンズ (477~501话)

       OP21:(疾风传OP12):Moshimo / ダイスケ (502~526话)

       OP22:(疾风传OP13):ニワカ雨ニモ负ケズ / NICO Touches the Walls (527~552话)

       OP23:(疾风传OP14):月の大きさ / 乃木坂46 (553~576话)

       OP24:(疾风传OP15):红莲 / DOES (577~599话)

       OP25:(疾风传OP16):シルエット / KANA-BOON (600~625话)

       OP26:(疾风传OP17):风 / 山猿 (626~话)



       ED1:「Wind」 / Akeboshi (1~25话)

       ED2:「ハルモニア」 / RYTHEM (26~51话)

       ED3:「ビバ★ロック~japanese side~」 / Orange Range(橘子新乐园)(52~64话)

       ED4:「ALIVE」 / 雷鼓 (65~77话)

       ED5:「今まで何度も」 / ザ?マスミサイル (78~89话)

       ED6:「流星」 / TiA (90~103话)

       ED7:「マウンテン ア ゴーゴー ツー」 / キャプテンストライダム (104~115话)

       ED8:「はじめて君としゃべった」 / ガガガ SP (116~128话)

       ED9:「失くした言叶」 / No Regret Life (129~141话)

       ED10:「スピード」 / アナログフィッシュ (142~153话)

       ED11:「そばにいるから」 / AMADORI (154~165话)

       ED12:「パレード」 / CHABA (166~178话)

       ED13:「Yellow Moon」 / Akeboshi (179~191话)

       ED14:「ピノキオ」 / オレスカバンド (192~202话)

       ED15:「シナリオ」 / SABOTEN (203~220话)

       ED16:(疾风传ED1):流れ星 Shooting Star / HOME MADE 家族 (221~238话)

       ED17:(疾风传ED2):道 ~ to you all / aluto (239~250话)

       ED18:(疾风传ED3):キミモノガタリ/ little by little (251~261话)

       ED19:(疾风传ED4):目觉めろ!野性 / MATCHY with QUESTION (262~273话)

       ED20:(疾风传ED5):素直な虹 / surface (274~284话)

       ED21:(疾风传ED6):Broken Youth / NICO Touches the Walls (285~297话)

       ED22:(疾风传ED7):Long Kiss Good Bye / HALCALI (298~310话)

       ED23:(疾风传ED8):バッチコイ!!! / デブパレード (311~322话)

       ED24:(疾风传ED9):深呼吸 / SUPER BEAVER (323~335话)

       ED25:(疾风传ED10):MY ANSWER / SEAMO (336~348话)

       ED26:(疾风传ED11):おまえだったんだ / 气志团 (349~361话)

       ED27:(疾风传ED12):For You / AZU (362~373话)

       ED28:(疾风传ED13):自転车 / オレスカパンド (374~386话)

       ED29:(疾风传ED14):うたかた花火 / supercell (387~399话)

       ED30:(疾风传ED15):U can do it / Domino (400~412话)

       ED31:(疾风传ED16):真夜中のォーケストラ / Aqua Timez (413~425话)

       ED32:(疾风传ED17):FREEDOM / HOME MADE家族 (426~438话)

       ED33:(疾风传ED18):欲望を叫べ!!!! / OKAMOTO'S (439~450话)

       ED34:(疾风传ED19):Place to Try! / TOTALFAT (451~462话)

       ED35:(疾风传ED20):バイマイサイド / Hemenway (463~476话)

       ED36:(疾风传ED21):カスケード / UNLIMITS(アンリミッツ) (477~488话)

       ED37:(疾风传ED22):この声枯らしてfeat. CHEHON / AISHA (489~501话)

       ED38:(疾风传ED23):MOTHER / ムック (502~515话)

       ED39:(疾风传ED24):さよならメモリー / 7!! (516~526话)

       ED40:(疾风传ED25):I Can Hear / DISH//(ディッシュ) (527~539话)

       ED41:(疾风传ED26):梦を抱いて~はじまりのクリスロード~ / Rake(レイク) (540~552话)

       ED42:(疾风传ED27):ブラックナイトタウン / 近藤晃央 (553~563话)

       ED43:(疾风传ED28):虹 / 真空ホロウ (564~576话)

       ED44:(疾风传ED29):FLAME / DISH// (577~586话)

