



3.暮光之城4 片尾曲

4.求《暮光之城》 - 《破晓》中所有插曲及正曲的歌词 英文带汉语翻译的 全全滴哦~






       Accumulator (automotive) = battery, car battery

       Alsatian (dog) = German shepherd

       Articulated lorry = tractor-trailer (truck), a "semi"

       Ass = donkey; U.S. ass = G.B. "arse," i.e. one's backside (in addition to normal "donkey")

       Athletics (an ... meet) = track and field

       Backlog = log-jam, pile-up (of business orders, for example). U.S. backlog = comfortable reserve of orders — difference between the two is in opposite interpretation or connotation of same basic situation.

       Bank holiday = holiday

       Bap = bun, hamburger bun, hamburger roll

       Mrs. Beeton = Fanny Farmer (standard cooking, household reference book)

       Bespoke = custom-tailored, tailor-made

       Big Dipper = roller coaster (at a "Fun-Fair" = "Amusement Park"

       Bilberry = blueberry

       "Bird" = "chick"

       Biro = Papermate (ball-point pen trade name which equals "generic" name)

       Biscuit = cookie (U.S. "biscuit" is a baked bread, "bap," "scone"

       Blancmange = vanilla pudding

       Block, block of flats = apartment building (U.S. term "block" [city block] unknown as such in British English, though usually understandable.

       "Bomb" (theater terminology) = a "hit," a great success. U.S. "bomb" = G.B. failure, critical disaster, i.e. the two are exact opposites in sentences like "The play was a bomb!"

       Boiler suit = overalls

       Bonnet (automotive) = hood (of a car...)

       Boot (automotive) = trunk (of a car...)

       Bottom drawer = hope chest

       Bowler (hat) = derby (special connotations & different pronunc.)

       Braces = suspenders; U.S. suspenders = G.B. garters, stocking fasteners

       Brambleberry = blackberry

       Bottom of the street = end of the street

       Box (TV) = Tube (both slang, colloquial terms)

       Bull = "mickey mouse" (unnecessary military drill); U.S. bull = G.B. cock

       Bum = ass, rectum; U.S. bum = G.B. tramp, derelict

       Bun in the oven = pregnant, eating for two

       Call box = (tele)phone booth

       Camp bed = cot; U.S. cot = G.B. baby bed

       Car park = parking lot

       Caretaker (for a building) = janitor (not same as "vahtimestari")

       Carriage (railway) = railroad car, subway car

       Carrier bag = shopping bag

       Caucus = permanent group in a political party; U.S. caucus = G.B. ad hoc planning meeting of a group in a political party

       Central reservation = median strip (between halves of a divided highway)

       Charge sheet = police record

       Chemist (drugstore) = druggist

       Chips = french fries; U.S. chips often = dried buffalo, cow dung (other cases, i.e. poker chips, wood chips, the same)

       Chucker-out = bouncer (doorman or "enforcer" in a bar/restaurant

       "In the City" = "on Wall Street" (in main financial district)

       City editor = financial editor; U.S. city editor = G.B. "community news editor"

       Cloakroom = toilet; U.S. cloakroom = clothes closet, garment storage area

       Coach = intercity bus

       Combinations = union suit (colloquial for long underwear)

       Comforter = scarf; U.S. comforter = heavy quilt, blanket

       Compére = Master of ceremonies, M.C. (of TV game show, etc.)

       Constable = (police) officer

       "To cop" = "to get" something unpleasant, i.e. "to cop a 15-pound fine." U.S. "to cop" = to plead guilty to a lesser charge in order to avoid prosecution & probable conviction on a more serious charge ("to cop a plea" = "plea-bargaining")

       Corn = all grain crops; U.S. corn = G.B. "maize" only.

       Costermonger = pushcart seller

       (Sent to) Coventry = ostracized

       Crisps = potato chips

       Cupboard = closet; U.S. closet = G.B. w.c., or toilet

       Davenport = antique folding writing desk; U.S. davenport = large sofa, often which folds out into a bed at night.

       Deposit account = savings account

       Dinner jacket = tuxedo ("black tie" formal dress)

       Dormitory = bedroom; U.S. dormitory = G.B. residence hall

       Dresser = kitchen sideboard; U.S. dresser = bedroom drawers, vanity

       "Duck" = "goose egg" (a zero on the scoreboard of a sports match)

       Dumb = mute; U.S. dumb usually means "stupid" rather than "mute," which is a secondary meaning in U.S. usage.

