



3.身体是怎么分解脂肪的?How does the body break down lipids?





       Rain (rain) from the cloud droplets to land, land and ocean surface water evaporated into water vapor, water vapor rises to a certain height into a small drop of water after the case of the cold, these small water droplets to form clouds, the clouds where they are with each other collision of water droplets merge National Cheng Kung University, when it is big into the air care do not live, when falling behind down from the clouds to form rain. Rain causes of the diversity of its manifestations are also distinctive, with drizzle, there is incessant rain, as well as under the torrential showers. Rainwater is the most important human life, fresh water resources, plants also rely on rain to nourish and grow. However, the floods caused by heavy rains also caused tremendous suffering to human beings.Earth's water under sunlight irradiation, it becomes water vapor is evaporated into the air went. Encounter the cold air at high altitude water vapor can gather into small water droplets. These small droplets are very small, only 0.01 to 0.02 millimeters in diameter, the largest is only 0.2 mm. They are also small and light, was in the air updraft care in the air. Is that these small water droplets in the air and gather into clouds. These small water droplets to turn into raindrops fell to the ground, which is about to be increased more than 100 million times. These small water droplets is how to make their volume grew to more than 100 million times it? It mainly rely on two instruments, one is the condensation and sublimation increases. The second is to rely on cloud droplet collision and increase. In the early stages of the formation of raindrops, cloud droplets mainly depend on continuously absorbing the water vapor cloud around the body to make its own condensation and sublimation. If the water vapor cloud body to be able to continuously supply and supplement to the cloud droplet surface, often at too saturated, then the condensation process will continue, with the growing cloud droplets become raindrops. But sometimes cloud the water vapor is limited, in the same piece of cloud, the water vapor is often in short supply, so it is impossible to make every cloud droplets are larger for larger raindrops, some of the smaller cloud droplets had to be integrated into a larger of cloud droplets and going. If the cloud water droplets and ice crystals coexist inside a case, then this increase in the process of condensation and sublimation will be greatly accelerated. When the cloud of cloud droplets increases to a certain extent, due to large cloud droplets increase the size and weight, they drop the course will not only catch up with slower Xiaoyun drops, but also "annexation" more drops of Xiaoyun allowed itself to expand. When the big cloud droplets get bigger, the last big into the air can no longer care do not live it, begins with self-contained cloud to the ground, our common rain.Are many kinds of rain, in addition to acid rain, there is the color of rain, there are many interesting rain, such as frogs rain, iron rain, golden rain, rain and even money. They are a masterpiece of a tornado.


       描写莲藕的英语作文 [复制链接]

       Did not make the first time to see the lotus root vegetables on the food market. Bamboo made by a farmer carrying a basketful of it. Basket is so dirty, Lotus also be smoked with a dirty-like. I am curious to ask her mother: "What is that?" "Lotus." Her mother's answer really surprised me: the food on the table instead of white lotus, the it? This is how this pair of lotus root looks like - old and dirty. Farmer in front of the face, I said nothing, but I really dislike the lotus root.

       Because it is suspected stolen goods, over the past few years I have not eaten lotus root.

       Again approached the lotus root vegetables are not made in the summer of this year at the turn of the season. Family tours to Tianchi Lotus Park and saw a sea of people, some lotus in the background of photography, while others are mounted on the shuttle boat between the lotus leaves, with his hands stroking the bright flowers For droplets ... ... everyone in high spirits, everyone forget, of which no one does not praise the beauty of lotus flower, no one leaves the light is not amazing, not a person is not looking forward to the fruits of many lotus. I am also excited, and no one is not for the wonderful natural scenery while intoxicated.

       "In fact, video on lotus leaves next day, Maxine Hong Kingston lotus and white lotus, this is a four-in-one, but was born in underwater lotus root, can not see it." Her mother said to me.

       "Lotus is a long under water, and lotus flower is born with?" I exclaimed - who believe, who can accept the ah? !

       "Why should it underwater? And underwater so dirty? Why he did not grow to the water table, are clean and sunny, but also for people to enjoy?" At the time, I do not like the lotus root, and not only because it dirty, but also because it is vulgar, it choose to corrupt!

