the canyons_the canyons (2013)

       下面,我将以我的观点和见解来回答大家关于the canyons的问题,希望我的回答能够帮助到大家。现在,让我们开始聊一聊the canyons的话题。

1.the lase resort 表达什么意思






the canyons_the canyons (2013)

the lase resort 表达什么意思


       它描述了印地安人曾经的生活, 和白人带来的灾难

       The Last Resort--Eagles

       She came from Providence, 她来自普罗维登斯

       the one in Rhode Island 是罗得岛洲的一员

       Where the old world shadows hang 旧世界的阴影悬挂在哪里

       heavy in the air 沉重地在空气中

       She packed her hopes and dreams 她把她的希望和梦想打包在一起

       like a refugee 好像一个流亡者

       Just as her father came across the sea 就好像她的父亲穿过大海

       She heard about a place people were smilin' 她听到关于一个地方的人们在微笑

       They spoke about the red man's way, 他们谈论关于(红色男人/红军)的道路

       and how they loved the land 和他们是怎样爱他们的土地

       And they came from everywhere 还有他们来自于各地

       to the Great Divide 到达分界线

       Seeking a place to stand 寻找一个立足点

       or a place to hide 或者一个隐藏点

       Down in the crowded bars, 在拥挤的酒吧中下

       out for a good time, 显露出一个繁荣时期

       Can't wait to tell you all, 等不及告诉你一切

       what it's like up there 那里到底像什么

       And they called it paradise 他们说那里就是天堂

       I don't know why 我不知道为什么

       Somebody laid the mountains low 一些人躺在山腰下

       while the town got high 一会儿的时间整个小镇进入高潮

       Then the chilly winds blew down 然后寒冷的风吹来

       Across the desert 穿过沙漠

       through the canyons of the coast, 穿过海岸的峡谷

       to the Malibu 直到马利布

       Where the pretty people play, 漂亮的人们在那里玩

       hungry for power 渴望力量

       to light their neon way为了照亮 他们的新迁之路

       and give them things to do 并且给予他们事情去做

       Some rich men came and raped the land,一些有钱人来到这里并掠夺这片土地

       Nobody caught 'em没有人抓捕他们

       Put up a bunch of ugly boxes, and Jesus, 举起一个捆绑好的丑陋的盒子,和耶稣

       people bought 'em 人们买来他们

       And they called it paradise 并且称他为天堂

       The place to be 这个未来的地方

       They watched the hazy sun, sinking in the sea 他们凝视着朦胧的太阳,沉没在海中

       You can leave it all behind 你可以把他们全部抛之脑后

       and sail to Lahaina 然后启航去LAHAINA

       just like the missionaries did, so many years ago 就好像传教士做所的一样,很多年以前

       They even brought a neon sign: "Jesus is coming" 他们甚至于带来一个新迁的标记“耶稣来了”

       Brought the white man's burden down 带来白人的担子

       Brought the white man's reign 带来白人的统治

       Who will provide the grand design? 谁将准备这盛大的计划

       What is yours and what is mine? 什么是你们的 什么是我们的?

       'Cause there is no more new frontier 因为这里没有更多新的边境

       We have got to make it here 我们需要在这里制造出来

       We satisfy our endless needs and 我们满足我们的无穷的需要

       justify our bloody deeds,并且证明我们的血腥的行为

       in the name of destiny and the name 以命运的名义和上帝的名义

       of God

       And you can see them there,你可以看到他们在那里

       On Sunday morning 在星期天的早上

       They stand up and sing about 他们站起来并且唱着关于

       what it's like up there 那里到底像什么

       They call it paradise 他们称之为天堂

       I don't know why 我不知道为什么

       You call someplace paradise,你称一些地方为天堂

       kiss it goodbye吻别。

       单纯翻译歌词用处不大,就像Hotel California,歌词后半段的含混让人全然不可理喻,除非你把前面的Colitas联结在一起来想。

       the last resort,感觉更加深涩。最后的庇护所?最后的胜地?到底指向何处?47楼的兄弟说这首歌主要讲的是对美洲的殖民历史的讽刺,(躺在山脚下的可能是印第安人,而白人的高楼大厦是建立在印第安人逐渐减小的居住地的。)又有人说跟神谕上帝有关。但我以为,Eagles诉说辽远历史的可能性不大(而且这种说法跟歌词原文相差甚大),我倒相信这个“最后的胜地”说的就是New York。