       Dustbin = garbage can, ashcan (exterior waste-disposal unit)

       Dynamo (automotive) = generator (within automobile engine)

       Earth wire = ground wire (in electricity, electronics)

       Elastic band = rubber band

       To Enjoin = to compel, to legally force; U.S. enjoin = to legally forbid — i.e. same term in same general contextual usage has precisely the opposite meaning

       Ex-serviceman = veteran; U.S. veteran = G.B. old ex-serviceman; (U.S. term has no special age connotation, only that the person have had prior military experience sometime)

       Fag = (a) cigarette; (b) public-school underclass "servant"; U.S. fag = low-slang term for male homosexual.

       Fanny = vagina (vulgar usage); U.S. fanny = light euphemism for "backside," either male or female.

       First floor = second floor, etc. (Britain walks in ground floor, goes up 1 set of stairs to first floor; U.S. ground floor and first floor are the same.

       Fish slice = pancake turner, spatula (kitchen tool); U.S. spatula = G.B. tongue depressor (medical instrument)

       Fitted carpet = wall-to-wall carpeting

       Flan = pie, fruit pie

       Flannel = washcloth; U.S. flannel = heavy warm cotton fabric; "flannels" would be long underwear made from such heavy warm fabric.

       Flat = apartment; U.S. flat = tenement flat = poor-standard slum apartment.

       Flick knife = switch-blade knife, a switchblade

       Flyover = overpass (as in a bridge over a road); U.S. flyover = airplane passing over a certain place, as in military parade "flyovers"; verb is "to overfly."

       Form (school) = grade [i.e. first form = first grade in school]

       Garden = yard; U.S. garden = vegetable garden, fljower garden, i.e. area of special cultivation. U.S. yard = G.B. paved area (lorry yards)

       Goods (car, train) = freight; U.S. goods = supplies, commercial stock

       Grind = sexual intercourse; U.S. grind = slang for "hard (routine) work."

       Haberdasher = notions seller; U.S. haberdasher = men's clothing seller

       To Hack = to (deliberately) kick; U.S. to hack = to chop, cut viciously.

       High street = Main street

       To Hire = to rent (in most cases); U.S. to hire = to employ Hire-purchase = (the "never-never") = installment plan

       Hoarding = billboard (large advertising sign alongside road)

       Hold up = traffic jam; U.S. holdup = robbery at gunpoint.

       Homely = home-loving, domestic, pleasant; U.S. homely = plain- looking (female), therefore often "left" at home.

       To Hoover = to vacuum (carpets, etc.) "Hoover" in the U.S. is a brand name only, never used as a verb.

       Inland = internal, domestic (Inland Revenue = Internal Revenue)

       Inverted commas = quotation marks (GB = 'xx'; USA = "xx")

       Inquiry agent = private detective

       Jelly = Jello (deriving from brand name Jell-O, gelatin dessert)

       "On the job" = having sexual intercourse; U.s. "on the job" = while working, learning, i.e. "on the job training."

       Joint = pot roast; U.S. "joint" = marijuana cigarette

       Juggernaut lorry = a very large truck, an overlong truck, a "double semi" truck

       Jumble sale = rummage sale

       Jumper = light pullover (sweater); U.S. jumper = type of knee- length woman's dress worn over blouse or sweater

       Kirby grips = bobby pins (to fasten long hair ...)

       A Knock-up = (tennis) to warm up, to volley a few, to practice-volley

       To Knock up = to awaken, call early in the morning; U.S. "to knock up" is colloquial for "to impregnate"

       Lacquer = hairspray; U.S. lacquer = wood varnish, shellac (high-gloss), i.e. protective decorative wood coating

       Ladder = (in women's stockings" = a runner, a run

       Lay-by = (beside a road) = a pull-off, a rest area.

       Left-luggage office = check room, baggage check (room)

       Level crossing = railroad crossing.

       Lift = elevator

       Lip balm = chapstick

       Logic-chopping = splitting hairs, hair-splitting

       Long jump (in athletics) = broad jump (in track and field)

       Lorry = truck

       Loud-hailer = bullhorn, amplified megaphone

       Lucky dip = grab bag (children's party game or activity ...)

        Lumber room = spare room, storage room (in a home)

       Mackintosh = raincoat, overcoat, trenchcoat

       Mains = ordinary built-in home electrical network (no special word as equivalent in U.S.)

       Market garden = truck farm

       Marrow (vegetable) = squash, gourd

       Mason = stoneworker; U.S. mason can be stone- or brickworker

       Marriage lines = marriage certificate

       Mean = stingy, tight with money; U.S. "mean" normally means nasty, spiteful, ill-meaning in action toward another

       Mess kit = formal military dress for ceremonial dining; U.S. mess kit = army or boy scout utensils for cooking or eating a meal on the trail.

