1.brian seo--open your eyes中文歌词是什么

2.open your eyes的歌词


4.求NewS《Open Your Eyes》的中文歌词

5.有首歌里面有一句歌词:open your eye open you mind open your thought请问是哪首歌曲?












brian seo--open your eyes中文歌词是什么

少しだけ色づく 街路树の雨 (只稍色的林荫树的雨)

ただゆっくりと 时を数えた (只是慢慢的增大)

突然手を掴み あなたは走る (突然抓住你的手跑)

今から変わる 风を见せてくれた (从现在开始改变风为见到你)

いつもより 眩しくて (总是更加耀眼)

※Open your eyes (眼睛睁开)

目の前に 感じる优しさは (眼前的感觉很好)

これからもずっとあるかな? (今后也一直有吗?)

未来が暖かく 结んでくれたよね (未来温暖的东西了)

二人が离れないように (两人为了不被分离)

言叶はいらない 见つめてね※ (比话语更加珍贵,更加重要)

过ぎていく时间は 散りゆく花びら (时间是散落的花瓣)

次の季节が ドアを叩いた (第二季节敲了门)

私は変われたの? あなたと出会い (改变了我和你的相遇)

迷いの声が 暗に変わるけれど (迷惑的声音变成黑暗,但是)

手探りじゃ わからない (摸索找不到的)

Open your eyes (眼睛睁开)

寒空に 瞬く恋心 (寒天里闪烁的恋慕心)

暗暗の中で消えそう (黑暗中消失)

あなたの眼差しは 全てを包込む (你的眼神全部包拥挤)

二人が震えないように (不要两个人颤抖)

キスよりも热く あたためて (比起接吻也渐渐热温热)


真的真的尽力了。 希望你纳

open your eyes的歌词

Baby there's something lately, between you and me, something I want you to see 亲爱的,有些话来不及想对你说,你和我...

I wanna do things differently, don't wanna walk the same street 我想有所表示,不再裹足不前

Breaking up in the making 胆怯在一点点的消失

(I know I gotta take a chance, oiding ma past mistakes, do whatever it takes)我要把握这一次机会,无论做什么 小心翼翼地避免任何错失

So much pressure on me 这一切让我感到很压抑

(Baby can we take our time, I'm not trying to run and hide)亲爱的,可以给我们彼此一点点时间吗?我不再逃避甚至再隐藏些什么了

I just wanna love you right...我只想真正地去爱你


Baby don't cry, you know that I'm by your side 亲爱的,不要哭泣,你知道我会陪伴你

We're doing just fine, I keep your heart next to mine 我们就这样顺其自然吧,我要永远都是驻在你心窝里的那一个

It's all right, I'm here to stay by your side 就这样说好吧,我还是在原地陪着你

I need some time, you ask for a reason why? 我还需要一点时间,你说为什么?

Cause I'm gonna shine, you into the light, just open your eyes 我要为你闪耀,让你藏在我的光圈里,请睁开你的眼眸

Verse 2:

Sorry that I got you confused, didn't wanna break it to you 很抱歉是我让你感到困惑了,不应该打破你平静的心

It really wasn't easy to do (No) 但这一切真的很难压抑

Do you know how much I love you? Damned if I lose you, really wouldn't know what to do....(No!)你知道我有多爱你吗?如果被诅咒失去你,那我的世界亦随之瘫痪。

(I know I gotta take a chance, oiding ma past mistakes, do whatever it takes)我要把握这一次机会,做什么都总那么小心翼翼地避免任何错失

So much pressure on me!那感觉让我很压抑

(Baby can we take our time, I'm not trying to run and hide)我们可以

I just wanna love you right oooh...我想真正地去爱你



No matter how long it seems, reciate you waiting here for me无论距离怎样地遥远,仍很感动你依然在原地等我

Can't see you walk away and lee, it's plain to see, you're all I need...无法眼睁睁看着你转身离开,一切都是很明了的,你的一切只专属我。

I'm asking please....我想问可以吗?


snow patrol - open your eyes

all this feels strange and untrue

and i won't waste a minute without you

my bones ache, my skin feels cold

and i'm getting so tired and so old

the anger swells in my guts

and i won't feel these slices and cuts

i want so much to open your eyes

cos i need you to look into mine

tell me that you'll open your eyes

get up, get out, get away from these liars

cos they don't get your soul or your fire

take my hand, knot your fingers through mine

and we'll walk from this dark room for the last time

every minute from this minute now

we can do what we like anywhere

i want so much to open your eyes

cos i need you to look into mine

tell me that you'll open your eyes

all this feels strange and untrue

and i won't waste a minute without you

求NewS《Open Your Eyes》的中文歌词

smile open your eyes的中文翻译_

smile open your eyes




I want you to smile, open your eyes, love and go on.



Or you can do what he'd want, smile, open your eyes, love and go on.


有首歌里面有一句歌词:open your eye open you mind open your thought请问是哪首歌曲?


已经 不再是孩子了 难道这麼简单一句就能舍弃?

拼命想办法获得的东西 就放在雨中离去

若是下定了决心 就把那扇门 推开吧

甚至连拖住了我的 温柔 都一并舍弃而行

If you open your eyes 应该还能看见吧

Your dream comes true 未来 那张地图

It's in your heart 可以重新取回

If you open your eyes 不要放弃

Your dream comes true 不要移开眼睛

It's in your heart 试著去相信 Oh Just open your eyes

说什麼自己没有自由 用这样的藉口来逃避

即使变成了令人厌恶的自己 在雾里依旧朦胧

说这是不得已的 跨过了 界线

难道不会后悔 甚至连热情 都一并舍弃而行

If you open your eyes 应该还能看见吧

Your dream comes true 未来 那张地图

It's in your heart 可以重新取回

If you open your eyes 不要放弃

Your dream comes true 不要移开眼睛

It's in your heart 试著去相信 Oh Just open your eyes

那一天诉说的 那个远大的梦想 想办法将它的光芒 藏在心中

If you open your eyes 应该还能看见吧

Your dream comes true 未来 那张地图

It's in your heatr 可以重新取回

If you open your eyes (Ah if you open up your eyes)

Your dream comes true (Your dream comes true)

It's in your heart It's in your heart (It's in your heart)

If you open your eyes 不要放弃

Your dream comes true 不要移开眼睛

It's in your heart 试著去相信 Oh Just open your eyes

试著去相信 Oh Just open your eyes


以上~来自ex 台湾~中文官方版歌词翻译~

日本的CD都有台压版的~NEWS是 ex 发行的唱片~所以他们有中文官方翻译 ^o^

歌曲:open up


you can be rich

with no money to spend

you can do everything

when you understand

you can be mother

when you are a man

open up

you know that you can

open up the borders

and start in your head

open your mind to thoughts seldom said

open your heart

and open your mind

open your thoughts

and don't stay behind

open your eyes

open your mind

open your thoughts

don't stay behind

open up, open up open up, open up

open up, open up

let's get there

open your eyes

open your mind

open your thoughts

don't stay behind

let's get there