       从罗得岛的地理位置来看,就在纽约的西北方,邻近波士顿。作为美国最小的州,我不清楚罗得岛的状况;但歌词第一节就说了:Just as her father came across the sea。从罗得岛跨海到哪里?应该是美洲大陆,不可能去欧洲。而最有可能的地点又是哪里?

       纽约吧。“they came from everywhere”,纽约在50年代已经成为国际都市,everywhere的意义除了美国各州,很可能也包括世界各国。能吸引各国人移居,在罗得岛附近除了纽约似乎找不到更好的解释。

       这里附带说一下,the Great Divide,意思是生死边缘,而不是“分界线”。

       我想更能说明问题的是后面一句:Seeking a place to stand or a place to hide,辛苦经营来到这里,只不过是寻求立足之地或藏身之所——显然这不该是现实的场景,而是另有所指:这里的压力颓废高犯罪率让人精神无着,尽管他们会说自己深爱这片土地这个城市。

       说法只是冠冕堂皇或者野心勃勃的宣言,因为Some rich men came and raped the land,Nobody caught 'em,让他们深爱的原因无非权势和金钱。这里的rich men似乎让答案更明确:世界上哪里的rich men附聚如蚁?当然是华尔街。

       We satisfy our endless needs,and justify our bloody deeds,in the name of destiny and the name of God。这显然是在抗诉一个物欲横流血腥残暴的世界。70年代的纽约恰好满足这两个条件:奢侈之风盛行,犯罪率高企,直至90年代警方推出零容忍执法,情况才得以改观。

       这么多分析实际上连我自己也拿不准,但从They call it paradise,I don't know why;You call someplace paradise,kiss it goodbye这几句看来,所谓“最后的胜地”不过是藏污纳垢之所。这里也不排除另一种解释:真正的Resort在人心之中,应当向上帝寻求。




       突然你会看到远处的一条银带。飞机开得近一些你就会更加清晰地欣赏到瀑布了。你会在悬崖下超过半英里的地方看到这个高大的瀑布。那是个你永远不会忘怀的景象。1930年之前没有人知道这个瀑布。那年,一名叫James Angel的美国飞行员飞到这个地方。当他飞过山和山谷上空的时候,他突然发现了这个瀑布。它给人的影响太深刻了:疑似银河落九天!



       The Great Wallis China's largest ancient military defensive project. Great Wall east of shanhaiguan, through the mountains, across the deep canyons, stretch spanning in desert and grassland, jiayuguan has been at the finish. The 12000 Yu Huali, therefore calls the Great Wall.

       In the spring and autumn period and the warring states period of the five to seven centuries BC, the central plains earth, hegemony between feudal lords war frequently.

       To defense the northern grasslands of the nomadic tribes harassing the central plains, located in the northern yan, zhao, qin and other countries in the crossroads place high walls.

       Qin shi huang unified China, will the nations Great Wall together as a line, created the world famous ancient engineering marvel.

       High court to make a wall policy, 18 times of large-scale construction of the Great Wall, the duration for more than 200 years, will all previous dynasties brick instead of stone walls.

       The walls of the Great Wall is not a isolated, but by the watchtowers, smoke mound consisting of a complete military defense system.

       ln Ming dynasty, the wall defense system extremely closely, with brick wall, 10 meters high, 5 meters wide, the wall has built the watchtowers every 30 meters, watchtowers are solid and hollow, flat circular. Solid barbican only shooting, and hollow watchtowers lower living and hay.

       Smoke there assembled piers on the wall, once the outbreak of war, is located in the front line of pier cigarette smoke, soldiers deployed, soldiers from the crenel shooting, setting wall perforation and other fortifications.

       As a symbol of the Chinese nation has conquered the world. In December 1987, listed by UNESCO heritage committee of world heritage.