       Minced meat = hamburger meat, ground beef; U.S. mincemeat = sweet, spicy ground meat/fruit/nut combination used for making pies, especially around Thanksgiving/Christmas

       Mineral water = any carbonated soft drink; U.S. mineral water = bottled natural water (containing normal minerals) from spring or health spa, Perrier water, etc.

       Mistress = teacher in girls' school; U.S. mistress = lover (extramarital)

       Mob = gang, group (neutral); U.S. mob = angry crowd; "the mob" = Mafia

       Motorist, motoring = driver, driving

       Music Hall = vaudeville (generic entertainment type/place name)

       Nappy = diaper (for infants not toilet-trained)

       A Neat drink = a straight drink, i.e. "give me a straight whiskey" = whiskey without water or other additives

       Nervy = nervous, jumpy; U.S. nervy = bold, impertinent, i.e. nearly the opposite of the British usage

       Night club = private membership club; U.S. nightclubs are public (commercial) entertainment places

       Number plate = license plate (on automobiles)

       Off-license = liquor store

       Old boy (girl) = alumni, alumnus, alumna [of a school]

       Pantechnicon = moving van

       Panda car = police patrol car, police cruiser

       Patience (card game) = Solitaire

       Pecker (keep your pecker up) = keep your chin up; U.S. pecker = penis

       Pram (peramulator) = baby carriage, baby buggy, stroller, walker

       Petrol = gasoline, gas (to go in automobiles, airplane, etc.)

       Pie = meat pie; U.S. pie is always a fruit or fruit-derived pie, unless "a meat pie" is specifically indicated

       Pillar-box = mailbox, post office box, letter box, letter drop

       Pissed (he was really...) = drunk; U.S. "pissed = angry, upset

       Pitch (soccer) = field (football) [GB "football" = US "soccer"]

       Plimsolls = sneakers, tennis shoes, gym shoes

       Point = electric outlet, railroad switch (depending on context)

       Polka dots = chocolate chips (food product for baking)

       Prawn = shrimp

       Prom, prom concert = music concerts where most of the audience is standing; U.S. prom = dance, semi-formal, especially at end of year in high schools, colleges

       Rates = local, municipal property taxes

       Redundant = laid off (from a job); U.S. redundant = superfluous (no connotation of connection with jobs at all)

       Return ticket = round-trip ticket

       Ringway = circular road (around a city), bypass

       Rise = raise in salary

       To Roger = to "screw," have sex with; to exploit, take advantage of, to use

       Roll neck (pullover) = turtleneck (sweater).

       Roundabout = traffic circle

       Rubber = eraser; U.S. rubber = condom, prophylactic device

       Saloon = "sedan" car (automobile); US saloon = western-style bar

       Saloon bar = one section of an English pub

       Sanitary towel = sanitary napkin, feminine hygienic item

       A good screw = a good salary; U.S. "good screw" equals good "fuck" or good sexual experience

       To Screw = to cajole, persuade, extract money from; U.S. "to screw" = to have sex with, fornicate

       Season ticket = commuter (train, bus) weekly or monthly ticket; U.S. season ticket is admission ticket to all home games in one season of a particular sports team

       To Second to = to temporarily loan staff to another job or unit

       Sellotape = Scotch tape (both brand names now used as "generics"

       "Semi" = duplex, duplex house; U.S. "semi" = tractor-trailer truck rig

       Seminary = Roman Catholic seminary only; U.S. Seminary can be ANY religion, i.e. Lutheran, Methodist seminaries

       Sherbet = powdered, fruit-flavored candy; U.S. sherbet = G.B. sorbet (pronounced "soorbay")

       Shorthand-typist = stenographer

       To shy = to throw something (he shied a rock at the stray dog...)

       Sideboards = sideburns (in a hairstyle)

       Single = one-way ticket; U.S. "single" in context would mean "only one" as opposed to "several" tickets

       To Snog = to neck (i.e. kissing, hugging, etc., esp teenagers)

       Spinster = any unmarried woman; U.S. spinster is always OLD unmarried woman

       Standard lamp = floor lamp (as opposed to table or wall lamp)

       S.T.D. (subscriber trunk dialling) = direct distance dialling [on the telephone, as opposed to dialling through operator]

       Steps = ladder; U.S. "steps" always would mean staircase, built- in stairway or staircase

       To stream (pupils in a school) = to track (streaming = tracking)

       Stroke (punctuation) = diagonal, slash

       To Stuff = to fornicate, have sex with; U.S. "I'm stuffed..." = to be comfortably, pleasantly full of food, satiated

       Sub-editor = copy reader or rewrite person, in journalism

       Subs = dues, as in union dues, etc.

