

1.counsel 和procure的区别

2.council , counsel , consul ,三个词是什么意思啊?!



counsel 和procure的区别







       The act of exchanging opinions and ideas; consultation.


       Advice or guidance, especially as solicited from a knowledgeable person.See Synonyms at advice

       建议:尤指从见多识广的人那里得到的建议或指导参见 advice

       A plan of action.


       Private, guarded thoughts or opinions:


       keep one's own counsel.


       A lawyer or group of lawyers giving legal advice and especially conducting a case in court.See Synonyms at lawyer See Usage Note at council

       辩护人,律师,法律顾问:一个或多个提法律建议并尤其在法庭上辩护的律师参见 lawyer参见 council


       coun.seled或 coun.selled coun.sel.ing或 coun.sel.ling coun.sels或 coun.sels及物动词)

       To give counsel to; advise.See Synonyms at advise

       提出建议;劝告参见 advise

       To recommend:


       counseled care in the forthcoming negotiations.



       To give or take advice.See Usage Note at council

       提出或接受建议参见 council



       AHD:[pr?-ky?r“, pr…-]

       D.J.[prou6kju*r, pr*-]

       K.K.[pro6kj&r, pr*-]


       pro.cured,, pro.cures及物动词)

       To get by special effort; obtain or acquire:


       managed to procure a pass.


       To bring about; effect:


       procure a solution to a knotty problem.


       To obtain for another (a person) for sex acts.



       To obtain sexual partners for others.


council , counsel , consul ,三个词是什么意思啊?!

       consult “商量”、“磋商”,普通用词,泛指就某事向他人请教、咨询或磋商。

        1)I will inform you about my decision as soon as I consult the matter with my



        2)You had better consult with your doctor before you decide to take on the job.


        3)I'm going to consult with my publisher about my forthcoming book.


        4)I'm going to see the teacher to consult with him about the matter.


       counsel “商量”、“商议”,指就某事与他人商讨或交换意见并取得较为一致的看


        1)The matter was so critical that the committee had to counsel far into the

        night and made a crucial decision.


        2)I will have to counsel my principals before I can give you a definite answer

        on that.


        3)People who follow different paths do not take counsel with one another.


        4)He may want to consult his fellow directors before going any further.




       会议; 政务会; 协调会[C][G]

       They will hold a council to discuss the proposal. 他们将开会讨论这个建议。

       顾问班子; 地方议会[C][G]

       议事, 商讨[U]

       He is in council now. 他正在议事


       商议, 审议[U]

       She took counsel with her lawyer. 她与她的律师商量。

       忠告, 劝告[U]

       He followed my counsel. 他听取了我的忠告。

       计划, 决策

       The counsel to build a new airport was approved. 新建一个机场的计划获得批准。

       律师, 辩护人[C][M][J]

       vt. 及物动词

       劝告, 忠告; 提议[(+on)][O2]

       His job is to counsel students on how to choose a career. 他的工作是辅导学生就业。

       vi. 不及物动词

       商议, 劝告

       She counseled with her husband about the problem. 她同丈夫商量了这个问题。







       Mr. Smith is a lawyer, but Mr. Thompson is not my attorney.