       The Great Wall, is the Chinese dragon, is effective in the development of China witness testimony, it also proves the meaning of not a true man unless he comes to the Great Wall.









       Wuling source scenery scenic spot position northeast Hunan Province.The scenery scenic spot area scope is the east longitude 110°20"30" ~ 110°41' 15" North latitude 29°16' 25"~ 29°24' 25" Total area 390.8 square kilometers, among,periphery safety-strip area 126.8 square kilometers. Is situated atnorth the central Asia tropics the climatic region, is 山原 thehumid climate. In the area the quartz sand rock pillar peak has 3,103,the kilometer take 上峰 column 243, the high point as the rabbitfull moon peak, the elevation 1264.5 meters; Boundary minister of theinterior 2,000 meter above run-off ditch 32, the total length amountsto 84.6 kilometers, among, is most famous by Jin Bianxi. The peak isthree cliffs canyons place at most, often lives in contentment for themountain person sets up camp place, most famous has the Huang Shihstronghold, the hawk nest stronghold, the percussion instrumentstronghold, hides the official stronghold and so on. The Wuling source is the biological treasure house, in the area theplant vertical climatic zone spectrum obvious, the group falls thestructure integrity, the ecosystem is balanced, is the Chinese - Japan植物区系 Central China plant area, is this plant area core region,is containing the multitudinous ancient precious plant and the Chinaunique plant resources. Forest 覆盖率 reaches 88%. The higher planthas 3,000 kinds, xylophyte has the l07 branch, 250 is, 700 kinds.First batch includes "China Rarely and preciously Is in imminentdanger Protection Plant Name list" the key protection plant to have 35kinds. The land fresh vertebrate has 50 branches, 116 kinds, is thecountry grade one protected animal 3 kind, the national two levels ofprotections animals 10 kind, the national three levels of protectionsanimals 17 kinds. In 1988 the State Council examined and approved the Wuling source forthe national key scenery scenic spot area, and the authorizedestablishment province governed 张家界 the city, established theWuling source area people's government, strengthened the sceneryscenic spot area the protection and the management. In December, 1992,the Wuling source is officially included by the United NationsEducational, Scientific and Cultural Organization as the naturalheritage "World Inheritance Name list". Natural heritage Has the prominent value the geological landform The Wuling source in the areal structure system, is in the newChina third upheaval zone. In the long geologic history time, hasapproximately experienced a Wuling snowy peak, Indo-China, Mt.yanshan, happy Shan Jixin the tectonic movement. The Wuling - snowypeak movement has established the home court basal structure. TheIndo-Chinese movement has molded the home court fundamentalconstruction landform rack, but happy Shan Jixin the tectonic movementforms one of Wuling source unusual silicarenite peak forest landformlandscape most basic intrinsic factors. The constitution sandstone peak forest landform stratum mainly by thefar paleozoic group in, the Upper Devonian 云台 view group and theHuang family pillar group constitutes, stratum demonstration 滨海相clastic rock class characteristic. Crag lithical pure, level thick,the bottom shape is gentle, the vertical festival principle growth,the rock appears to the syncline outline, reflected the sandstone peakforest landform landscape forms special geologic structure environmentand basic condition. But the external force geology mobilizationerosion and the gravity collapse and its the biological biochemistryfunction and the physical weathering function, then molds the Wulingsource landform landscape essential external condition. Therefore, itsformation is in the specific geological environment because inside andoutside the geological gravity mutually affects for a long timeresult. Unusual varied landform landscape * Silicarenite peak forest landform: The Wuling sourcealtogether has pinnacle 3,103, the peak body distributes in theelevation 500 ~ 1,100 meters, is highly different by several dozensmeters to 400 meters. Peak forest modelling scenery 体完 US dollarlacks, if person, if god, if immortal, if birds and beasts, if beast,if the thing, is eternally changing. The Wuling source silicarenitepeak forest landform characteristic is: The nature pure, the stone isthick, the quartz content is 75% ~ 95%, rock layer thick 520 meters.Has the layered measure structure, namely 厚层 the silicareniteclamps the thin layer, extremely the thin layer mica siltstone or theshale, this measure structure is advantageous to the natural modellingsculpture, the enhancement vivid feeling. The rock layer exposes tothe syncline outline produces the shape to be gentle (5° ~ 8°,partially most greatly reaches 20°), increased the rock stability,rose straight