       Subway = underground walking passage, underpass, pedestrian tunnel; U.S. subway = G.B. "underground," i.e. underground railway system for public transportation

       Superannuation scheme = retirement pension plan

       Supply teacher = substitute teacher

       Supertax = surtax

       Surgery = a doctor's office, office hours, reception time; U.S. "surgery" refers to "surgeon" operating on a patient

       Suspenders = garters, for socks or stockings only; U.S. suspenders = G.B. braces, for holding up trousers

       Sweet = dessert, or piece of candy

       Sweetshop = candy store

       To Table (parliamentary procedure, conference terminology) = to put on agenda for immediate handling; U.S. "to table" = to put aside [indefinitely], to delay further handling

       Tannoy = public address (p.a.) amplification system

       Teat = baby bottle nipple; US teat = GB nipple = breast nipple

       Terrace house = row house, garden apartment, town house

       Are you Through? (telephone) = are you connected; U.S. "are you through"? = are you finished, completed, with your call

       To tick = to check, place check mark beside

       Tights = hose, panty hoseh, nylons, nylon stockings; U.S. tights = leotards, skin-tight exercise suit, knit stocking pants

       Tinkle = telephone call [give me a tinkle sometime]; U.S. "tinkle" = children's talk for "to urinate"

       Tip = garbage dump; U.S. tip = hint, advice, clue

       Torch = flashlight; U.S. torch = burning, flaming light or weapon

       Touchline = sideline (in sports, such as on soccer pitch, etc.)

       Tower block = high-rise apartment building

       Trade union = labor union (but usually organized by "trades" in England, by "industry" in the U.S. — US "Auto Workers' Union" would be represented by different "trades" in GB)

       Tram = streetcar, trolley car

       Transport cafe = truck stop (roadside cafeteria, restaurant, popular with truck [lorry] drivers

       Traveller = travelling salesman

       Treacle = molasses

       Trousers = pants; U.S. pants = G.B. underwear shorts

       Trunk call = long-distance call (on a telephone)

       Turn it up (colloquial) = stop it, cut it out! U.S. "turn it up" = increase the volume

       Undercarrige = landing gear (aircraft)

       Underdone = rare (extent to which you wish your meat cooked)

       Underground= subway (cf "subway")

       Vest = undershirt; U.S. Vest = G.B. waistcoat

       Windscreen (automotive) = windshield

       Wing (automotive) = fender, bumper (pre-70s designs...)

       White spirit = turpentine, paint thinner; U.S. "white lightning" (spirits) = potent home-distilled backwoods alcohol!

       Wholemeal = whole-wheat (bread, flour, etc.)

       Yankee/Yank = any American in general, U.S. Yankee = Northeast erner ONLY, i.e. specific regional, historical definition

       Zebra crossing = crosswalk, pedestrian crossing (Ped Xing)

       "Zed" = "Zee" (pronunciation of last letter in alphabet)



       像是 一个苹果 就是 one apple

       如果是一卷胶带的话 就是 one sellotape


       a pair of chopsticks

暮光之城4 片尾曲

       cape jape nape rape tape agape chape crape drape etape scape lenape canape escape sarape scrape serape zarape inscape redrape reshape undrape netscape airscape icescape misshape raincape seascape skyscape sellotape audiotape autoshape broomrape 太多了!就不一一列举了!!

求《暮光之城》 - 《破晓》中所有插曲及正曲的歌词 英文带汉语翻译的 全全滴哦~



       The Twilight Saga:Breaking Down:Part 1 1 Endtapes 2 Love Will Take You 3 It Will Rain 4 Turning Page 5 From Now On 6 A Thousand Years 7 Neighbors 8 I Didn't Mean It 9 Sister Rosetta (Version) 10 Northern Lights 11 Flightless Bird, American Mouth 12 Requiem Of Water 13 Cold 14 Llovera 15 Love Death Birth 16Like A Drug( Bonus Track) 17Turning Page(Instrumentsl)( Bonus Track) 18 Eclipse(All Yours)( Bonus Track)

       更确切的说,应该是the joy formidable的endtape,歌词如下:

       Sellotape an end to

       Sellotape an end to

       Sellotape an end to

       Sellotape an end...

       Sitting pretty


       The knots

       Keep you at my side

       Upstairs in corners

       Eyes blink for the crawl

       Up and out my beacon

       Will choke if yours is taken

       I dare four more lines

       four more lines

       Sellotape an end to

       Sellotape an end to

       Sellotape an end to

       Sellotape an end...

