


1. sway

英英释义:to influence someone so that they change their opinion

例句:Don’t be swayed by your emotions.

2. 体会这个词 (进阶篇)

“sway”是及物动词,本意是”摇晃、摇摆“(可以试着闭上眼睛,边读边用一只手从左到右摇摆,感受一下“sway”)。它常被引申为“影响、使动摇”,因此很多时候它可以用来替换 influence 和 impact。但需要注意,从上面的英英释义可以看得出来,sway 的影响程度要高于 influence 和 impact。


Don’t be swayed by your emotions.


Across much of the West, people are swayed by populist politicians.(populist 就是“民粹主义”)

再来看《经济学人》中的一处例子,来自一篇关于 Facebook 对美国竞选影响的文章,里面正好先后出现了 sway 和 influence。原文第一句过长,在此有删改:

People wonder whether some content and ads shown to each user could be biased and help sway political attitudes. Could Facebook influence the outcome of this presidential election

3. 从认识到会用(作业)



People are easily swayed by commertial advertisements and purchase lots of unnecessary goods.

(参考翻译:People tend to be swayed by commercials and purchase lots of things that are unnecessary. 或 People are often swayed by advertisements and buy lots of things that they do not necessary.)

2) 造句:

场景:? 孩子们的决定往往受到父母的影响。

造句:? Lack of rich life experience, Children tend to be swayed by their parents when making decisions.


sway, n. 摇,影响力,支配; v. 使摇动,支配。一般表示物体的下端固定,上端“摇动”。如:The sailboat swayed on the stormy sea.(帆船在惊涛骇浪的大海中摇晃。)

swing, n. 摇摆,改变,冲力, 秋千,摇摆; v. 摇摆,使...旋转,动摇。多表示物体的上端固定,下端“摆动”。如:The pendulum swings.(钟摆摆动。)





1 .英英释义:power to rule or influence people?

例句:Some old attitudes still hold?sway?in rural areas.?

2. 为什么选这个词?


“sway”的常见搭配主要有两个: under somebody's sway? 和? hold sway over somebody 。

我们分别来看两个例子。之前在学习“sway”的动词用法时,我们有一个例句是:Across much of the West, people are swayed by populist politicians.(现在很多西方国家的民众都受到民粹主义政客的摆布。)

把这里的“sway”换成名词,就可以改写成:Across much of the West, people are under the sway of populist politicians.或者?Across much of the West, populist politicians hold sway over people/the electorate.(句中的 electorate 是集体名词,相当于 people,表示“全体选民”)?

英文中有个习语叫“Old habits die hard”,意思是“本性难移”,已经养成的习惯会持续影响我们。我们也可以用“sway”把它改写成:?Old habits hold sway over us.

举一反三,比如我们经常会说偏远地区人们的观念陈旧,根深蒂固,就可以说:Some old attitudes still hold sway in rural areas.

《经济学人》在一篇关于 Facebook 对美国竞选影响的文章中,就用到了 sway:?Where Facebook will hold most sway in this election is as an important advertising platform.

这句话是说 Facebook 将会在美国选举中发挥重大影响。这里的 hold most sway 就是“最具影响力”,most 是修饰 sway 的程度之大,我们常常可以在 sway 前面加上形容词强调影响力的程度。



Formal uncountable noun

//come/ fall under the sway of sb.

under somebody's sway? /? hold sway over somebody

//to hold sway: to be master; reign

//under the sway of hunger /style

//exercise/ command much sway

//the most /enough/ limitless sway

The country is under the sway of a tyrant.?注意与后一句的同义替换//people under the sway of the dictator 注意:the的两次出现


同义词:sway, power, authority, jurisdiction, control, command

Old habits die hard. = Old habits hold sway over us.

Where Facebook will hold most sway in this election is as an important advertising platform.