from the ground for the peak forest has provided theprecondition. The rock layer vertical festival principle growth,demonstrated 等距 the characteristic, the spacing is ordinary 15 to20 meters, was molds the differ in thousands of ways peak forestlandform shape and the profound canyon has provided the condition. Based on the above factor, adds it in the region new tectonic movementintermittence 抬升, inclines, the erosion cuts, the action ofgravity, the physical weathering function, the biochemistry and theroot divides and so on under the many kinds of 外营力 functions,Shan Tize forms the peak forest according to the complex naturalevolution process, demonstrated Gao Jun, goes against, 壁陡and so onthe characteristic evenly. * Structure 溶蚀 landform: The Wuling source structure 溶蚀landform, mainly appears to the permian is, three packs is thecarbonate distributes the area, the area amounts to 30.6 squarekilometers, may divide is five subgroups, mays be called is "thewestern Hunan" the karst landscape typical representative. The mainshape has dissolves the grain, dissolves the mark, dissolves the nest,dissolves fights, dissolves the ditch, dissolves the trough, Shi Ya,buries Shi Ya, the hoodoo, goes through a hole, the marsh land, ShiMo, the funnel, falls the water-dunnel, the shaft, the roof louvrewindow, Fu Liu, the buried river, the karst spring and so on. Thelimestone cave mainly concentrates north the rope brook valley rivervalley the side and south emperor Shandong the reason, always amountsto dozens of. Is most typical by the yellow natural tunnel, is called"the speleology research treasure house", has the tour and theexploration aspect special value in the speleology. * Disintegration structure landform: Distributes to 志留系 thedetritus area, sees and three subgroups: The clastic rock Zhongshan单面山 landform, distributes to silicarenite peak forest landscapeperiphery and faces upwards area the view utmost point from Ma Jingjieto the white tiger hall; The carp keel V valley Zhongshan landform,distributes in places such as lake level ground, Shijia valley, Huangfamily level ground; The clastic rock low mountain landform,distributes in the Zhongshan outflow boundary, the hillsidecomparatively slow, the river valley assumes open V. * The river valley corrosion piles up the landform: This type maydivide into in front of the mountain to flush Hong Shan, the step andthe high tidal flat. Former distributes to shapinging the village,grows Yu Chaqi valley - Shi Jiayu area the valley mouth; Rope brookboth banks grow two 级阶, two levels for the base step place, outdothe river surface 3 - 10 meters; Armed force grounds around a house -Yu Jiazui a high tidal flat growth, the area amounts to 4 ~ 5 squarekilometers. West the complete ecosystem Wuling source is located the plateau Asiaarea with the eastern part knoll plain Asia area edge, northeast meetsHubei, west goes directly to places such as Shennongjia, southwestassociation Yu Qiandong Fanjing. Each place biology mutually seeps,species rich, specially here terrain complex, slope steep ditch deep,in addition climate temperate, rainfall rich, the forest growth isluxuriant, has provided the good environmental condition to themultitudinous species survival and the multiplication. Adds the Wulingsource transportation inconveniently, the sparse population, are been less the jamming, thus has preserved the rich biological resources,becomes the our country multitudinous child to lose the plant and therare and precious zoology and botany centralism distributed area.According to the textual research, does for hundred year Wuling sourcenever to have bigger climatic anomalies, soil erosion, the crag bodyavalanche or the forest plant disease greatly has and so on thephenomenon, proved the Wuling source maintained a structure to bereasonable and the also complete ecosystem, had the extremelyimportant scientific research value. * Wuling source plant resources extremely rich: In multitudinousplant, Wuling pine distribution broadest, quantity most, the shape ismost wonderful, has "in the Wuling source 3,000 peaks, the peak has108,000 pines" the reputation. 古树 is in the natural heritage "the live cultural relic". TheWuling source 古树 famous wood has ancient, is big, the treasure,wonderfully, many characteristics. The god hall bay, the black firbrain preservation has the complete virgin forest. 