       Hover thought


       Bite down

       My fickle hand machine


       meant for me

       Up and out

       My beacon will choke

       if yours is taken

       I dare four more lines

       four more lines

       In this broken way

       sorry on repeat just fails


       Selloptape an end

       To a story that is hanging

       Over silence always wasted

       Swells with every tear drop

       Pulls my Threads

       To kid gloves

       Sellotape an end to this

       Thieves, Years, Leaves, Knots

       Bleeds, Burst, Keeps apart

       Thieves, Years, Leaves, Knots

       Bleeds, Burst, Keeps apart

       Thieves, Years, Leaves, Knots

       Keeps apart

       Thieves, Years, Leaves, Knots

       Keeps apart

       Sellotape an end to

       a story that is ending

       Sellotape an end to

       a story that is ending...



       Sellotape an end to

       Sellotape an end to

       Sellotape an end to

       Sellotape an end to

       Sitting pretty, uptightly

       the knots, keep you at my side, upstairs in corners

       eyes blink for the call

       up and out, my beacon, will choke, if yours is taken

       I'd have four more lines

       Four more lines


       Sellotape an end to

       Sellotape an end to

       Sellotape an end to

       Sellotape an end...

       Harder thought, mosquito

       Right down ,

       my fickle hands, machine surprises

       meant for me

       up and out, my beacon, will choke, if yours is taken

       I'd have four more lines

       Four more lines

       It was broken way

       Turning on the pages first

       Sellotape an end to,

       Stormy letters hide me, Over

       Silent sorrows, breaks it

       Swirls with every tear drop

       Pulls my fighting dear across

       Sellotape an end to… this

       Feels years, leaves knots, bleeds burst, keeps apart

       Feels years, leaves knots, bleeds burst, keeps, an honest fool

       Feels years, leaves knots, Keeps apart

       Feels years, leaves knots, Keeps apart

       Sellotape an end to

       a story that is ending

       Sellotape an end to

       a story that is ending

       Love will take you

       If we never took that road

       If we hadn't had the heart

       We wouldn't have this home


       Love, love will take you

       Love, love will take you there

       Love, love will take you

       Love, love will take you there

       In this world the heart beats slow

       In my arms let's share the cold

       In my eyes your all I've known

       Darlin let's go home


       Love, love will take you

       Love, love will take you there

       Love, love will take you

       Love, love will take you there


       Love, love will take you

       Love, love will take you there

       Love, love will take you

       Love, love will take you there

       It will rain

       If you ever leave me, baby,

       Leave some morphine at my door

       Cause it would take a whole lot of medication

       To realize what we used to have,

       We don't have it anymore.

       There's no religion that could save me

       No matter how long my knees are on the floor, oh

       So keep in mind all the sacrifices I'm making

       Will keep you by my side

       Will keep you from walking out the door.

       Cause there'll be no sunlight

       if I lose you, baby

       There'll be no clear skies

       if I lose you, baby

       Just let the clouds,

       my eyes will do the same if you walk away

       Everyday, it will rain,

       rain, rain

       I'll never be your mother's favorite

       Your daddy can't even look me in the eye

       Oooh if I was in their shoes, I'd be doing the same thing

       Saying there goes my little girl

       walking with that troublesome guy

       But they're just afraid of something they can't understand

       Oooh well little darling watch me change their minds

       Yea for you I'll try, I'll try, I'll try

       I'll pick up these broken pieces 'til I'm bleeding

       If that'll make you mine

       Cause there'll be no sunlight

       if I lose you, baby

       There'll be no clear skies

       if I lose you, baby

       Just like the clouds,

       my eyes will do the same if you walk away

       Everyday, it will rain,

       rain, rain

       Ooooh Don't you say

       goodbye, don't just say, goodbye

       I'll pick up these broken pieces 'til I'm bleeding

       If that'll make it right

       Cause there'll be no sunlight

       if I lose you, baby

       There'll be no clear skies

       if I lose you, baby

       Just like the clouds,

       my eyes will do the same if you walk away

       Everyday, it will rain,

       rain, rain...

       Turning page

       I've waited a hundred years

       But I'd wait a million more for you

       Nothing prepared me for the privilege of being yours

       If I had only felt the warmth within your touch

       If I had only seen how you smile when you blush

       Or how you curl your lip when you concentrate enough

       I would have known what I was living for

       What I've been living for

       Your love is my turning page

       Only the sweetest words remain

       Every kiss is a cursive line

       Every touch is a redefining phrase

       I surrender who I've been for who you are

       Nothing makes me stronger than your fragile heart

       If I had only felt how it feels to be yours

       I would have known what I've been living for all along

       What I've been living for

       We're tethered to the story we must tell

       When I saw you well I knew we'd tell it well

       With the whisper we will tame the vicious scenes

       Like a feather bringing kingdoms to their knees

       From now on

       Dreamed last night of a time and place

       Where from our troubles we had escaped

       I held your hand and felt complete

       As you turned and said to me

       From now on

       From now on...will be

       you and me…we will be

       From now on

       From now on...will be

       You and me

       you and me…we will be

       Years went by and nothing changed

       The love we shared just stayed the same

       As hair grew grey on top of our heads

       Every night I quietly said

       From now on

       From now on...will be

       you and me…we will be

       From now on

       From now on...will be

       You and me

       you and me…we will be

       Only your dreams…

       Only your dreams…

       Only your dreams…

       From now on

       Only your dreams…

       From now on

       Only your dreams…

       From now on

       Only your dreams…

       From now on...