       ED45:(疾风传ED30):Never Change feat.Lyu:Lyu / SHUN (587~599话)

       ED46:(疾风传ED31):だめだめだ / トミタ栞 (600~613话)

       ED47:(疾风传ED32):Spinning World / ダイアナ?ガーネット (614~625话)

       ED48:(疾风传ED33):言叶のいらない约束 / sana (626~话)





       地方, 地点, 所在地, 位置

       城, 镇, 村, 市区

       住宅, 住处, (有特殊用处的)建筑物, 场所

       地位, 处境, 身分, 职务, 职责, 职权, 资格; 生活方式

       座位, 席位


       名次; (赛马等比赛的)前三名(美国指前二名, 尤指第二名)



       (书刊的)段落, 页

       [多用于专有名词]广场; 街道; 别墅

       a place of business


       a place of amusement


       a sore place on the hand


       get the first place in a race


       calculate to 3 places of decimals


       If I were in your place, ...


       Come round to my place this evening.


       There is no place for doubt.



       a nice place to leave away from 一个不值得留恋的地方

       a place in the sun 有发展前途的地位, 有利的地位, 显要的地位

       a place of worship 礼拜的场所

       a raw place 疼痛处, 易受伤的地方

       a sore place 疼痛处, 易受伤的地方

       a tender place 疼痛处, 易受伤的地方

       a tight place 险境, 困境

       a wide place in the road [美俚]小城镇

       all over the place 到处, 各处, 满地 不整齐; 七零八落 心里很乱, 非常苦恼

       another place [英](在下院)指上院, (在上院指)下院, [谑](在剑桥指)牛津, (在牛津指)剑桥

       any old place 任何一个地方

       as much as my place is worth to do... 要那样做, 我会被解雇的

       be placed 体名列前三名

       bit of a place [口]一个小小的地方

       fall into place 变得清清楚楚[有条不紊]

       feel out of place 感到拘束[不自然, 不自在]

       find one place 翻至(书中)要继续读下去的一页

       find one place in a book 翻至(书中)要继续读下去的一页

       find one's place 找到[失去]职业

       lose one's place 找到[失去]职业

       from place to place 从一个地方到另一个地方; 各地, 到处

       get a place 获得前三名(指赛马); 得到职位

       give place to 让位于..., 被...所代替; 引起, 造成

       go places 到处旅行, [美](即将)获得成功

       go to one's own place [婉]回老家, 死去

       have a place in 在...中出现; 在...中占有地位

       have a soft place in one's heart for sb. 对某人有爱情, 对某人有好感

       have place 占有位置; 存在

       in a tight place 处境险恶; 处于困境

       in a tight corner 处境险恶; 处于困境

       in a tight spot 处境险恶; 处于困境

       in high places 在上层人士中间, 在高阶层中

       in place放在本来的位置 适当的 就地

       in place of 代替, 用...而不用

       in places 在某些地方, 有几处

       in sb.'s place 处于某人的位置, 为某人设身处地想一想

       in the first place 首先, 第一点

       in the last place 最后

       in the next place 其次, 第二点

       jumping -off place 穷乡僻壤; 起点; (火车等的)终点

       keep a place warm for sb. 暂时代替某人的职务

       keep a seat warm for sb. 暂时代替某人的职务

       keep in place 固定住

       keep one's place 标明看到某处

       keep sb. in his place 使人安分守己

       know one's place 知趣, 识相;知道自已的地位[身分]

       lose one's place 丧失自己的地位 (读书等)找不到上次读到的地方

       make place for 为...腾出地方, 让位于

       make a place too hot for sb. [口]逼得某人在一个地方呆不下去

       out of place 地方放得不对, 离开原来的地方 不合适, 不恰当 不协调, 不相称

       put oneself in sb.'s place 设身处地(想一想)

       put oneself in sb.'s shoes 设身处地(想一想)

