修女也疯狂主题曲_修女也疯狂主题曲《I will follow him》




3.谁能提供**《修女也疯狂》里插曲《my guy》的歌词

修女也疯狂主题曲_修女也疯狂主题曲《I will follow him》


       1. Greatest Medley Ever Told - Whoopi Goldberg & The Ronelles

       2. Never Should've Let You Go - Hi-Five

       3. Get up Offa That Thing/Dancing in the Street - Whoopi Goldberg & The Sisters

       4. Oh Happy Day - The St. Francis Choir feat. Ryan Toby

       5. Ball of Confusion (That's What the World Is Today) - Whoopi Goldberg & The Sisters

       6. His Eye Is on the Sparrow - Tanya Blount & Lauryn Hill

       7. Deeper Love - Aretha Franklin

       8. Wandering Eyes - Nuttin' Nyce

       9. Pay Attention - Valeria Andrews & Ryan Toby

       10. Ode to Joy - The Chapman College Choir

       11. Joyful, Joyful - The St. Francis Choir feat. Lauryn Hill, Ryan Toby, Devin Kamin & Ron Johnson12. Ain't No Mountain High Enough - Whoopi Goldberg & The Cast



       修女也疯狂2中的插曲是《A Deeper Love》。

       《A Deeper Love》是由美国女歌手Aretha Franklin于1993年发行的一首舞曲单曲。这首歌曲被收录在她的专辑《Queen of Soul:The Atlantic Recordings》中,并且也是**《蓝调之后》(Blues Brothers2000)的原声带之一。

       《A Deeper Love》的创作灵感来自于1986年的一首同名舞曲,但Aretha Franklin在这首歌曲中加入了她独特的音乐风格和嗓音,赋予了更深层次的情感表达。这首歌曲充满了活力和热情,展现了她作为"灵魂女王"的强大音乐才华和感染力。






谁能提供**《修女也疯狂》里插曲《my guy》的歌词

       1. Greatest Medley Ever Told - Whoopi Goldberg & The Ronelles

       2. Never Should've Let You Go - Hi-Five

       3. Get up Offa That Thing/Dancing in the Street - Whoopi Goldberg & The Sisters

       4. Oh Happy Day - The St. Francis Choir feat. Ryan Toby

       5. Ball of Confusion (That's What the World Is Today) - Whoopi Goldberg & The Sisters

       6. His Eye Is on the Sparrow - Tanya Blount & Lauryn Hill

       7. Deeper Love - Aretha Franklin

       8. Wandering Eyes - Nuttin' Nyce

       9. Pay Attention - Valeria Andrews & Ryan Toby

       10. Ode to Joy - The Chapman College Choir

       11. Joyful, Joyful - The St. Francis Choir feat. Lauryn Hill, Ryan Toby, Devin Kamin & Ron Johnson12. Ain't No Mountain High Enough - Whoopi Goldberg & The Cast

       My Guy (My God)

       Performed by Deloris & The Sisters

       Hail girls

       Hail Mary, what’s up

       Well, Juism’s become a real drag

       Everybody hates me

       Nah-ah, not that Guy over there

       Who Him

       They all say He’s different

       They say He’s really weird

       We don’t care what people say

       To us He’s always there


       Nothing you could say

       Could tear me away

       From my God (my God)

       Nothing you could do

       Cause I'm stuck like glue to

       My God (my God, my God)

       I'm sticking to my God

       Like a stamp to a letter

       Like birds of a feather

       We stick together

       I'm tellin' you from the start

       I can't be torn apart from my God

       Nothing you could do

       Could make me untrue to my God (my God)

       Nothing you could buy

       Could make me tell a lie

       To my God (my God, my God)

       I gave my God my word of honor

       To be faithful and I'm gonna

       You best be believing

       I won't be deceiving my God

       As a matter of opinion I think he's tops

       My opinion is he's the cream of the crop

       As a matter of taste to be exact

       He's my ideal as a matter of fact

       No muscle bound man

       Could take my hand

       From my God (my God)

       No handsome face

       Could ever take the place

       Of my God (my God, my God)

       He may not be a movie star

       But when it comes to bein' happy

       We are

       There's not a man today

       Who could take me away from my God

       (Cool it down now, ladies)

       There's not a man today

       Who could take me away from my God

       (Give them some of that deep shoulder action)

       There's not a man today

       Who could take me away from my God