       "You do not learn biotechnology? Any plant growth is to rely on the land of nutrients, which depends on the plant nutrient and the root to absorb and transmit to the leaves and flowers, or plants will die. Lotus is Lotus, Lotus leaves, lotus root! "said her mother.

       I am stunned, and then self-blame, and then pain, then respect.

       Lotus root, since the world was born, they commit themselves to dirt in the muddy soil, no sun, once the mud, pure, spotless, quite to the noble conduct; it Linglong hole opening, is an open mind; it home and the next section, can be poor and lowly belief; it though soft, lotus芽儿can penetrate clear water , Jin Fei stood pedicel general, Bi-red leaves hold up, is there are just soft. Is that it gives rise to leaves, lotus flower, the lotus seed regeneration to continued pulse of life; Gan it underground, silently, and never with flowers Yan wins ... ... what qualifications do I have contempt for it! Why should not it be all the respect and love them? !

       At this time, I was reminded of a poem, " to death to make silk, wax dry before torch ashes tears." I look at her mother, I remember the teacher, as well as in my growing up helped me, love me, my education everyone!

       Recite the in on the lotus leaves, lotus seeds of poetry, I found that I love lotus root, lotus root and more like a tribute to the!












身体是怎么分解脂肪的?How does the body break down lipids?


       Whiteness glimmers in

       Dawn bends through the pane

       Fog, soft as cobwebs


       Close as a lingering ache, or

       Rejected love

       Mournful, ashen cheeked

       Muted, beautiful,

       Leeching naive day

       To congealed moonlight --

       Milky wormwood memory

       Warm breath once shared

       Mist on the mirror

       Atomized shimmering droplets

       Breath on a cold silver mirror



       Title: Lady In The Fog (A Halloween Poem)

       Once I woke up

       all alone in my bed

       something felt wrong

       like a voice in my head

       I was told to come

       To let no one follow

       through the woods, to the tree

       the only one that was hollow.

       Yes I left, all alone by myself

       I put on some jeans and a shirt

       that I grabbed off the shelf.

       I left right away

       For the voice in my head

       Was the voice of my loved one.

       The one long since dead.

       I found the tree, and didn't bother to think

       Why the water in the creek nearby was such a dark pink.

       Or the smell of something long since dead

       And ignored the bells going off in my head.

       A fog rolled in

       How it covered my sight

       And a soft sweet voice

       All alone in the night.

       The fog came in deeper

       And the sirens in my head

       Desperately warned me

       That I should've stayed in bed.

       I was so stupid

       Now that I think.

       It was blood that made the water pink.

       She came a distance

       The woman in the fog

       She wanted my life

       To keep her own

       Her eyes were red

       She sold her soul.

       Something was wrong

       But I couldn't believe

       That the one that I loved

       Had never loved me.

       Then she appeared

       before my very eyes.

       And in the pale face

       all deception and lies.

       "Your soul" she said.

       "Is all that I need. So be a good little girl, and let me feed."

       She opened her mouth

       Rows of pointy pearly whites

       turned crimson with blood

       of others from previous nights.

       "Never!" I screamed "This won't happen to me. Now that I know more than what I care to see."

       She came at me with all of her strength, but I dodged

       From her bony and evil arm length.

       I ran back through the woods ignoring the fog.

       shot into my home and set loose my dog.

       I went to sleep with covers over my head.

       And tried to ignore the whispering from under the bed.

       The next morning my dog was gone.

       Though I knew what happened

       I care not to tell.

       So I write this now for those who are next.

       Don't get caught into a trap like that in which I fell

       Or Eternal damnation

       Your private ticket to hell.





       The fog comes

       on little cat feet.

       It sits looking

       over harbor and city

       on silent haunches

       and then moves on.


       In The Fog

       In the fog we walk among trees,

       fingers touching, voices muted,

       inside a pearl, whispering.

       In the fog I stop. You recede,

       fading in cool gray curtains.

       Turn to look at me, and smile remotely.

       I cannot hear you, although I see

       your pale lips moving. In the fog

       the trees do not know each other.



       My steps along this street

       Resound in another street

       In whichI hear my steps

       Passing along this street

       In which

       Only the mist is real.