       put sb. in his place 使人不敢越轨

       scream the place down 去伦敦警察厅报失; 报告警察

       seek a place 寻找工作; 寻求职位

       supply the place of 代替

       swop places with sb. 与某人换座位

       take one's place就座, 入座; 占有 地位

       take place发生, 举行

       take sb.'s place 代替某人; 接替某人的位置

       take the place of代替

       tender place (肉体或心灵上的)痛处

       sore place (肉体或心灵上的)痛处

       raw place (肉体或心灵上的)痛处

       The darkest place is under the candlestick. [谚]灯台只照人不照己(意指当事者往往最不了解情况)。

       the high place 祭坛, 偶像

       the other place 地狱

       There is no place like home. [谚]作客固佳, 在家更好; 在家千日好, 出门一时难。

       trade places with sb. 与某人交换地位[职务]

       trysting place (情侣的)幽会处

       unit's place 数个位

       watering place (可供游泳、划船的)海滨[湖滨]胜地 矿泉[温泉]疗养区 (船只、商队)取水的地方; (牛马等)饮水处 [美俚]厕所

       place of abode 律住所, 住址

       place of arms 军队的集合地; 供军队退却整休用的基地, 贮藏兵器弹药的要塞

       place of call 经常去的地方




       1、Hero's Come Back!! 英雄归来

       2、distance 距离

       3、ブルーバード 青鸟

       4、CLOSER? 更加贴近

       5、ホタルノヒカリ 萤之光

       6、Sign? 信号

       7、透明だった世界 透明的世界

       8、Diver? 潜水者

       9、ラヴァーズ? 爱人

       10、newsong 新曲

       11、突撃ロック 突击摇滚

       12、Moshimo 假如

       13、ニワカ雨ニモ负ケズ 骤雨中也不服输

       14、月の大きさ 月的大小


       16、シルエット 剪影?


       18、LINE 线?

       19、ブラッドサーキュレーター 血压循环

       20、カラノココロ? 空虚心灵


       1、流れ星~Shooting Star~流星

       2、道 ~to you all 道路~to you all

       3、キミモノガタリ 君物语

       4、目覚めろ!野性 觉醒吧!野性

       5、素直な虹 纯洁的彩虹

       6、Broken Youth 破裂的青春

       7、Long Kiss Good Bye 热吻之别

       8、バッチコイ!!! 尽管来吧!!!

       9、深呼吸 深呼吸

       10、My ANSWER 我的答案

       11、おまえだったんだ 只有你

       12、For You 为了你

       13、自転车 自行车

       14、うたかた花火 如泡沫般的烟花

       15、U can do it! 你能做到

       16、真夜中のオーケストラ 午夜交响曲

       17、FREEDOM 自由

       18、欲望を叫べ!!!! 呼叫欲望!!!!

       19、Place to Try 尝试的场所

       20、バイマイサイド 在我身边

       21、カスケード 瀑布

       22、この声枯らしてfeat. CHEHON 声嘶力竭

       23、MOTHER 母亲

       24、さよならメモリー 再见了,回忆

       25、I Can Hear我能听到

       26、梦を抱いて~はじまりのクリスロード~ 怀抱梦想~最初的Clis Road~

       27、ブラックナイトタウン 黑夜中的城镇

       28、虹 虹


       30、Never Change feat.Lyu:Lyu 绝不改变

       31、だめだめだ 不行啊

       32、Spinning World 旋转的世界

       33、言叶のいらない约束 不需要言语的约定

       34、虹の空 虹之空

       35、トラブルメイカー 麻烦制造者

       36、そんな君、こんな仆 那样的你、这样的我

       37、青のララバイ 青之摇篮曲

       38、ピノとアメリ Pino and Amélie

       39、旅立ちの呗 启程之歌







请翻译高手帮忙翻译一下can't stop thinking about you-男孩地带这首歌的歌词,多谢!




       v.(动词)试验,试用,尝试,试努力,争取,尽力律审判,审问,审理,审讯考验试行,试着推 ,试穿磨练,折磨,使苦恼试图,想要,设法,试做企图榨(油),从(肥肉)炼(油)提炼(金属)n.(名词)尝试,试,试验努力,试图橄触球,持球触地得分,在对方球门线上带球触地,向球门踢球的权利试摔进攻权审理,审判adj.(形容词)(平面等)平的二、英英释义

       Noun:earnest and conscientious activity intended to do or accomplish something;"made an effort to cover all the reading material"

       "wished him luck in his endeavor"

       "she gave it a good try"

       Verb:make an effort or attempt;"He tried to shake off his fears"

       "The infant had essayed a few wobbly steps"

       "The police attempted to stop the thief"

       "He sought to improve himself"