张家界 villagegingko 古树 reaches as high as 44 meters, the tree diameter at chestheight is 1.59 meters, is called in the natural heritage the livefossil. The growth to the kidney stronghold Chinese dove tree, isnational level of protections precious trees. These plant idioplasmresources, have the extremely high scientific research value, theirsurvival environment, 林相 the structure and its the protection, thepreservation and so on all are the significant research topic. * Precious wild rare and precious animal: The Wuling source belongs toJapan in the animal geographic distribution west, the Chinese centralarea, is located the mountainous region plateau Asia area and east thearea department knoll plain Asia area junction demarcation line edge.Here terrain complex, climate temperate, rainfall rich, passes throughthe long-term corroded decency, the silicarenite constitution gianthigh peak different stone, the slope steep ditch is deep, adds theforest cover, for the animal the life, the multiplication has createdthe good environmental condition. After the preliminary examination,the land fresh vertebrate altogether has 50 branches 116 kinds,including "National Key Protection Animal Name list" center grade oneprotected animal 3 kinds, two levels of protections animals 10 kinds.In what the Wuling source animal world, are more is 猕 the monkey,according to the preliminary observation statistics is above 300. Thenative is called "the baby fish" big gill, then sees in the brook, thespring, the deep pool. The research animal ecology in the Wulingsource ecosystem function and two relations, has the importantscientific value regarding the protection animal and the maintenanceecological equilibrium. In the precious geological vestige landscape Wuling source Echo Wallin the Devonian system stratum the granulated substance grain andjumps nearby the fish deep pool on the rock painting 波痕, is therare geological vestige, not only may supply the visit, moreover isstudies the ancient environment and the sea land vicissitude evidence.Distributes in the emperor mountain permian is in the stratum coralfossil, the shape like turtle back pattern, therefore called "theturtle grain stone", is the sculpture each kind of handicraft verygood material. The colorful climate landscape Wuling source spring, the summer, thefall, the winter, cloudy, are clear, the dynasty, evening, the climate11,000. The fog is the meteorological marvelous sight which the Wulingsource most sees, has the fog, the cloud sea, the cloud, the cloudwaterfall and the cloud five kind of shapes. After the rain ceasesraining, first is the fat dim big fog, subsequently changes into thewhite clouds, indistinctly sinks floats, group peak in limitless cloudsea appear and disappear from time to time during, if the Penglaiimmortal island, 玉宇 the fine jade building, places oneself,graceful, sometimes the cloud sea has risen the peak, then blots outthe sky the potential, flies rolls straight flows swiftly, changesinto the cloud waterfall, splendid sight. Rosy cloud date. Whenever the cloudless day early morning, a turn ofred glowing sun in under red cloud accompanying, raises slowly fromwonderful Shan Yifeng; Evening, accompanies the all colors rosy cloudslowly to drop, that stands in great numbers the peak stone, underrosy cloud bathing, reveals the rhyme posture gracefully, particularlyis enchanting. Moonlit night. Same month star thin time, silences reigns, the peakforest under the bright moonlight, puts on layer upon layer the foggauze, brims with 幽 is being wonderful, the mystical feeling. Winter snow. After the winter snow, layer upon layer the mountainrange, the place place pinnacle, 银装素裹, ices the curtain tohang down, jade leaf 琼枝, exquisitely carved, turns in the fairytale the crystal world. Esthetics value The scenery esthetics characteristic Wuling source estheticscharacteristic, may summarize for is wonderful, Austria, Xiu, 幽, thewild five characters. Wuling source peak stone unusual, rises straightfrom the ground, steep is lofty, Feng Feng relies on, layer upon layerfolds. Ascends catwalk place and so on emperor mountain, Huang Shihstronghold, the bird's eye view thousand peaks ten thousand gullies,like ten thousand 丛珊瑚 stemming from blue sea abyss, immeasurablydeep, infinitely subtle. Wuling source vegetation luxuriant, typemany, especially by Wuling source pine growth unusual, modellingwonderful beautiful, either towers the peak, either is hanging thecliff, either horizontally lies the peak crack, its shape plain, itspotential is vigorous, its god 邈远, for person by esthetic senseand spiritual inspiration. Wuling source varied many condition brooks,spring, lake, waterfall, its nature pure, its taste glycol is fresh,for person feeling of by the good-looking smooth god. Wuling sourcecloud fog sea, 神秘莫测, ever changing, from time to time thetranspiration fills the air, from time to time flows out drops, fromtime to time spreads out all over the condensation, from time to timeextends the volume to be elegant... ... Composes makes the illusionboundary which one is enchanted by. Wuling source undergroundlimestone cave sublime mysterious, the construction scenery isenchanting, full of beauty and significance. The varied and colourfulnatural landscape organically arranges the combination, mutuallyserves as contrast, enhances one another's beauty, constitutes theempty dharmadhatu to aid, to contain the free scenery happiest extent,has