       You and me

       you and me…we will be

       A thousand years

       (Verse 1)

       Heart beats fast

       Colors and promises

       How do be brave

       How can I love when I'm afraid

       To fall

       But watching you stand alone

       All of my doubt

       Suddenly goes away somehow


       One step closer


       I have died everyday

       waiting for you

       Darling, don't be afraid

       I have loved you for a

       Thousand years

       I'll love you for a

       Thousand more

       (Verse 2)

       Time stands still

       Beauty in all she is

       I will be brave

       I will not let anything

       Take away

       What's standing in front of me

       Every breath,

       Every hour has come to this


       One step closer


       I have died everyday

       Waiting for you

       Darling, don't be afraid

       I have loved you for a

       Thousand years

       I'll love you for a

       Thousand more

       And all along I believed

       I would find you

       Time has brought

       Your heart to me

       I have loved you for a

       Thousand years

       I'll love you for a

       Thousand more

       (Pre-chorus x2)

       One step closer

       One step closer


       I have died everyday

       Waiting for you

       Darling, don't be afraid,

       I have loved you for a

       Thousand years

       I'll love you for a

       Thousand more

       And all along I believed

       I would find you

       Time has brought

       Your heart to me

       I have loved you for a

       Thousand years

       I'll love you for a

       Thousand more

       I didn't mean it

       I drove a nail in the bottom of my walking boot

       so i wail every time i hit the floor

       i'm dragging and i'm bleeding

       i'm begging and i'm pleading

       cause i thought you had another

       and you cannot have another lover

       i don't believe in loving with a ball and chain

       cause i feel how it crippled me inside

       i thought you were a cheating

       i couldn't bear you leaving

       now i know you didn't do it

       i need you to believe me when i say

       i didn't mean it

       i didn't mean it

       what i said

       i didn't mean it

       baby, i didn't mean it

       so i accused you wrong

       now i'm the guilty one

       hey, give me my sentence

       i'll pay my penance

       nothing kills me more

       than the pain i have for hurting you

       i didn't mean it

       i didn't mean it

       what i said

       i didn't mean it

       baby, i didn't mean it

       what i said

       i didn't mean it

       i didn't mean it

       what i said

       i didn't mean it

       baby, i didn't mean it


       hooooo oooo

       hooooo oooo


       i didn't mean it

       i didn't mean it

       what i said

       i didn't mean it

       baby, i didn't mean it

       what i said

       i didn't mean it

       i didn't mean it

       what i said

       i didn't mean it

       baby, i didn't mean it


       Sister Rosetta

       She's a caged animal

       London by night

       Crashing lights and cymbals

       Queens of Twilight

       And if I was you

       I'd use the loo before the long drive

       We compliment each other

       Just like Satan and Christ

       Baby, when I am laid to rest

       May my laughter remain

       Like your kiss blew me away

       Answer your spirit

       I gotta know right now

       I see you before me

       Won't you show me how?

       I wear my hair fizzy

       I don't copy no style

       'Cause kissin' and a scrubbin'

       It has consequences

       You're on the bus again past Big Ben

       With your rip off Oyster card

       Tell your A.S.B.O. friend

       To sling his hook and go make your girl smile

       'Cause baby, when I am laid in earth

       May my laughter remain

       Like your kiss blew me away

       Left your scent on my pillow

       Sister Rosetta was playin'

       The congregation insane

       Drinkin' in the house with no name

       Capture the spirit

       I gotta know right now

       I see you before me

       And won't you show me how?

       'Cause I am the landlord

       You'll be my Troubadour

       Better before me

       Won't you show me how, how?

       You gotta capture the spirit

       'Cause I gotta know right now

       I see you before me

       Won't you show me how?

       I am the landlord

       And you'll be my Troubadour

       Was it better before me?

       You just don't know how

       Capture the spirit

       And let it all hang out

       I see you before me

       Darlin', show me now

       I am the landlord

       And you'll be my Troubadour

       Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh

       Won't you show me how, how?