       "She always seeks to do good in the world"

       put to the test, as for its quality, or give experimental use to;"This approach has been tried with good results"

       "Test this recipe"

       put on trial or hear a case and sit as the judge at the trial of;"The football star was tried for the murder of his wife"

       "The judge tried both father and son in separate trials"

       take a sample of;"Try these new crackers"

       "Sample the regional dishes"

       examine or hear (evidence or a case) by judicial process;"The jury had heard all the evidence"

       "The case will be tried in California"

       give pain or trouble to;"I've been sorely tried by these students"

       test the limits of;"You are trying my patience!"

       melt (fat or lard) in order to separate out impurities;"try the yak butter"

       "render fat in a casserole"

       put on a garment in order to see whether it fits and looks nice;"Try on this sweater to see how it looks"



       If youtry to do something, you want to do it, and you take action which you hope will help you to do it.

       e.g. He secretly tried to block her advancement in the Party...


       e.g.Try to make the effort to work your way through all of your tasks one at a time…



       Totry and do something means to try to do it.

       e.g. He has started a privatisation programme totry and win support from the business community…


       e.g. I musttry and see him.



       If youtry for something, you make an effort to get it or achieve it.

       e.g. My partner and I have been trying for a baby for two years...


       e.g. He said he was going totry for first place next year.



       If youtry something new or different, you use it, do it, or experience it in order to discover its qualities or effects.

       e.g. It's best not totry a new recipe for the first time on such an important occasion...


       e.g. I've tried everything from herbal cigarettes to chewing gum…



       If youtry a particular place or person, you go to that place or person because you think that they may be able to provide you with what you want.

       e.g. Have you tried the local music shops?



       If youtry a door or window, you try to open it.

       e.g. Bob tried the door. To his surprise it opened.



       When a personis tried, he or she has to appear in a law court and is found innocent or guilty after the judge and jury have heard the evidence. When a legal caseis tried, it is considered in a court of law.

       e.g. He suggested that those responsible should be tried for crimes against humanity...


       e.g. Whether he is innocent or guilty is a decision that will be made when the case is tried in court...



       In the game of rugby, atry is the action of scoring by putting the ball down behind the goal line of the opposing team.

       e.g. The French, who led 21-3 at half time, scored eight tries.

       上半场以 21:3 领先的法国队有 8 个达阵得分。

       9. see also: tried;trying

       Try and is often used instead oftry to in spoken English, but you should avoid it in writing.Just try and stop me! Notice also the difference betweentry to andtry with the '-ing' form of the verb, which often suggests doing something.I'm going to try to open a jammed door… Try opening the windows to freshen the air.

       英语口语中常用try and代替try to,但在书面语中应避免这种用法。如,Just try and stop me (你拦我试试看)。注意try to与try加动词ing形式的区别,后者经常表示建议做某事。如,I'm going to try to open a jammed door (我要设法打开一扇卡住的门),Try opening the windows to freshen the air (试着把窗子打开,透透气)。10.没努力尝试;没竭尽全力

       If you say that something fails but notfor want of trying or notfor lack of trying, you mean that everything possible was done to make it succeed.

       e.g. Not all is perfect, but it isn't for want of trying.


       11. totry your best -> see best

       totry your hand -> see hand

       totry your luck -> see luck

       totry someone's patience -> see patience

       相关词组:try ontry outtry out for


       This idea seems good but you need to try it out.


       I think I'll try my luck at roulette.


       He is trying his best to understand his meaning.


       Don't try to smooth over your faults.


       He is trying his best to understand his meaning.


       A youth was tried in the criminal court for stealing.


       His courage was severely tried by his ordeal.


       After a few tries they decided to give up.


       I just don't see why we shouldn't give it a try.



       用作动词(v.)try after (v.+prep.)谋求; 争取 try for

try after sthThey all tried after the first prize.


       He tried after the post of secretary, but was too late to be considered for it.


       try one's best竭尽全力; 尽力 do the best one can; do all one can

try one's bestWhatever you do, try your best.


try one's best to-vHe tried his best to help us.


       Now that the decision has been made, we must try our best to carry it out.


       Let's try our best to get the task fulfilled ahead of schedule.


       He tried his best to verify this theory.