       2018年4月,被国家市场监督管理总局划分为“2018年传销重点整治城市”。 2018年度《中国国家旅游》最佳优质旅游城市。2018年重新确认国家卫生城市。

       Guiyang's name was first found in the New Records of Guizhou Tujing in the Ming Dynasty.?

       It was first built in the Yuan Dynasty. During the Yongle Period of the Ming Dynasty,?

       Guizhou Province was established. Guiyang became the political, military,

       economic and cultural center of Guizhou Province.?

       There are more than 30 ethnic minorities in the territory,?

       including 32 tourist attractions such as mountains, rivers, canyons, lakes,

       karsts, caves, waterfalls, primitive forests, humanities, ancient city pavilions and so on.

       In April 2018, it was classified by the State Administration of Market Supervision and?

       Administration as "the key renovation cities of pyramid marketing in 2018".?

       The Best Quality Tourist City of China National Tourism in 2018.?

       The National Health City was reconfirmed in 2018.





















       Plateaus are extensive flat areas elevated above the surrounding terrain, often characterized by their breathtaking scenic beauty.高原是广袤的平坦区域,位于周围地形之上,通常以其壮丽的自然景色而闻名。

       Tibet, known as the "Roof of the World," is famous for its vast plateaus, including the Tibetan Plateau, which is the world's highest plateau.西藏,被称为“世界屋脊”,以其广阔的高原而闻名,其中包括世界上海拔最高的青藏高原。

       Plateaus often have a significant impact on the local climate, creating unique ecosystems and supporting diverse flora and fauna.高原常常对当地气候产生重大影响,形成独特的生态系统,支持多样化的植物和动物。

       The Colorado Plateau in the United States is renowned for its stunning red rock formations, deep canyons, and archaeological sites such as the Mesa Verde Cliff Dwellings.美国的科罗拉多高原以其迷人的红色岩石形态、深邃的峡谷和考古遗址(如梅萨维德悬崖住所)而闻名。

       Many plateaus are rich in natural resources, making them important for agriculture, mining, and forestry, providing livelihoods for millions of people.许多高原富含自然资源,因此在农业、矿业和林业方面具有重要意义,为数百万人提供生计。

       Plateaus are often associated with ancient civilizations; the Andean Plateau in South America was once home to the Inca Empire, showcasing their advanced agricultural techniques.高原通常与古代文明有关;南美洲的安第斯高原曾是印加帝国的发源地,展示了他们先进的农业技术。

       The Ethiopian Highlands, a prominent plateau in Africa, are known for their diverse landscapes, including deep valleys, rugged mountains, and fertile plateaus.非洲的埃塞俄比亚高原以其多样化的地貌而闻名,包括深谷、崎岖的山脉和肥沃的高原。

       Plateaus are crucial for water resources; many major rivers originate from plateaus, providing water for agriculture and human consumption downstream.高原对水资源至关重要;许多主要河流源自高原,为下游地区的农业和人类消费提供水源。