       Northern light

       Suddenly I realize everything I thought was impossible is here

       And my heart sings in a world so incredible

       And everything burns much brighter


       I (I) want to fly (fly) into this beautiful life I think it'd be nice with you

       I want to fly (fly) into this beautiful life I think it'd be nice with you, with you, with you, with you

       Fingertips, northern lights, tracing colors right through the sky

       Underneath a lullaby I never felt as blissful as I do here

       And my heart sings in a world so incredible

       And everything shines much brighter


       I (I) want to fly (fly) into this beautiful life I think it'd be nice with you

       I want to fly (fly) into this beautiful life I think it'd be nice with you, with you, with you, with you

       Set the night on fire if we want to

       Hanging out with the stars and the big moon

       I very well thank you how do you do

       Set the night on fire if we want to

       Hanging out with the stars and the big moon

       Put them down for a dance with your lasso

       I think it'd be nice with you, with you (X4)

        The Vanishing Glass(消失的玻璃)

        转眼间,哈利在阿姨家住过了十个年头,但是Private Drive街区依旧,没什么变化。

        The sun rose on the same tidy front gardens and lit up the brass number four on the Dursleys’ front door;it crept into their living-room,which was almost exactly the same as it had been on the night when Mr Dursley had seen that fateful news about the owls.

        Only photographs on the mantelpiece really show how much time had passed.



        There had been lots of pictures of what’s looked like a large pink beach ball wearing different-colored bobble hats -but Dudley Dursley was no longer a baby, and now the photographs showed a large,blond boy riding his first bicycle,on a roundabout at the fair, playing computer game with his father, being hugged and kissed by his mother.

        Dudley looked a lot like Uncle Vernon.He had a large,pink face, not much neck ,small, watery blue eyes and thick,blond hair that lay smoothly on his thick,fat head.



        “All right,thirty-seven then,”said Dudley, going red in the face .Harry, who could see a huge Dudley tantrum coming on ,began wolfing down his bacon as fast as possible in case Dudley turned the table over.

        Aunt Petunia obviously scented danger.


        “Oh.”Dudley sat down heavily and grabbed the nearest parcel(包裹),ripped the paper off (拆快递)a gold wristwatch.


        “Little tyke wants his money’s worth,just like his father.Atta boy, Dudley!”He ruffled Dudley’s hair.


        The room held no sign at all that another boy lived in the house,too.


        Her shrill voice which made the first noise of the day.She rapped on the door again with screeched .“Are you up yet ?”She demanded .

        demand 这种用法还是第一次看到,之前都是说需求,比如说我国是人口大国,对粮食,石油等资源有大量的 需求 。

        “ Nearly ”,said Harry。(有一种放假在家被妈妈三番五次喊起床的即视感,马上就能体验到了朋友们)

        Harry groaned.(小声咕哝,也作呻吟)


        Harry got slowly out of bed and started looking for socks. He found a pair under his bed and, after pulling a spider off one of them, put them on .Harry was used to spiders ,because the cupboard under the stairs was full of them,and that was where he slept.



        Exactly why Dudley wanted a racing bike was a mister to Harry,as Dudley was very fat and hated exercise-unless of course it involved punching somebody.Dudley’s favourite punch-bag was Harry.


        But he could often catch him.He didn’t look it,but he was very fast.Perhaps it had something to do with living in a dark cupboard,but Harry had always been small and skinny for his age.


        Harry had a thin face, knobby knees(怎么翻译呢?) ,black hair and brighten-green eyes.He wore round glasses held together with a lot of Sellotape because of all the times Dudley had punched him on the nose.The only thing Harry liked about his own appearance was a very thin scar on his forehead which was shaped like a bolt of lightening .

        哈利从被叫醒开始他的一天,他翻了个身(还记得上一节Dursley先生翻身嘛?turn over)想记住昨天的好梦:

        He rolled on to his back and tried to remember the dream he had been having. It had been a good one.There had been a flying motorbike in it.He had a funny feeling he’d had the same dream before.



        Harry put the plates of egg and bacon on the table,which was difficult as there wasn’t much room.

        Petunia came back from the telephone, looking both angry and worried.


        “She can’t take him.”She jerked her head in Harry’s direction,looked furiously at Harry as though he’d planned this.

        因为朋友没办法帮忙看Harry ,大家都什么反应呢?

        Dudley’s mouth fell open in horror but Harry’s heart gave a leap.


        The Dursleys often spoke about Harry like this, as though he wasn’t there - or rather,as though he was something very nasty that couldn’t understand them,like a slug(鼻涕虫).


        Harry put in hopefully(he’d be able to watch what he wanted on television for a change and maybe even have a go on Dudley’s computer).



        Aunt Petunia looked as though she’d just swallowed a lemon.

        “ And come back and find the house in ruins?”She snarled .


        “That car’s new,he’s not sitting in it alone...”


