ANOTHER ME_another me在phigros哪里

       大家好,我很乐意和大家探讨ANOTHER ME的相关问题。这个问题集合涵盖了ANOTHER ME的各个方面,我会尽力回答您的疑问,并为您带来一些有价值的信息。

1.英语中 other . others . another . the other 的详细辨析

2.other the other others anther的区别及用法?

3.谁告诉我 another, the other ,the others,others 等等 他们的区别。越细越好,谢了!!

4.写篇英语作文can you image one day you make up to see another"me",the cloned me?

5.another other others the other the others的区别及其用法

ANOTHER ME_another me在phigros哪里

英语中 other . others . another . the other 的详细辨析











































































































other the other others anther的区别及用法?






































































谁告诉我 another, the other ,the others,others 等等 他们的区别。越细越好,谢了!!





























































































写篇英语作文can you image one day you make up to see another"me",the cloned me?








































































































another other others the other the others的区别及其用法

       If one day, i see another "me", the cloned me, i would be really scared, because he may take over my life, like in the movies. So i will send him to some scientific facility and let the scientists to dissect him and see how is that possible. If we luckily find the solution this will be a great help for our human kind. And by the way, the definition of clone is an individual grown from a single somatic cell or cell nucleus and genetically identical to it. So it is impossible to see my clone identical to me right a way, because he would be a little baby.

       这是一篇很有见解,有科学内涵, 有深度, 有追求, 高举由中国特色社会主义伟大旗帜的短小精悍的作文, 希望楼主喜欢。 本人亲手敲出来的。































































































































       好了,今天关于ANOTHER ME就到这里了。希望大家对ANOTHER ME有更深入的了解,同时也希望这个话题ANOTHER ME的解答可以帮助到大家。