wish you were here艾薇儿_wishyouwerehere艾薇儿吉他谱

       接下来,我将会为大家提供一些有关wish you were here艾薇儿的知识和见解,希望我的回答能够让大家对此有更深入的了解。下面,我们开始探讨一下wish you were here艾薇儿的话题。

1.艾薇儿的wish you were here如何分给两个人唱比较适合呢?急求啊!

2.求艾薇儿的 wish you where here 的吉他谱。

3.求艾薇儿wish you were here歌词发音的音译,不是歌词翻译,是把她唱的每个音都音译

4.Avril《wish you were here》的中文歌词

wish you were here艾薇儿_wishyouwerehere艾薇儿吉他谱

艾薇儿的wish you were here如何分给两个人唱比较适合呢?急求啊!


       I can be tough, I can be strong

       But with you, it's not like that at all


       There's a girl that gives a shit

       Behind this wall you just walk through it


       And I remember

       All those crazy things you said

       You left them running through my head


       You're always there, you're everywhere

       But right now I wish you were here


       All those crazy things we did

       Didn't think about it, just went with it


       You're always there, you're everywhere

       But right now I wish you were here



       Damn! Damn! Damn!

       What I'd do to have you here, here, here


       (I wish you were here)


       Damn! Damn! Damn!

       What I'd do to have you near, near, near


       (I wish you were here)


       I love, the way you are

       It's who I am, don't have to try hard


       We always say, say it like it is

       And the truth, is that I really miss


       All those crazy things you said

       You left them running through my head


       You're always there, you're everywhere

       Right now I wish you were here


       All those crazy things we did

       Didn't think about it, just went with it


       You're always there, you're everywhere

       But right now I wish you were here



       Damn! Damn! Damn!

       What I'd do to have you here, here, here


       (I wish you were here)


       Damn! Damn! Damn!

       What I'd do to have you near, near, near


       (I wish you were here)


       No, I don't wanna let go

       I just wanna let you know

       That I, never wanna let go

       Let go oh oh


       No, I don't wanna let go

       I just wanna let you know

       That I, never wanna let go

       Let go oh oh


       Damn! Damn! Damn!

       What I'd do to have you here, here, here


       (I wish you were here)


       Damn! Damn! Damn!

       What I'd do to have you near, near, near


       (I wish you were here)


       Damn! Damn! Damn!

       What I'd do to have you here, here, here


       (I wish you were here)


       Damn! Damn! Damn!

       What I'd do to have you near, near, near


       (I wish you were here)


求艾薇儿的 wish you where here 的吉他谱。

       Avril Lavigne所演唱的单曲”Wish You Were Here”由Avril与Max Martin、Shellback共同撰写,收录在Avril Lavigne第四张专辑《Goodbye Lullaby》中。Avril接受Billboard杂志采访时表示:“《Wish You Were Here》这首单曲写的是思念曾经的爱人走不出阴影,而不断回忆起过往一起的光阴和美好的时刻。这支MV让我身处其境,想起了自己曾经的经历,所以我忍不住真情流露在拍摄的时候大哭一场。尽管我知道这都是在工作,但是我知道有些东西让我很有感触,因此我这样做了。”

求艾薇儿wish you were here歌词发音的音译,不是歌词翻译,是把她唱的每个音都音译

































































































































Avril《wish you were here》的中文歌词

       wish you were here

       喂屎 又 沃 嘿尔

       i can be tough ,i can be strong

       爱 看 逼 他芙 爱 看 逼 斯壮

       but with you, it's not like that at all

       爸特 喂兹 又 伊茨 闹特 赖克 在特 艾特 奥

       there's a girl that gives a shit

       在尔兹 高 在特 给夫斯 额 是伊特

       behind this wall you just walk though it

       逼喊的 自斯 沃 又 加斯特 沃克 兹辱 伊特

       and i remember

       俺的 爱 瑞蛮伯

       all those crazy things you said

       奥 走死 克瑞字 心斯 又 赛的

       you left them running through my head

       又 来福特 泽母 辱昂宁 自辱 买 汗的

       you're alway there, you're everywhere

       又 奥为 自尔 ,又 艾薇维尔

       right now i wish you were here

       瑞闹 爱 喂屎 又 沃 黑尔

       i can be tough ,i can be strong 我可以是强硬的,可以是坚强的 but with you, it's not like that at all 但当我和你在一起时,我完全不是那样的 there's a girl that gives a shit 有个女孩装作玩世不恭 behind this wall you just walk though it 但你走进了她的心墙 and i remember 我记得 all those crazy things you said 你说过所有疯狂的话 you left them running through my head 这些话在我的脑海中萦绕 you're alway there, you're everywhere 你一直在那,你无所不在 right now i wish you were here 但现在我希望你就在我身边 all those crazy things we did 我们做过所有疯狂的事 didn't think about it,just went with it 不愿回想,只想和你相伴 you're alway there, you're everywhere 你一直在那,你无所不在 right now i wish you were here 但现在我希望你就在我身边 damn!damn!damn! 该死的!该死的!该死的! what i'd do to have you here,here,here 我该怎么做才能让你在这,在这,在这 (i wish you were here) 我希望你在这 what i'd do to have you near,near,near 我该怎么做才能让你在我身边,身边,身边 (i wish you were here) 我希望你在这 i love, the way you are 我喜欢你的样子 it's who i am ,don't have to try hard 这就是我,不想去伪装 we always say,say it like it is 我们常说,一切就是这样 and the truth, is that i really miss 事实上,我真的很想你 no,i never wanna let go 不,我不愿放开你 i just wanna let you know 我就是想让你知道 that i never wanna let go 我决不放开你 let go 放开你 參考: /question/229771033.html

       好了,今天关于“wish you were here艾薇儿”的话题就讲到这里了。希望大家能够通过我的介绍对“wish you were here艾薇儿”有更全面、深入的认识,并且能够在今后的实践中更好地运用所学知识。