        Dudley began to cry loudly.In fact,he wasn’t really crying,it had been years since he’d really cried,but he knew that if he screwed up his face and wailed,his mother would give him anything he wanted.

        包括后边的假装抽泣:Dudley yelled between huge pretend sobs.

        然后又冲Harry坏笑:He shot Harry a nasty grin through the gap in his mother’s arms.



        “I’m warning you.’He had said, putting his large purple face right up close to Harry’s ,“I’m warning you now,boy- any funny business ,anything at all-and you’ll be in that cupboard from now until Christmas.”


        It was cool and dark in here, with lit windows all along the walls.Behind the glasses,all sorts of lizards and snakes were crawling and slithering over bits of wood and stone.(在木头和石头的间隙)


        Dudley stood with his nose pressed against the glass,staring at the glistening brown coils.

        其实对蛇的描写很生动:The snake jerked its head towards Uncle Vernon and Dudley,then raised its eyes to the ceiling.It gave Harry a look that said quite plainly:’I get that all the time.’

        The snake jabbed(刺,戳,猛击) it’s tail at a little sign next to the glass. Harry peered at it(带点疑惑,疑问的盯着看).


        Harry sat up and gasped;the glass front of the boa constrictor’s tank had vanished.The great snake was uncoiling itself rapidly,slithering out on to the floor-people throughout the reptile house screamed and started running for the exits.


        抱人的动作:flings one’s arms around sb

        say frantically 情绪失控的说

        Dudley 的好朋友是这样的:

        Piers was a scrawny boy with a face like a rat.He was usually the one who held people’s arms behind their backs while Dudley hit them.(狼狈为奸)

        fringe 刘海儿

        shear hair off 剪掉头发

        force sb into (当你穿一个瘦脖子衣领的衣服的时候)

        revolt 令人厌恶的

        shrink in the wash 缩水

        Dudley’s gang(狐朋狗友)

        chimney 烟囱

        turned right around 从右边扭过头来 车里空间小,扭头的时候差点碰到玻璃:

        He nearly crashed into the car front.

        snigger 痴痴窃笑

        harry sb away (不想给孩子买零食,赶紧催着走)

        形容一个人很像什么:a gorilla scratching its head and looking remarkably like Dudley

        fall back on (哈利担心看猩猩无聊的Dudley会继续他们的最大爱好,打自己)

        They would fall back on their favorite hobby of hitting Harry.

        poisonous cobras 有毒的眼镜蛇

        thick,man-crushing pythons 蟒蛇


        It could have wrapped its body twice around Uncle Vernon’s car and crashed it into a dustbin.(想起来那个可以绕地球两圈的优乐美,是不是也可以这样表达)

        敲玻璃 tap on the glass (敲玻璃,想把蛇唤醒,游客啊!)rap? the glass smartly with his knuckles.

        但蛇继续打盹 snooze on

        Dudley很失望,于是哼哼唧唧moan,shuffled away,拖着步子失望的离开。再来复习一下Harry的小声咕哝:groan. Harry 和蛇说话的时候小心翼翼地咕哝,murmur

        nod vigorously 表示很赞同的点头

        whin sb (当想让你爸妈买零食的时候,可以用whin)I want the toy,he whined his father.

        look intently at 认真的看

        hammering on the door to wake sb up(Harry阿姨叫醒Harry时的敲门声,主要是叫门的态度有点恶劣)

        蛇的眼睛:beady eyes it raised its head until its eyes were on a level with (平视) Harry’s.


        deafen shout震耳欲聋的喊叫

        Dudley came waddling(形容一个人因为很胖而走路蹒跚)towards them as fast as he could.

        Out of the way.(一个人霸道的对另一个人说,走开)

        rib 肋骨

        Harry 无意中又被打了:

        Caught by surprise,Harry fell hard on the concrete(实心的) floor.

        lean right up close to the glass(站的离玻璃很近,看动物的小孩子都这样)

        leapt back with howls of horror(惊恐万分,连蹦带跳往后撤)

        gasped 因为害怕而喘气

        Slid swiftly past 快速的

        hiss a voice发出嘶嘶的响声

        亲自 the teacher himself went to the student’s home.

        squeeze sb to death 把某人挤死

        collapsed into a chair(因生气等重重地坐下)

        sneak to the kitchen for some food(想起刘星半夜溜进厨房吃鸡腿)

        strain one’s memory (绞尽脑汁的回忆)

        a blinding flash of green light (闪瞎眼的绿光)

        rush sb out of (因为想避开、躲开而催促某人出去)

        在什么的那一秒:The weirdest thing about all these people was the way seemed to vanish the second Harry tried to get a closer look.

        Bit off 咬