       The Yellow Fog

       The yellow fog that rubs its back upon the window-panes,

       The yellow smoke that rubs its muzzle on the window-panes

       Licked its tongue into the corners of the evening,

       Lingered upon the pools that stand in drains,

       Let fall upon its back the soot that falls from chimneys,

       Slipped by the terrace, made a sudden leap,

       And seeing that it was a soft October night,

       Curled once about the house, and fell asleep.


       A Fpggy Day

       A foggy day

       in London town

       Had me low

       and had me down.

       I viewed the morning with alarm,

       the British museum

       had lost its charm.


       Fear death?---to feel the fog in my throat,

       The mist in my face,

       When the snows begin, and the blasts denote

       I am nearing the place,

       The power of the night, the press of the storm,

       The post of the foe;

       Where he stands, the Arch Fear in a visible form;

       Yet the strong man must go:

       For the journey is done and the summit attained,

       And the barriers fall,

       Though a battle's to fight ere the guerdon be gained,

       The reward of it all.


       What seas what shores what grey rocks and what islands

       What water lapping the bow

       And scent of pine and the woodthrush singing through the fog

       What images return

       O my daughter.

       Those who sharpen the tooth of the dog, meaning


       Those who glitter with the glory of the hummingbird, meaning


       Those who sit in the sty of contentment, meaning


       Those who suffer the ecstasy of the animals, meaning


       Are become insubstantial, reduced by a wind,

       A breath of pine, and the woodsong fog

       By this grace dissolved in place.


       Look at me,

       I’m as helpless as a kitten up a tree,

       and I feel like I’m clinging to a cloud;

       I can’t understand,

       I get misty just holding your hand.


       I must go down to the sea again, to the lonely sea and the sky,

       And all I ask is a tall ship, and a star to steer her by,

       And the wheel’s kick and the wind’s song and the white sail’s shaking,

       And a gray mist on the sea’s face and a gray dawn breaking.


       The Yachts

       contend in a sea which the land partly encloses

       shielding them from the too-heavy blows

       of an ungoverned ocean which when it chooses

       tortures the biggest hulls, the best man knows

       to pit against its beatings, and sinks them pitilessly.

       Mothlike in mists, scintillant in the minute

       brilliance of cloudless days, with broad bellying sails

       they glide to the wind tossing green water

       from their sharp prows while over them the crew crawls

       ant-like, solicitously grooming them, releasing,

       making fast as they turn, lean far over and having

       caught the wind again, side by side, head for the mark.


       A solitary sail that rises

       White in the blue mist on the foam—

       What is it in far lands it prizes?

       What does it leave behind at home?


       There had been a moon, but the dark fog from the sea

       muffles the high buildings, nuzzles the masts,

       deadens the distant sounds, exciting

       the glacier sound of the port foghorn, crying

       to long-dead plesiosaurs that can no longer hear.


       Sob, heavy world,

       Sob as you spin,

       Mantled in mist, remote from the happy.


       I fled Him, down the nights and down the days;

       I fled Him, down the arches of the years;

       I fled Him, down the labyrinthine ways

       Of my own mind; and in the mist of tears

       I hid from Him, and under running laughter.

       Up vistaed hopes I sped;

       And shot, precipitated,

       Adown Titanic glooms of chasmèd fears,

       From those strong Feet that followed, followed after.

       Then towards the end, the theme of mist appears again:

       I dimly guess what Time in mists confounds;

       Yet ever and anon a trumpet sounds

       From the hid battlements of Eternity;

       Those shaken mists a space unsettle, then

       Round the half-glimpsèd turrets slowly wash again.


       The foggy, foggy dew

       When I was a bachelor I lived all alone,

       and I worked at the weaver’s trade.

       And the only, only thing that I ever did wrong,

       was to woo a fair young maid.

       I wooed her in the winter time,

       and in the summer too:

       And the only, only thing that I ever did that was wrong,

       was to save her from the foggy, foggy dew.

       One night she came to my bed side

       when I lay fast asleep:

       She laid her head upon my bed

       and she began to weep.

       She sighed, she cried, she damn’ near died,

       she said: What shall I do?

       So I hauled her into bed and I covered up her head,

       just to keep her from the foggy, foggy dew.

       Oh I am a bachelor and I live with my son,

       and we work at the weaver’s trade.