       Plateaus are also significant in terms of biodiversity; they often harbor unique species adapted to the specific environmental conditions of elevated terrains.高原在生物多样性方面也具有重要意义;它们通常栖息着适应高地特定环境条件的独特物种。

       Tourism on plateaus offers travelers a chance to experience the awe-inspiring beauty of elevated landscapes, explore ancient cultures, and engage in outdoor activities.在高原上旅游使游客有机会体验高地景观的令人惊叹之美,探索古老文化,并参与户外活动。




       Starry sky over the Wild West=西部荒野上的星空

       Moonlit desert landscapes-月光下的沙漠景观

       Twinkling lightsin theOld West towns-老西部小镇上闪烁的灯光

       Silhouettes of cacti against the night sky-夜空下仙人掌的剪影

       Desert canyonsbathed in moonlight-月光下的沙漠峡谷

       Glowing campfires under a starry canopy-星空下燃烧的篝火

       Rustic barnsand farmsunderamoonlit sky-月光下的乡村谷仓和农场

       Western saloons aglow with warm light=温暖灯光照亮的西部酒吧

       Nighttime rodeos with colorful lights-色彩斑斓的灯光照亮的夜间牛仔竞技表演

       Desert sunsets fading intoastarry night=沙漠日落褪去,迎来星空夜晚

       Moonlit trails through the western wilderness-月光下穿越西部荒野的小径

       Glowing neon signs in western city streets-西部城市街道上闪烁的霓虹灯招牌

       Desert mesas illuminated by the moon-月光照亮的沙漠台地

       Nighttime horseback rides under a starry sky- 星空下的夜间骑马之旅

       Old western ghost towns in the moonlight- 月光下的老西部鬼镇

       Cowboy campfires casting flickering shadows-牛仔火投射出摇曳的影子

       Desert oasis shimmering under the night sky-夜空下闪烁的沙漠绿洲

       Western mountain ranges silhouetted against the night - 夜色中的西部山脉剪影

       Historic western landmarks glowing at night - 夜晚灯光照亮的西部历史地标

       Nighttime train rides through the western landscape=西部风景中的夜间列车之旅

       Moonlit rivers winding through the western valleys - 月光下穿越西部山谷的河流

       Glowing campgrounds under a star-filled sky-星空下照亮的露营地

       Desert rock formations bathed in moonlight=月光下的沙漠岩石构造

       Nighttimerodeo arenas filled with cheering crowds=观众欢呼的夜间牛仔竞技场

       Western-style street markets bustling at night=夜晚熙熙攘攘的西式街市

       Desert wildlife exploring under amoonlit sky=月光下探索的沙漠野生动物

       Rustic western cabins aglow with warm candlelight 温暖蜡烛光照亮的乡村西部小屋Nighttime outdoor concerts under the stars-星空下的夜间户外音乐会

       Western festivals illuminated by colorful lights -色彩斑斓的灯光照亮的西部节日

       Desert sand dunes shimmering in the moonlight-月光下闪烁的沙漠沙丘

       Moonlit horseback rides through the western plains月光下的西部平原骑马之旅

       Glowing campfires surrounded by western landscapes西部风景中照亮的篝火

       Desert cacti illuminated by the moon's soft glow月光下柔和的光芒照亮的仙人掌

       Nighttime cowboys herding cattle under starry skies星空下的夜间牛仔赶着牛群

       Old western ghost towns bathed in moonlight - 月光下的老西部鬼镇

       Cowboy campgrounds filled with laughter and songs充满笑声和歌曲的牛仔露营地

       Desert oasis reflecting the moon's gentle radiance月光下反射温柔光芒的沙漠绿洲

       Western mountain peaks glowing in the night - 夜晚中闪耀的西部山峰

       Historic western buildings illuminated by soft streetlights柔和街灯照亮的西部历史建筑Nighttime rodeoevents showcasing western skills展示西部技能的夜间牛仔竞技表演Moonlit canyons carving through the western landscape月光下刻画西部风景的峡谷