       She tried her best to be calm.


       try for (v.+prep.)试试大小 test size; try sth to find out whether it fits one

try for sthHe thought of trying for a position in a research institute.


       He'll be trying for the 3000 metre title at the coming school track-and-field meet.


       With a school record like yours I'm puzzled why you didn't try for a university scholarship.


try it for sizeThis is a sixty. Try it for size.


       I'm sure this coat will suit you,Madam, why don't you try it for size?


       try on (v.+adv.)耍花招,哄骗attempt to deceive

       try out (v.+adv.)选拔test sb for a place on a team or in a group

try sb/sth ? outThe director is trying out some actors for the new play.


       We won't be able to tell what skills the man has until we try him out.


       The government is trying out various new types of computers.


       Before I purchase that car,I'd like to try it out.


       We won't know if the plan is good till we have tried it out.


       This new engine must be thoroughly tried out before being put on the market.


       I should not like to express an opinion on the plan until it has been tried out.


       The idea seems good, but it needs to be tried out.


try out for sthThey tried out for the football team.


       Are you going to try out for the volleyball team?



       用作动词 (v.)~+名词try a drop学一点try one's hand at试着做…try one's hand in尝试做…~+副词try again再试试try elsewhere到别处试试try hard极力try many times试过多次try arduously艰苦地尝试try brutally严峻地尝试try charitably慷慨地尝试try conscientiously诚心诚意地尝试try continuously不停地审理try covertly秘密地审讯try creditably值得称赞地尝试try curiously不寻常地审理try daringly大胆地尝试try deliberately故意尝试try desperately(因绝望而)不顾一切地尝试try despicably可鄙地尝试try disastrously灾难性地尝试try elaborately艰难地尝试try energetically精力旺盛地尝试try exorbitantly极其过分地尝试try faithfully忠诚地尝试try feebly愚蠢地尝试try forcibly用暴力方式进行地尝试try fruitlessly无结果地尝试try futilely无效地尝试try grotesquely可笑地尝试try heroically英勇地尝试try hurriedly匆匆地审理try ignobly不光彩地尝试try impiously不恭地尝试try inadvertently非故意地尝试try ineffectually效果不佳地尝试try ineptly不恰当地尝试try ingeniously巧妙地尝试try insistently坚持尝试try involuntarily不由自主地尝试try laboriously努力地尝试try laudably值得赞美地尝试try manfully果断地尝试try memorably值得回忆地尝试try murderously谋杀性地尝试try obstinately固执地尝试try obviously明显地尝试try outrageously猖狂地尝试try pretentiously狂妄地尝试try professionally专业化地审理try reasonably合理地尝试try recklessly轻率地审讯try ridiculously荒唐可笑地审讯try satirically讽刺性地审讯try savagely野蛮地审讯try sincerely真实地尝试try spectacularly引人入胜地尝试try steadily踏踏实实地审理try strenuously艰难地尝试try superhumanly超出常人能力地尝试try vainly徒劳地尝试try variously不同地尝试try on试穿try out试用~+介词try for a prize争取得奖try for a university scholarship想申请大学奖学金try in various ways用种种方法尝试七、词义辨析

       v.(动词)try to-v, try v-ing这两个短语含义不同,前者意思是“试图或努力去做某事”,而后者意思是“试验一下某种方法”。例如:try to climb the mountain设法向山上爬(未成功)try climbing the mountain努力爬上山去(成功)try, attempt, endeavour这组词都有“尝试”或“设法 ”的意思。它们之间的区别是:1.attempt只用作及物动词,强调“希望成功”,但不一定成功,是正式用语。例如:We attempted a race.我们试图进行一次比赛。It would be a waste of time to attempt the impossible.试图做办不到的事是浪费时间。2.endeavour在作“努力”“尽力”解时,是褒义词,指为了完成某事而作出巨大的努力,尤其在面临困难的时候。例如:The UN is endeavouring to establish peace.联合国正在为世界和平而努力。Galieo endeavoured to prove that the earth rotates around the sun.伽利略尽力证明地球是绕着太阳转的。3

singapore a place you will never forget





















       我不想再去尝试 再去尝试










       我不想再去尝试 再去尝试



       我不想再去尝试 再去尝试









       好了,关于“place to try”的话题就讲到这里了。希望大家能够对“place to try”有更深入的了解,并且从我的回答中得到一些启示。