       And ev’ry single time that I look into his eyes,

       he reminds me of the fair young maid.

       He reminds me of the winter time,

       and of the summer too,

       And of the many, many times that I held her in my arms,

       just to keep her from the foggy, foggy dew.



       因此,不同于碳水化合物和蛋白质,它们必须被消化,吸收,然后输送到身体里 Because salivary enzymes have a limited role in the breakdown of lipids in food, lipids reach the stomach intact. There, they are mixed and broken up into droplets. Because lipids are not soluble in water, these droplets typically float on top of the watery digestive juices in the stomach until they are passed into the small intestine.由于唾液酶在分解食物中的脂肪能力有限,脂肪到达胃部时是没有变化的。在胃里,它们混合,破裂成微滴。由于脂肪是不溶于水的,这些微滴浮在胃里的消化液面上直到它们进入小肠。 The gallbladder, liver, and pancreas release enzymes and pass to small intestine to assist in fat digestion, absorption of lipids occurs primarily in the small intestine. Fat is stored in adipose tissues for later use.胆囊,肝脏,和胰腺释放酶并进入小肠帮助消化脂肪,脂肪的吸收首先在小肠。脂肪被储存在脂肪组织中供以后使用。 There are three primary fats of these dietary triglycerides: They can immediately be taken up and used as a source of energy for the cells, especially by the muscle cells.They can be used to make lipid-containing compounds in the body.They can be stored in the muscle or adipose tissue for later use.脂肪的三种基本用途:它们可以马上用以细胞能量的来源,特别是肌肉细胞。它们可以用来合成身体需要的脂类化合物。它们能储存在肌肉或脂肪组织作为以后使用。


       Clouds are aggregates of water droplets or ice crystal colloids that remain in the atmosphere. Clouds are a tangible result of the enormous water cycle on Earth. When the sun shines on the surface of the earth, water evaporates to form water vapor. Once water vapor is supersaturated, water molecules will gather around the dust (condensation nodules) in the air. The resulting droplets or ice crystals scatter sunlight in all directions, which results in the appearance of clouds.

        My Experience in the Morning Fog

        Fog is a natural phenomenon.It usually appears in the morning,so people call it morning fog.

        It is Tuesday today.I got up very early to do some jogging as uaual.When I got out of the building.I found that I was surrounded by the fog.I didn't know whether I was in a dream or not,because everything was not clear.The street lights seemed far away,like stars in the sky.

        I couldn't see anything or anybody three metres away.Only could I hear some sounds.When people came nearer,I could see them clearly.My hair was wet.Droplets were on my face.

        The morning fog was gradually disappearing when the sun rose in he east.All the things were clear again.追问




        答:In a summer afternoon, I and my friend Jimmy came to the has long been known for the Amazon prairie, here, we finally a taste of the let us dream of an oasis in the savanna, moist atmosphere unique to a tropical grassland will we surrounded them, looking at everything in front of this, my heart suddenly a very admire, me for a long time stood staring at mind seems to get infinite...Pair of Jimmy lively and lovely eyes suddenly get a brainwave, grinning at me: "Hey, you don't now see stay! Now, but just start! The stimulus is yet to e!" Then, he took out a telescope from the backpack, *** iling to me: "I am ready to see more fully! Look at you, you only have a medical box." And I made a face at me. "Biechao! We have to get to the village before three o'clock in the afternoon!" Leader a face serious. Jimmy could not continue to say."Why? This is what kind of brand ah?" Jimmy looked at the old sign that was in front of him." The leader slowly walks forward, "the original is a sign! We have to move on!"Through the thick jungle, we finally arrived at the village leader said, "actually met silvesterklause!"The village people invited us to eat a tofu brain food, although do not know its name, but it was delicious!" This is called "golden meat, is called the baby brain Kwei mountain."The jungle adventure seemed to be over, and everyone began to pack their bags."My, God Oh!"Jimmy to react immediately he from coach hands grabbed flashlights, a photo -- turned out to be a like they have a huge belly monster, leader at this time also respond to e over, put a copy from the roadside pick up the sticks and protects in the everyone's side, "he whispered said:" this is mountain Kwei! We eat is the cub! You don't move! Then he will attack! Caution!"Leader and it is so dry consumption, suddenly, he from the ground picked up the bush land and falling in the needle like leaves, with an incredible speed threw mountain Kwei, is almost at the same time, he shouted: "run!"This is what you have to e to the bushes, and to the bushes."Ah! It's good to run fast, or you will have to see my father!" Jimmy ganxiao.In this way, the jungle adventure is over.