       Glowing western-style taverns bustling with activity充满活力的西式酒馆闪烁着灯光

       Desert sandstone formations glowing under the night sky夜空下闪耀的沙漠砂岩构造

       Nighttime horse races on western racetracks -西部赛道上的夜间赛马

       Old western movie sets bathed in moonlight月光下的老西部**拍摄场景

       Cowboy campfires casting warm glows on rugged faces牛仔篝火在粗犷的面庞上映出温暖的光芒

       Desert oasis reflecting the starry night sky星空下反射的沙漠绿洲

       Western mountain ranges glowing with a golden hue金色色调中闪耀的西部山脉

       Historic western towns illuminated by antique street lamps古老街灯照亮的西部小镇Nighttime chuckwagon dinners under a starlit canopy星空下的夜间牛车晚餐

       The Temple of Heaven 天坛

       The Summer Palace in Brief 颐和园

       北海公园 Beihai Park

        故宫博物院 the Palace Museum

        革命历史博物馆 the Museum of Revolutionary History

        天安门广场 Tian'anmen Square

        毛主席纪念堂 Chairman Mao Zedong Memorial Hall

        保和殿 the Hall of Preserving Harmony

        中和殿 the Hall of Central Harmony

        长城 the Great Wall

        午门 the Meridian Gate

        紫金山天文台 Purple and Gold Hills Observation

        紫禁城 the Forbidden City

        御花园 Imperial Garden

        颐花园 Summer Palace

        天坛 Temple of Heaven

        周口店遗址 Zhoukoudian Ancient Site

        太和殿 the Hall of Supreme Harmony

        祈年殿 the Hall of Prayer for Good Harvest

        少年宫 the Children's Palace

        烽火台the Beacon Tower

        人民大会堂 the Great Hall of the People

        清东陵 Eastern Royal Tombs of the Qing Dynasty

        乾清宫 Palace of Heavenly Purity

        民族文化宫 the Cultural Palace for Nationalities

        劳动人民文化宫 Worker People's Cultural Palace

        北京工人体育馆 Beijing Worker's Stadium


        护城河 the Moat

        仙人洞 Fairy Cave

        黄果树瀑布 Huangguoshu Falls

        西山晴雪 the Sunny Western Hills after Snow

        避暑山庄 the Imperial Mountain Summer Resort

        龙门石窟 Longmen Cave

        苏州园林 Suzhou Gardens

        庐山 Lushan Mountain

        天池 Heaven Pool

        蓬莱水城 Penglai Water City

        大雁塔 Big Wild Goose Pagoda

        华山 Huashan Mountain

        峨嵋山 Emei Mountain

        石林 Stone Forest

        西湖 West Lake

        白马寺 White Horse Temple

        白云山 White Cloud Mountain

        布达拉宫 Potala Palace

        大运河 Grand Canal

        滇池 Dianchi Lake

        杜甫草堂 Du Fu Cottage

        都江堰 Dujiang Dam

        鼓浪屿 Gulangyu Islet

        观音阁 Goddess of Mercy Pavilion

        归元寺 Guiyuan Buddhist Temple

        甘露寺 Sweet Dew Temple

        黄花岗七十二烈士墓 Mausoleum of the 72 Martyrs

        华清池 Huaqing Hot Spring

        昭君墓 Zhaojun's Tomb

        **故居 Mao Zedong's Former Residence

        周恩来故居 Zhou Enlai's Former Residence

        越秀公园 Yuexiu Park

        岳阳楼 Yueyang Tower

        南湖公园 South Lake Park

        中山公园 Zhongshan Park

        武侯祠 Temple of Marquis Wu

        漓江 Lijiang River

        寒山寺 Hanshan Temple

        静心斋 Heart-East Study

        黄鹤楼 Yellow Crane Tower

        黄山 Huangshan Mountain

        天下第一关 the First Pass Under Heaven

        桂林山水 Guilin Scenery with Hills and Waters

        秦始皇兵马俑 Qin Terra-Cotta Warriors and Horses Figurines

       好了,关于“the canyons”的话题就到这里了。希望大家通过我的介绍对“the canyons”有更全面、深入的认识,并且能够在今后的实践中更好地运用所学知识。