remember when_remember when i told you no matter

       对于remember when的问题,我有些许经验和知识储备。希望我的回答能够为您提供一些启示和帮助。


2.I can't remember when I started collecting litter

3.有个好听的英文歌第一个单词是remember 是什么歌

4.问一首男黑人歌曲,里面有一句歌词大概是baby you crazy,快节奏的,答案正确会追分

remember when_remember when i told you no matter












I can't remember when I started collecting litter

       Ican?t remember when I started collecting litter .

       But it was when I got tired of seeing litter near my home and realized that no one else was going to pick it up .


       I live close to a forest in Ohio , America .


       I can walk there in three minutes !


       I used to love going there to play with my dog .


       But one day there was so much litter there that I became very unhappy .


       I decided to clean up the forest .


       I wanted of feel happy going there again .

       I made my first trip to clean the forest that afternoon .


       I took a big black rubbish bag with me .


       Ten minutes after starting to pick up litter , my bag was full !


       It had cans , bottles , broken glass and newspapers in it .


       Since that first trip three years ago , I?ve gone to the forest four times a year to pick up litter .


       I?m there for three hours .


       It makes me feel great to do something for the environment .

       After each trip , I look at all the littler I?ve found and see if any of it is recyclable I keep it .


       I can?t understand why people drop litter .


       But I will keep picking it up until they stop dropping it .


       I know I can only do a small bit to help the earth , but I still think it is important.?


有个好听的英文歌第一个单词是remember 是什么歌



       Ⅲ.16.A see看,throw扔,drop丢,clean弄干净,根据题意此处选A。

       17.D 本句的题意: 我能在三分钟内走到那儿。in three minutes表示3分钟内,故选D。

       18.C 本题考查so … that … 句型,表示“如此……以至于……”。本句题意: 但是有一天,


       19.B 本题考查系动词+形容词。根据题意可知: feel happy感到高兴。

       20.A 本句分析句子结构,有一个介词短语after I started to pick up litter修饰ten minutes


       21.C 由four times a year一年四次,表示频度,可看出此处时态用一般现在时。

       22.D 从全文来看,作者为了保护环境而去捡垃圾,这件事不是让“我”感到累、难过、


       23.C any在此处表示“任一”,本句含义是“如果垃圾中有任何能够回收再利用的,我


       24.A until后跟短暂性动词,表示“直到……才”,从题意来看只有A项符合。

       25.B 根据题意“我只是做了一点事去帮助地球”。此处是用不定式短语来作补语。

问一首男黑人歌曲,里面有一句歌词大概是baby you crazy,快节奏的,答案正确会追分




















       (歌手: Gnarls Barkley)

       I remember when,

       I remember, I remember

       when I lost my mind

       There was something so pleasant

       about that phase.

       Even your emotions had an echo

       In so much space

       And when you're out there

       Without care,

       Yeah, I was out of touch

       But it wasn't

       because I didn't know enough

       I just knew too much

       Does that make me crazy

       Does that make me crazy

       Does that make me crazy


       And I hope that you

       are having the time of your life

       But think twice,

       that's my only advice

       Come on now, who do you,

       who do you, who do you, who do you

       think you are,

       Ha ha ha bless your soul

       You really think you're in control

       Well, I think you're crazy

       I think you're crazy

       I think you're crazy

       Just like me

       My heroes had the heart

       to lose their lives out on a limb

       And all I remember is thinking,

       I want to be like them

       Ever since I was little,

       ever since I was little it looked like fun

       And it's no coincidence I've come

       And I can die when I'm done

       Maybe I'm crazy

       Maybe you're crazy

       Maybe we're crazy


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