        Although the world develops much faster and better,the resources on the earth get fewer and fewer.In order to protect them,something must be done.Save water.Water is the source of life.No water,no life.So it's very important for us to do so.Not only should we protect drinking water and stop polluting it,but also make full use of it.Save electricity.It is crucial.We can't imagine what the life will be like without it.Everyone should do his best to save electricity.Don't fet to turn off lights or other electric machines when we finish working.Save forests.They are useful .Please stop cutting them down and use recycled paper instead...It is crucial.Don'.No water.We can',no life.Everyone should do his best to save electricity,but also make full use of it.So it't imagine what the life will be like without it,paper.They are useful ;s very important for us to do so.Please stop cutting them down and use recycled paper instead.Plenty of rubbish can be recycled like cans.Not only should we protect drinking water and stop polluting it.In order to protect them.We can save resources in this way Although the world develops much faster and better.Save water.Water is the source of life.Save forests.Make our world a green one to live in,something must be done,bottles;t fet to turn off lights or other electric machines when we finish working,the resources on the earth get fewer and fewer.Recycle useful rubbish,and so on.Save electricity


        探险活动 On Adventure Activities Depending on personal experience, preference and emotion, different people have different views towards adventure activities like rock climbing and bungee jumping. As far as I am concerned, these adventure activities have a great positive effect on our physical and mental health. 由于个人经历,爱好和情感不同,对于冒险活动不同的人有不同的看法,像攀岩、蹦极。


        There are reasons accounting for my view. For one thing, it is a good way to keep our body health. In modern society, most people are busier than ever before and have less time to take exercise, so the positive effects that doing exercises bring to us is unprecedented needed. Attending adventure activities now and then can help us keep fit and keep labor and relax in balance. For another, attending adventure activities also has a great impact on keeping our mental health. Most people in modern society suffer greater pressure than ever before and need to release it effectively and promptly. Attending adventure activates needs more concentration and attention and that can help us release our pressure by distracting our attention from work and study. There is no denying that releasing pressure in time is good for our mental health. 以下的理由可以支持我的观点。







        To put it in a nutshell, attending adventure activities has a great positive effect on our health. However, one thing should be reminded of that, adventure activities are not appropriated for everyone and great attention should be given while attending. 简而言之,参加冒险活动对我们的健康有很大的积极作用。















        I haven't ever really found a place that I call homeI never stick around quite long enough to make itI apologize that once again I'm not in loveBut it's not as if I mind that your heart ain't exactly breakingIt's just a thought, only a thoughtAnd if my life is for rent and I don't learn to buyWell I deserve nothing more than I getCause nothing I have is truly mineI've always thought that I would love to live by the seaTo travel the world alone and live more simplyI have no idea what's happened to that dreamCause there's really nothing left here to stop meIt's just a thought, only a thoughtAnd if my life is for rent and I don't learn to buyWell I deserve nothing more than I getCause nothing I have is truly mineAnd if my life is for rent and I don't learn to buyWell I deserve nothing more than I getCause nothing I have is truly mineWhile my heart is a shield and I won't let it downWhile I am so afraid to fail so I won't even tryWell how can I say I'm aliveAnd if my life is for rent and I don't learn to buyWell I deserve nothing more than I getCause nothing I have is truly mineAnd if my life is for rent and I don't learn to buyWell I deserve nothing more than I getCause nothing I have is truly mineCause nothing I have is truly mineCause nothing I have is truly mineCause nothing I have is truly mine

汤姆索亚历险记 英语作文





        "Adventures of Tom Sawyer " is a major American writer Mark Twain in the United States children 's life as the main written . It is a popular 1876 novel .And the master Tom is an ideal ambitious boy also has his troubles , Mark Twain 's hero Tom with its vivid images, Gives us deep impression ."Adventures of Tom Sawyer " is a children 's book , after reading so that I began to pity the modern children 's life.
















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